Saturday, November 1, 2008

This is gonna be tough for me...

oh boy.. I did something dumb today. I signed up for weight watchers. Crap. Now, I gotta commit. Because that crap is expensive..and I don't like to waste money. I've got lose weight, I'm just gross right now. 30 pounds would be mindblowing. Another 10 would totally rock the house. I want to say more than that.. but it's not smart for me to do that.

You see, here is my problem though. I don't love being a tub-a-lard.. but I am kind of scared to lose weight. I used to be way underweight. The counselors in school used to "chat" with me about my "eating disorder" alot. My parents were called, I'd tell my mom I was eating and I was fine. Then, I would pass out in class again, and it would start all over. I would go all day without eating. Then in the evening I would go out with my boyfriend and then, when he dropped me off at night, I would hit the bathroom and puke it all up.I don't think he had any clue.. we were together for 3 years and he never questioned why I went to the bathroom as soon as we were done eating. I am about 5'10 and there was a point where I was about 100 pounds. I liked that number, for some reason. I never really told anyone about it. I didn't really think I had an eating disorder, but I guess I did. I know I did, actually. By the time I met Craig, my hubby, I was about 115 or so and I hated it. But he made me feel great. He made me happy and I stopped purging. We went to dinner and movies and parties and I was too distracted to care. I didn't binge at night anymore and get sick for an hour. We got fat together, Hubby and I. Fat and Happy. Now, I'm fat and not so happy. Kinda miserable, actually.

So, I am trying weightwatchers online and I am a little nervous. I am couting points, and I get 35 per day. plus 30 or so extra for splurges. Well, guess how many points I used today? freaking 44... dammit. Hubby wanted to go to breakfast, and then we got coffees at starbucks and then there were some cupcakes left from the Halloween party... blah, blah, blah. And now, I am tempted to do something about those extra points I ate.I haven't made myself sick in years and it's gross. But I'm tempted. I hate myself for even thinking it. But it's in the back of my mind. I am fine when I don't think about food, just eat it. Don't look at calories and don't get on the scale. But when I have to think about it, I get obssessed. That's probably the whole reason I let myself get this way.. It's better to not think about it.

So, here I go. This is gonna be an adventure, to say the least. But I think if I am honest with myself and the people around me, I will be ok. I've got to try.


  1. I know that was probably a pretty tough post to write but I really appreciate your honesty. Weight is such a hard thing, it is tough to reach a point where you are comfortable with your body and not depriving yourself at the same time. Just know that I am routing for you. It is easy to get down about bad days but no one is perfect and you are just starting'll figure out a good rythm/routine for yourself! Stay positive!

  2. Love the post Kel. I know for me, sometimes saying it out loud helps. Helps you stay on your path, helps you stay focused. You've taken a great first step. Don't be too hard on yourself if you have a few "bad points" days. Just try to stay positive and start over again the next day. Keep us posted on your progress. I know it's not easy.

    I saw your comment on my blog about Jason Mraz. My daughter got me his "Mr. A-Z" CD a few years ago and I loved it. I hadn't listened to it in awhile, but I've been hearing his song "I'm Yours" recently on XM and I'm loving him all over again. I've never seen him live. I looked at his website today and I found out that I just missed him at the Berkeley Greek Theatre. He was there yesterday!

  3. Great post--very honest, thanks! I'm about 5 lbs away from my happy weight. I lost 20 last year on the South Beach diet which I really like--no points to keep up with, it's just basically staying away from sugar and white flour. And being in the middle of Halloween that is hard to do!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.