Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Would You Rather??

Sorry I haven't posted much this week, my modem was down. To make it up to you, I'm posting "would you rather" slightly earlier than usual. If you're new, here's how you play. I give you a question with two possible answers, you have to pick one. You cannot say neither!(Saying neither will result in an immediate rash in your nether regions. Yes, I can do that.)
Have fun!


grow a third nipple or extra toe?


be gossiped about or never talked about at all?


find out that you made out with your long lost brother(and didn't know it?) or see your dad naked?


do the Macarena naked in front of 10 strangers or the Chicken Dance in your underwear in front of 5 people you know?


Which grown up child star would you like to give a full body sponge bath and massage to? (make sure you get all those crevices!)

Gary Coleman?

or Steve Urkel?


  1. Too funny.

    AN extra toe. I sort of feel like I already have one.

    This is tough. Probably be gossiped about.

    See my dad naked.

    Macarena naked.

    I'm going to have to go with Urkel.

  2. hehe!! I am laughing so hard at this one!!

    Extra toe.
    Be gossiped about.
    See my dad naked (eeeewwww).
    Macarena naked.
    I am going with Urkel on this one.

  3. extra toe
    never talked about
    make out with bro
    chicken dance
    steve urkel haha

    Fun post!! I'm totally grossed out but it was a lot of fun :]

  4. oh Kel, this is really hilarious!!! but anyway, here goes.

    extra toe.
    be gossiped about.
    make out with brotha.
    macarena dance naked.
    lastly, steve, of course.

    okay, im really forced to decide on all these. really cant believe it. LOL!!!

  5. third nipple
    be gossiped about
    kiss brother-- hey hes long lost- so maybe he will get lost after the ordeal
    Chicken Dance in your underwear in front of 5
    Nerdie Steve is hot in real life- so yeah steve

  6. I would take the extra toe. I have enough breast tissue. HaHa

    I'd say be gossiped about because I like attention and it's actually fun to start rumors about myself and see them roar! Just because then I can make fun of the believers.

    I have seen my dad naked, believe it or not...so that one.

    I would take the chicken dance in my undies...because 5 people I know? Well, my hubby and my boys make up three and then I wouldn't mind my best friend and my sister or something...I don't think they'd care...

    Ok and I think this is a toughy...I'd say Steve because he wouldn't be quite as gross...and I would only do this in a professional manner, by the way, covering all other areas with a towel and all like they do in spas.

  7. Very difficult questions, I must say...

    1. I think the extra toe wins.
    2. I would rather be gossipped about than not at all. I'm vain that way.
    3. See my dad naked, because hey, did I not come from those loins?
    4. Chicken Dance in my undies. I like that song better.
    5. Steve Urkel, because Gary freaks me out somewhat.

  8. Looks like Steve Urkel is pretty popular in your comments so far! Hee hee.

    I'm going to say:
    extra toe
    gossiped about
    see dad naked
    dance the macarena
    and I'm choosing Steve Urkel too. He grew up quite nicely last I saw. ;-)

  9. OK..I'll have one extra toe, gossip, a brother, be a chicken and I'll take Urkel but I'll have to put a sock in his mouth so he can't speak.

  10. An extra toe because my balance has always been a bit off and this can only help.

    Never talked about at all because I ALWAYS feel like people are talking about me. What? Have you seen me? They cant help it.

    Long lost brother. At least I didn't know it.

    Macarena nekkid in fron of 10 strangers. If I were nekkid in front of people I knew, they would all talk about me. (See answer 2)

    Gary Coleman casue at least he still looks like a kid.

    Thanks for playing! Next contestant please!

  11. An extra toe.

    Never talked about. I'm not very thick-skinned.

    Long lost brother. It's not like we planned it.

    Macarena Naked. 'Cause that's just hot.

    And Urkel. Have you SEEN him recently? He's freaking sexy! ;) Okay, maybe not, but he's NOT gary coleman. ;)

  12. hmmm.

    an extra toe.

    i guess be gossiped about. although i'm not thick-skinned so it would definitely hurt.

    long lost brother since i didn't know it.

    chicken dance.

    urkel i guess. although not a fan of either. :)

  13. I love when you do these. Okay here goes...

    extra toe
    gossiped about
    long lost brother
    chicken dance 5 ppl I know

    and to answer you from earlier - no lawl right now. i'm not currently rich enough. lol ;)

  14. extra toe
    gossiped about
    see dad *barf* naked
    chicken dance- heck i'm pretty sure i already did this one : )
    and oh my, steve urkel

  15. Why do you ask such awful questions that I don't want to have to think about???

    extra toe (I can hide it under socks)
    gossiped about
    Is my long lost brother cute? Ewwwww!
    chicken dance

  16. Oh my all disturbing questions...

    Definitely not 6 toes. I would never find any shoes!!

  17. Let's see...

    1. Third nipple. You almost never wear clothes that reveal your nipples but you wear open toed shoes all the time.

    2. Tough call. I think I'd rather have people gossiping about me. Any press is good press, right?

    3. I'd rather see my dad naked. Ugh.

    4. Chicken Dance, all the way.

    5. Urkel. Gary Coleman looks like he was rode hard and put away wet. He's had a lot more rough years than Urkel.

  18. Groannnnnn...you really know how to give me the heeby jeebies!

  19. Extra toe
    Don't talk about me
    Make out with brother
    What you talkin' about, Kel?

  20. extra toe - those can be removed..
    be gossiped about - why not

    find out that you made out with your long lost brother(and didn't know it?) - definitely

    do the Macarena naked in front of 10
    strangers - never will see them again, no photography though

    Gary Coleman - no idea who he is

  21. Uhhh...I can't remember all of those things, but I would much rather grow a third nipple...I think it would be easier to hide. Plus, I could still shop for cute shoes!

  22. A third nipple, because I like to wear flip flops too much. At least I could cover up the nipple.

    Not talked about at all.

    My dad naked.

    I think that I have done the Chicken Dance in my underwear in front of friends. I had a couple of wild years in college.

    Last one is a toughy....but I think that I would go with Gary Coleman. He is smaller, so maybe it would go by faster.

    Great list! Disturbing, but great! LOL!

  23. OMG! Ooops, sorry, can't post...I'm busy throwing up in my mouth.

    I'm going to have nightmares now. I can already tell. Thanks Kel.

  24. Oh Lordy...

    I think I would rather have the third nipple, be gossiped out, found out I made out with my brother, do the chicken dance, and EW. Urkel. But EW.

  25. You crack me up:

    Ok nipple? I think easier to remove ;)
    Gossip all you want just means you're jealous ... LOL
    Chicken dance ... underwear can be a full cammy and boy shorts right :).
    Erkel didn't you see him when they dedorked him ... he was a hottie :)

  26. Love these!

    1. Third nipple...wooo!
    2. Gossip
    3. Brother
    4. Chicken Dance
    5. haha. Urkel.

  27. Is it odd that for me the first one was the hardest? Don't want an extra nipple but what would I do with all my sandals if I had an extra toe...

    I'd rather be not talked about
    Chicken Dance

  28. I missed this last week. Boo

    Extra nipple - only the hubby would see it & why would he care...he loves me. And my pretty feet are about all I have going for me (toot toot).

    never talked about

    make out with bro

    Chicken Dance as long as I could pick those 5 people.

    steve urkel and yucko

  29. You've outdone yourself this time...

    toe ... and then I'd slice it off.
    gossiped about ... cuz then I'm famous and rich, right?
    brother...and then I'll lose him again
    Chicken Dance ... ain't nobody gonna see me naked
    Coleman...I'll just pretend he is a baby


  30. toe. my sis in law was born with 6 toes on each foot.
    gossiped about. please... this is my life!
    dad naked. again, been there, done that.
    chicken dance
    it's a coin toss, but leaning towards urkel.

  31. okay ~ here you go:

    third nipple ~ i need all the boobs I can get!
    Talked about ~ at least people are jealous enough to care...
    Brother ~ my life is already enough of a soap opera, so it wouldn't matter.
    Macerena ~ at least I wouldn't know those people.
    I think Urkel ~ Gary Coleman is icky!

    This is too funny ~ one of the best ever! :)

  32. Extra toe - because I can hide this under socks.

    Be gossiped about.

    My dad is dead, so that would be really freak to somehow see him naked, so I guess I'll pick my long-lost brother.

    Since the Chicken Dance/underwear one has already happened (or something very similar), I'll pick that.

    Bonus: Coleman. That pic of Urkel on that couch makes me gag. Seriously.

  33. Hand over the extra toe! Talk about me all you want! Probably kiss my brother (thank GOD I'm an only child) Macarena seems appropriate, and Send me Steve Urkel.

  34. extra toe
    gossiped about
    chicken dance (the people who know me are used to see me do strange things... :D)

    And I don't know who either of those guys are, but I'll go with Urkel. :D

  35. yeeesh... you musta been in a GROO-OOOSS mood when you done this!!!

    extra toe... at least i could always cover it up.. plus havin' a 3rd nipple would drive my hubby nutty and i would never be left alone, lol

    i guess never talked about..

    uuuuggghhh... my dad naked, i think that it would just totally gross me out if i made out with a long lost brother

    gary coleman... at least there is less of him to wash, lol!!

  36. Extra nipple - how cool could that be? Extra pleasure AND you would totally get free drinks at the bar if you flashed a third nipple...

    Never talked about at all - I'm just way too sensitive for my own good.

    I've seen my dad naked and it brought my own sex life to a screeching halt for a good year.

    Chicken Dance - because y'all ain't getting a free look at my third nipple.

    I think Urkel. I bet Gary Coleman is/was a wrinkly little man with lots of crevices (he's dead now right?)...

  37. How do you come up with these things? At first, I find myself giggling and then I feel completely grossed out!!! LOL!!

    Extra toe (cuz it's easy to hide)

    Never be talked about (I'm way too sensitive)

    Make out with long-lost bro (I saw my dad naked once by accident and it scarred me for life)

    Macarena naked (as long as those strangers don't have cell phones with cameras on them)

    Steve Urkel (less fat rolls to get in between to clean)

  38. You have reached new heights with this one..I am totally grossed out.

    Extra Toe
    Never Talked about

  39. wow, think i may need some therapy after this, but here goes:

    extra toe
    gossiped about
    chicken dance

  40. 3rd nipple - i'm already married nobody sees the girls anymore and I love me some flip flops
    gossiped about
    see dad naked
    macarena - underwear really isn't much different than naked and those people don't know me
    gary coleman - there's way less of him. shouldn't take as long.

    And i just threw up in my mouth a little.

  41. I say 3rd nipple, I bet I can more $$ that way
    I never get talked about at all, so gossip me!!
    see dad naked, ugh.
    mascera, nude is my color

  42. I want an extra toe... NOT an extra nipple..OMG!

    Never talked about. I am too sensitive:(

    Make out with long lost brother. We didn't know then...right??

    Chicken dance in underware, cause if I am kinda covered I can look hot! LOL!

    {{surpressing puke}}Gary Coleman, cause Urkel is so annoying!

  43. I can't remember all the choices, but I love that pic of Urkel.

  44. Extra toe, that's more useful.
    Gossip about me!
    The next one's a toss up. Naked dad, I guess.
    Chicken Dance. I never can remember the Macarena.
    Urkel. Gary Coleman is crazy.

  45. LQQkie here...

  46. Will be back to do this meme. lol.
    Urkel def.

  47. Holy frijoles... I'm snorting away over here. This is hi.ar.ious!

    Extra toe
    Never talked about
    Make out with brother

  48. Yuck...I can't even begin to answer, lol...but I am getting a kick out of everyone else's comments.

  49. grow a third nipple ~ an extra toe would just piss me off,and make finding good shoes really hard.

    be gossiped about ~ I guess,otherwise you might as well not be.

    See my dad naked ~ I would never be able to get over sharing spit with my bro,even if I didn't know he was my bro at that time.

    the Chicken Dance in your underwear in front of 5 people you know ~ there isn't even a choice here.I hate the Macarena!

    I would spongebath Steve Urkel.Gary Coleman completely freaks me out,and at least Urkel has a respectable body.Whereas Coleman makes me feel like a pedophile.

  50. Extra toe
    Gossiped about
    See my dad naked
    Dance in my underware infront of my friends.. I have and i have lived to tell!
    Gary Coleman. Urkel is creepy.

  51. I seriously worry about your mind sometimes...lol!

    chicken dance


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.