Monday, February 16, 2009

Question of the Week... (a new Monday regular!)

I am going to be posting a weekly question to get us all going on Monday mornings.. This one is slightly late.. cause I've been working on my page. But here goes:


For me, it's an easy one. I would relive my whole pregnancy with Roslyn and those first few years of her life. I was so sick and miserable when I was pregnant.. I feel like I got cheated. I never got to experience that "glow"... I was too busy puking my brains out. And as for the baby years.. well, they were just a blur. I have trouble even remembering them now. How sad it that? I was going to school and working (mostly at home) and I feel like I missed it all. I mean, I was there, but I wasn't. Does that even make sense? I feel like I wasn't "present" enough. I was paying enough attention. I didn't take enough video or pictures. I didn't record it all. I'm sure all moms feel that way. I remember being so tired, I could barely stand. But I would do it again in a second!

I would definitly like to go back to that first year, because I had some major post-partum issues. Now, that I can recognize my depression and anxiety, I think it would make for a much more pleasant experience. I would have sought help sooner. I wouldn't have suffered like I did. That was a scary time in my life. But I think with a little knowledge it could have been much better.

So, that's the question. You can answer here or on your blog! Have fun and I hope it sparks some nice memories for ya.


  1. I think I would have maybe gotten my Master's Degree right after I had graduated with my undergrad. Now, I just don't have it in me.

  2. I would go back to college and just redo the whole thing. I had a horrible boyfriend who pretty much ruined it for me.

  3. You so need to get pregnant again!

    Love the new look!

  4. I cant look back...there's a lot of dark shit back there. So to speak.

    But I might have looked up ADD medications sooner...


  5. I love the new look and your new header it looks great! I think I would go back and relive college to focus on my studies more.

  6. I think I would redo high school and make some different choices. I have always been smart but not always motivated so I think if I could redo high school (not that I want to deal with all the BS and "drama") I would kick ass in my classes and get scholarships for college instead of all these damn loans I am paying on now.

    By the way I like your new look.

  7. i think that maybe instead of goin' to college with all my friends then not even finishing (though i was soo close) i would have went to a tech school and got a cosmotoglogy degree to go with my occupation.

    p.s. im with semi slacker mom... i think you should have another little one!!!

  8. I used to want to go back to college so that I could make better connections with professors who would help me with my career. But since I no longer am doing what I originally studied in college— there's no point in doing that now.

  9. I would go back and relive exactly the same thing as you, Kel, for exactly the same reasons!!!!

  10. I would probably go back and relive the first few years of my marriage. I had the kids within the first three years of our marriage and those were the best times for me. The hardest for sure, but still the best.

  11. I love the new look!

    I wouldn't change a single thing in my life - even the sucky experiences and massive foul-ups - they are mine and part of who I have become. So, I am content to relive in memory (and to be thankful I made it through some things).

  12. I think maybe I would drink less beer and go to more of my university classes! had too much fun and still did well....ummmmm....lets see...I would not have dated some of the losers I did...and would not have gotten myself kicked out of high school for beating up that girl....yea that's it!
    this is fun...thanks for the question

  13. Oooh...scary thoughts. Um...I'm going to say I probably wouldn't redo any of it.

    I'm with Halftime Lessons...the past has too many dark scary places in it.


  14. omg I don't think I could choose. However, I would LOVE to see my parents again. I think I would relieve the balmy summer evenings on Lemon Road in McLean, Virginia. We would have all the neighbors over for a cocktail party, and the kids (me included) would run around the back yard catching lightening bugs and listening to the bubbling laughter coming from our parents sitting on the deck.

    those were the days.

  15. I'm with you:) I would go back to my first pregnancy. I puked my way through the whole nine months! I would try to just be a bit more relaxed and be in the moment.

    Love your new look! It's pretty!

  16. I'm sorry you suffered from Post Pardum Depression. I really think that's one of those rarely talked about issues that many many women suffer from.

    I'm glad you are in a healthier place in life now!

  17. Oh, forgot to answer:
    I would relive my entire childhood. I didn't have the best upbringing and I wish I could do it over and be a stronger individual.

  18. Loved your 'viva la hula' comment-cracked me up!

  19. I would go back to high school and NOT have as much fun as the first time around.

  20. kel! look at you! i love your new look!!!!!! definitely worth the wait.

    i would relive my first year of college fo shiz.

  21. Love the new look!
    I would definately relive the year I left college. I only had six months left to finish my program and I let a co ordinator bully me into feeling insecure and worthless. I knew I was good dammit! but still I was too weak to stand up to her and quiting was just so easy.

  22. If and only if I could go back with the knowledge I have now..I would go back to my Senior year in high school. Be the person I was, without looking back..instead of playing into all the garbage that we as teenagers were subjected to.

    P.S. Love the new layout!

  23. I'd probably go back and wait until I finished college before I got married. Other than that, it's all good.

  24. High school. And college. And I'd spend less time on boys and more time on girlfriend relationships. Then, maybe, I'd have a clue on how to raise my daughter to not be like me. :)

  25. i'm not sure what i'd go back to relive. something i'll think about.

    if i were to go back and relive when my children were younger, i would definitely blog. that's a regret i have, but blogs weren't big back then. i really envy moms who have the opportunity to blog during this time of theirs and their children's lives. history should be recorded.

  26. I'm sure there are a couple things that I should probably want to go back and do differently, but if I changed anything about what I did, I wouldn't be where I am now....I have to believe it's where I'm meant to be.
    Love the new look's gorgeous!

  27. I would have finished college by now. I hae one semeter left and I keep putting it off.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  28. I hear you ... I think the first year of motherhood is the time I would revisit too -- assuming I have the knowledge I do now. I too had postpartum depression issues that just caused so many problems and what now seems like ridiculous anxiety.

  29. Mine would also be the birth of my first child. I had terrible post partum and didn't really get to enjoy the first few years of her life..if I could go back and do it all again I certainly would and i would soak up all the time that I had with my precious baby.

  30. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  31. I would go back and change the years I lived with my Grandparents. My Grandma died way too young and I would of stayed home more with her, learned her recipes, stuff like that!!! I miss that woman!!

  32. it was all about a binky she called it a "passy"
    the kid was old enough to get out of the car seat to pick it up. she thought it was cute. i told her he was a bit old for one if he could undo his seat to find a lost "PASSY" she was "hurt and humiliated" by me. she even made her blog private because of me.

  33. HEY CHICA! I LOVE THE NEW LOOK! sorry, took the caps off. lol

    i can't answer this question, for fear of it ever coming back to haunt me. lol...however i kinda would like to do what you said...i didn't have post partum, but had a very cholicy baby and also had to go back to work, and didn't enjoy those early times...just like you said. I also didn't record things, or take videos or anything either. it was a rough time, my husband had gotten fired when i was 8 mths pregnant and so it was stressful. i think it should have been more of a happy time. BUT IT IS NOW, it's much better and i think when i have another child i will enjoy those early times more...i miss you. JOIN FACEBOOK SO I CAN BOTHER YOU THERE! lol

  34. I would like to go back to the baby days again too. I guess you and I are just gluttons for punishment!

  35. I like the new meme. Thanks for sharing the story. I don't like to admit to any regrets, but I think I'd relive undergrad. I think I'd be in a very different place if I had more direction back then.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.