Sunday, April 19, 2009

A meme.. 'cause I've got nothing today..

1. What is your current obsession?
I have a very obsessive personality, so there are usually a few going on.. right now, it's online scrabble, books about the civil rights movement, and shopping online for spring clothes.

2. What’s a good coffee place?
My kitchen! Actually I hate to say it, but I love Starbucks. (I know, they are taking over the world.) But, if I see an independent coffee shop, I ALWAYS stop.

3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
My pug, Dexter

4. Do you nap a lot?
Oh God, I adore napping. Every weekend I have my Sunday nap and it freaking ROCKS!

5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Crap, I don't know.. am I suppossed to plan that stuff out ahead of time??

6. What was the last thing that you bought?
People Style Magazine and a pack of Reese Peices, cause I spend my money wisely.

7. What is your favorite weather?
I love a nice snowy day. I love it when we are "snowed in" and can't go anywhere!

8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
I have no idea who will play along.. but those who don't will suffer long and painful torture. (you will be forced to watch reruns of Macgyver)

9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
Um, where I live. Duh.

10. Name three things that you could not live without.
My family, my pug, and candy.

11. What would you like in your hands right now?
Oh, I know what you want me to say, and I'm not going to say it. You filthy perverts.

12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
Rocking out to 80's songs with hubby in the car. We do some awesome choreography and there is a lot of "pass the mike" going on.

13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
I am a hypochodriac... big time.
Here is a link to emphasize that fact.

14. As a child, what type of career did you want?
I always dreamed of being a writer. I used to write stories for my parents and then for my friends as I got older. For awhile, in High School, I gave up the dream and decided to be a preschool teacher. But then I learned that I hate kids. Ok, wait. That sounded bad. I hate ugly, bratty kids. There that sounds better.

15. What are you missing right now?
Ambition.. I seem to have none lately.

16. What are you currently reading?
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

17. What do you fear the most?
That one day my daughter's stuffed animal collection will come to life and kill us all in a bloody massacre. Well that, and spiders.

18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
Hmm... it's a tie between Edward Penishands and Breast Side Story. Both cinematic masterpieces, the acting superb. Although I must say, the camera work during the love scenes was very intense.

19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
Um... don't ask me that... that's too hard. Fine, if I have to choose, this one.

20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Um, yes... all comfort foods. But especially the fatty, cheesy, greasy ones.


  1. I can't wait to take a Sunday nap today. I am meeting a friend for breakfast, so I am up much earlier than normal!

  2. I am heading for a nap soon too. But to be honest, I take one everyday. And they all Rock!

  3. I loved MacGyver. In fact, I had a big crush on him, and was in awe with the ways he could use a pen.

  4. I feel left out because I really don't like coffee and have never been to Starbucks.

  5. Loved your answers. I am so addicted to coffee, but I've never bought a cup at Starbucks. I even bought coffee flavored icecream yesterday.
    I looked for the book you recommended The Help, but couldn't find it.

  6. No naps for me -- I don't have time! LOL
    I have one getting over being sick and one sick. Loved you Meme

  7. God Kel..feel like its been forever since I commented on your blog! I love it that your pug is named Dexter, we have a mini-weiner and I named him Dexter's to pay homage to our favorite serial killer with a conscience :)

  8. You always give entertaining, funny answers! I usually don't know what is for dinner either. Wouldn't it be great to have a personal chef to figure that out each night? Not a coffee girl. Chocolate is my thing!

  9. LOL -You're hilarious. Um....and I just noticed you've done the Honest Scrap thing already...more than once...and I just tagged you again- but hey. :) I also didn't know about how you had to tag 7 people...the one who tagged me only tagged me...anyway...I guess if you want to you can ignore that I told you to do the Honest Scrap thing...I wouldn't mind. :) But I'm sure you can come up with more things to say about yourself. :) Heehee

  10. I like #17. Just today I was thinking about Austin's stuffed animals attacking. He has about 6 toy stuffed snakes that hang in his closet.

    Also... there was a Fantasy Island Episode where the toys all came alive. Very scary!!! Fantasy Island was a creepy show.

  11. I have a pug, too, named Pearl. She is a complete blockhead! I added A Reliable Wife to my "to read" list just yesterday! And naps... don't get me started!

  12. I had to laugh at the MacGyver 11 year and his friend have been into watching the reruns and playing like they are them in the yard. My daughter and I were cracking up at them the other day watching them through the window! Lol!
    And I am totally with you on the stuffed animals coming to life. I don't doubt that that could happen. A childhood fear I never let go off!

  13. I like naps to, but they are few and far between.

  14. Starbucks actually treats their employees really well and they are involved in fair trade so we are allowed to love them without apology. We haven't done the pass the mike for awhile but we used to and I miss it.

  15. I wish I could nap...I'm so bad at it, believe it or not.

    And I love picturing the 80's rock show in the car. (:

  16. are freaking hilarious. I love it. I take Sunday naps too! I go to church, and then I come home and sleep at least 3 hours. If I don't get my nap in, I'm a hot mess the rest of the week.

  17. i, too, adore my sunday afternoon nap. and sunday nights are snack night for dinner. i love sundays!

  18. "Learned that I hate kids" Funny!!

    I'm a totally napper too. Sunday afternoon napping is the best!

  19. I would pay to see a live performance of #12!

  20. Hey, I liked MacGyver. :)

    When I was in Jr. High, we had to write a story for English class and I couldn't think of anything and then at the last minute I came up with a story about toy plastic soldiers coming to life and killing the toy maker that made them. hahaha Well, my teacher gave me a passing grade but barely, because she didn't like the content. What? Well, just because you didn't like the subject of the story didn't mean it wasn't well written! lol (well maybe that's why I got the passing grade)

    And in answer to your question on my blog, no I haven't tried selling any of my cards on Etsy, I don't know that anyone would buy them.

  21. The stuffed animals are ACTUALLY taking over my house. I am concerned...

  22. love the insight. will definitely be finding out more edward penishands - sounds like a cinematic masterpiece.

  23. The movie one was SO hilarious.

    but back to Survivor. Seriously, you have start watching it again.

    I'll do this meme (or is it mimi, I can never remember) tomorrow! LOOKS fun.

    And I'm putting the book you recommended (not the devotional) in my pbs queue. Thanks!

    Glad I foudn your blog. I LOVE it.

  24. I wouldn't mind a video of you and hubs car dancing to Tainted Love please. Thank you.

  25. great answers... i love reading other ppls answers... i so might have to steal this one!

  26. I thought I was the only one who saw Edward Penishands!!! My favorite scene? One of the women asks Edward Penishands to hold her and he looks at her so sad, "I can't. They'll squirt."

    OMG.... friggin' HILARIOUS!!!

  27. I wanna nap too. Did you seriously read that one book with the link- the cover looks horribly 80s. I wanna hug your pug! They are soo cute a squishy.

  28. I had the same exact dream of being a writer someday but then I gave that dream up to major in Child development and went on to be a preschool teacher. That didn't last very obviously know why. Funny thing, though, is that it really wasn't the kids who annoyed me so much but their parents!! The parents were just freakin impossible to deal with!! I could never imagine expecting my kids' preschool teachers to do half the things those parents expected of me.

  29. I wasn't going to leave another comment until I noticed your kitty on the side bar.

    Please do not harm the kitty!!!

    Do you need a pep talk??? Start typing!!!!

    How about some happy summer thoughts of your lovely children home with you for the summer.

  30. Edward Penishands???? Seriously?

    Mmmmmm, fatty cheesy greasy comfort foods. (Drool, drool!)

  31. I think we could be the best of friends hahahahaha I'm gonna go make a post of this in my blog :)

  32. i enjoyed doing this on my blog!

  33. I'm addicted to coffee but I have never been to Starbucks, my coffee only comes hot from my kitchen 24/7.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.