Tuesday, February 17, 2009

An Interview with the most interesting person in the world....

Ok, maybe not. It's just me! I am still answering some questions from some of my readers... so here goes. (Please, don't see this as a desperate attempt to blog SOMETHING today and I am out of ideas.. cause that is not the case. I am a wealth of creative ideas and I, um, just can't choose which awesome idea to go with... yeah, that's it...)

1.what are the top 5 sites you log onto when you get on the Internet?

Well, this is easy!
1. Newsweek.com
2. thesecretsiteforawesomebloggersonly.com
3. Rocket Scientists.com
4. brain surgery for dummies.com
5. Supermodel body doubles (I'm a regular contributor)

Ok, maybe not. This could be embarrassing and make me look like a superficial brainless, un-cultured (is that a word) cow. But I actually visit...(in this order)
1. Perez Hilton
2. TMZ
3. I Has A Hot Dog
4. Fail BLog
5. I can has a cheezburger

But I swear, after I visit those, I am off to research time travel and cures for diseases..(or, I just go to webmd and look up my recent ailments.. concluding that I do in fact have every incurable and very rare disease know to man..)

Question #2
Do you ever post things and then delete them because it was either not a good post or knew that if the person it was about ever read it you'd be embarrassed?

yes, and the person was myself... see question #1

Question #3
What book do you remember reading as a child that literally sparked your lifelong love of books?

Oh yes! The Little House on the Prairie series! I remember I got the box set for christmas when I was 9 and I was so excited.It was my favorite gift, ever. I also got a bike that year, so you can see where my priorities lie. I recently bought the box set for my best friend and she was so excited!! I may just have to borrow them!

So that's it... I am just plain fascinating, ain't I?


  1. i love your real answers for number 1!

  2. i so do #2.... but i also see it as a form of therapy. even if the person or whatever never reads it... it totally makes me feel better to get it outta my head!!

  3. TMZ is like my favorite site, I even have it on my homepage, shhh don't tell.

  4. TMZ is my fave! I used to watch the show every night but they took it off the air..not fair!

  5. I loved the R.L. Stine books as a kid...as an adult however, I don't particulary care for murder/suspense/mysteries....I don't know what happened!

    I'm guilty of #2...I think we all are...

  6. Wow! I'm an idiot - I actually tried to go to:


  7. hello? on the banks of plum creek, anybody? my all time fave.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. ohhhh, LOVE your new look!
    no digi scrapping for me. See, I could do that from home and my mission is to LEAVE the house

  10. I got the box set of Little House books too! I still have them! I love those books. Maybe my daughter will read them soon too.

  11. I think I read the Little House books too!!! You're one cool lady!

  12. I love this post!!!! you make me giggle....and we have lots of things in common! I loved reading too...man I wish I had time to read more than blogs...but...I think I prefer the blogs...as it lets me play with my friends! lol

  13. Yes you are! Very interesting!

    My books of choice were Nancy Drew.

  14. You know, some things we just can't live without our daily does ... hehe! ;)

  15. TMZ...do you watch the show too? :)

    You're so funny, I love it.

  16. I have never heard of the hot dog or cheezburger one. What am I missing out on?

  17. I saw the first list of websites and was like wtf?? lol!

  18. I'll admit it. I wondered about the validity of the second site you listed in the first grouping. I may have googled it. I will plead the lack-of-sleep excuse!

  19. An interview with yourself....so you. You look cute in your new blog design :)

  20. Yes you are! And good for you for coming clean about your true online interests ... they pretty much align with mine ... though I also love reading the "Dear Abby" stuff I can find on Yahoo.

    And love me some Laura Ingalls!

  21. I read this:
    and was all "why hasn't anyone told me about the secret site for awesome bloggers only? Oh.my.gosh. I am totally not awesome enough...yet"

  22. Love the Little House books! Weird thing is, I think I was 30 when I read them for the first time!

  23. i read a few of the little house on the prarie books. but my series was nancy drew. loved them!

    how are you liking the new wally lamb book? i will eventually read it because i like his writing.

  24. haha, i visited perez daily as well. i'm not proud of it but oh well. we all have vices.

  25. Cool post ! (Love the new look, BTW, I've been kinds MIA lately so I hadn't seen it yet!!)
    I stop by Photoshop Disasters daily. (If I'm up late TMZ is still on TV around here!)
    My favorite book as a kid, and probably still was "Laddie" by Gene Stratton Porter, she also wrote "Girl of the Limberlost" (if that is at all familiar?)

  26. once i started thinking about my childhood books, i couldn't stop. ended up writing a post about the subject and referenced your post.

    thanks for getting me to reflect such good memories.

  27. Nancy Drew, Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley Twins, so many. Oh and the Anne of Green Gables series and The Box Car Children books! LOL! At least those, I also loved fairy tales...little did I know how dark they could be!LOL

  28. Heck, delete posts, I've had to delete a comment (my own) on my own site! I loved Little House too!

  29. I loved Little House as well. I am trying to get my daughter into them now!! You can get a lot of valuable info visiting Perez and TMZ.

  30. i go to TMZ too~ I can't help myself~

  31. I have always been a reader, too. Still love the Anne of Green Gables books! My brother had Little House, and being the non-reader that he is/was, he actually hollowed out the book to hide firecrackers in it. *sigh of disgust*
    I never have read Litte House, but should and will!

  32. This is the first time I've visited you. I love the humor in your blog. Keep it up! I also love reading Fail Blog.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.