Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy


Mid Hissy-fit. If I were to write a thousand words on this experience, it would mostly be curse words. NOT A GOOD DAY. (for either of us)


  1. Ugh i'm sorry about the day you had, but that hair is so dang adorable!

  2. Too, too funny! I think we all know where you are coming from. Found you via "The Mom" blog.

  3. i've had those days! how old is that cutie of yours? she must be around the same age as mine...

  4. well, she is 6 now.. but she was around 4 then. I don't even remember what she was freakin' out about, but it was something totally not worth that sort of anger. She was calmed down A LOT.. thank God


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.