Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shopping.. girls are suppossed to like that right??

Grrr... this is gonna be a grumbly post. I am so aggravated. Just went shopping with my girlfriend and everything I put on looks like crap!! Why is it that I can put a rockin' outfit together on a hanger..(pants, top, jewlery, shoes) perfectly cute and then I put it on my pathetic waste of a body and it looks like hell?? why? I'll tell ya why.. cause I'm a heffer.. that's why. mooo mooo...

Dammit.. I used to dress so cute. Girls would stop me in the store and ask me where I got my stuff. I used to shop clearance all the time.. I could get a totally kick-ass outfit for 20 bucks.. accessories included. What the frig? Now I have more money to spend and I can't find a thing. Seriously, I think its time to just start wearing elastic waist jeans and and sparkly kitty cat sweatshirts. Not to mention orthopedic shoes. And those elastic rain hat things.

Seriously, I give up. Pass the donuts.


  1. doh! i can see how you could get in this mood- i hate clothes shopping too. it's depressing, it's depressing money wise (for me) and size wise as well... i always get excited to go- and then i get in the dressing room. *sigh* fuck donuts, pass me some liquor! lol

    hey, where about in jersey are you!? i'm in middlesex county... not all parts got snow, my friend lives literally 3 mins away and SHE didn't get snow- it snowed, just didn't stick like it did where we was so weird!

  2. I didn't get any new clothes this past summer because I kept saying wait till I lose 10 more pounds, just 10 more...Nope. Didn't happen!

  3. It's always hard when your kids are little and a lot of the budget goes to them and household stuff! Trust me, it gets better. Try not to be so hard on yourself. And definitely stay away from those sweaters at WHATEVER your age and weight!! Great post.

  4. OMG. I hadn't read the post; just looked at the pic and thought "EWWWW! She likes that?!"


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.