Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey! It's Friday! Let's Go Blow Your Paycheck!

Friday means payday for most of us, so lets go shopping. Christmas is coming and I've got a little list of items that you must buy, because I'm broke and we need to stimulate the economy.

First of all ,for you ladies...

I saw this in Geek Magazine and I was laughing my ass off.I don't even own an ipod... .but I can't help but wonder what songs you would put on your playlist? Techno? or some Barry White??

Guys, I didn't forget you!!

The Caution is hilarious.. I wonder what scent it is?? ewww...

How about a gift for the bear collecter in your life??

I'm partial to "smackie" ... I may just order a whole set.

I'm getting these for my hubby!Thank you, Mr. Inventor.

Need a little something to snack on while shopping? how about.......

The description says "Chew this gum and you'll totally poop sunshine just like those freakin' magical unicorns!" Sounds like a home run to me.

And lastly.. need to take a potty break before we leave the mall... don't forget one of these!
Because we women have always been jealous.
My favorite part of the description is this "Shaped to female body forms: It closes properly around your pee-opening " Very scientific.


  1. thanks so much for stoppin by my lil blog! this post is great! and i'm so happy to see i am not the only person in the world that doesn't own an ipod- lol! let alone THAT one- hehehehe.

    have a great weekend!

  2. OMG! Charile the Unicorn has his own GUM! EFFING AWESOME! I too want to poop sunshine and pee rainbows...wait, that might be an STD?! (from the ipod vibrator?)hahaaaa


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.