Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is why you're fat...

Check this link. Thisiswhyyourefat

Holy crap.
Um, should I be concerned if some those look nummy to me??


  1. lol, i want the fry encased hot dog! :P

  2. Can I have those oreos?

    Hugs and Mocha,

  3. Whoa! The corn dog pizza is gross! Sadly, everything else looked kinda yummy, except for that Frankenturkeybaconchicken thingy..

  4. I am drooling over the french fry encased hot dog and the fried mars bar (although, I really prefer a fried snickers!) Mmmmmmmmmmmm

  5. I'll take the Oreo orgasm please..and I'll take the omelet with about 4 ta-go boxes so I can munch on it later...the rest of that crap looked like experiments, not food...lol

  6. What do you mean some?! That stuff makes the Egg Beaters I just ate pale in comparison. I'll take 1 of everything. In a brown paper bag so no one knows my guilty little secret. You know,like porn?

  7. now you went and made me hungry for that FATTY melt! LOL

  8. My dry conrflakes are feeling kinda crappy after all that fabulousness! I could eat every last one of those oreos!

    You will never believe this, but my MIL actually cooked one of those duck in a chicken in a turkey things - Turducken - no bacon! It's the ultimate in redneck cooking....and it was actually good!

  9. i may need to rethink this diet i am on. i didn't know delicacies like those existed, although at first i thought i was looking at the cheesecake factory menu.

  10. OMG that just looks disgusting and the corn dog pizza YUCK!!

  11. Well, I agree. Some of those look great!

  12. I gained about 200 lbs just looking at those pics.

    Some looked yummy and some made me wanna barf, I mean, who thought of some of those things????

  13. I'm fat and I don't even eat half that stuff. But that happy meal pizza looked good.

  14. i feel really bad cause The Double Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt looked really good! i have issues! lol

  15. It is amazing what people can come up with when they have a bunch of random stuff and hot oil to fry it all.

  16. was there something wrong with those foods?? :) holy cow man talk about king sizing your food, and for some reason I am craving a hamburger and fries now!

  17. I so want the french fry hot bog! Actually, a lot of the foods look pretty good to me.

  18. Wow that is something, I've never seen so such combos and it kinda makes me a little grossed out...

  19. OH MY!!!
    This one: Deep Fried Peanut Butter-Covered Brownie Wrapped In Cookie Dough
    Sounds good!

  20. Come to my hometown and try a horseshoe.

    Texas toast, hamburger on top of that, cover that in fries, then pour cheese sauce over the whole thing.


  21. Mega Double Stuff Oreo

    I'm gonna try that one!!! my mouth is big enough lol

  22. I was fine until I hit the stack of oreos. Now I need to try it if for no other reason than to see if I can stack them that high.

  23. I'm kind of disgusted and kind of turned on. Is that weird?

  24. I'm afraid to click ... I know why I'm fat. I don't need more temptation.

  25. I love deep-fried Oreos! Better than sex!:O

  26. Funny, my husband was looking at this and telling me about it tonight at supper.

  27. oh man... some of those pictures are crazy. some were also very intriguing. like the chicken inside the duck inside the turkey and then wrapped in bacon. crazy!

  28. Yeowza! I'm feeling chest pain just peeking :)

    I'm jonesin' for some fries and a corn dog now.

  29. Oh my gosh!!!!! I didn't eat dinner thinking I was saving some calories. I AM STARVING NOW!!!!

  30. Okay I think I saw the Garbage plate on Food network...that deepfried brownie thing looks interesting...just a bite to try it!!

  31. Some of those DO look good. Some are just crazy gross though, lol! Thanks for sharing!

  32. Mmmm...I'm hungry now!

    Someday I wanna make a tur-duck-en.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.