Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Of All I Would Like to Thank....

I got my first blog award! Yay!
Thank you Evolving Mommy for nominating me!!
The provisions of the award state that I now have to list 6 things that I love and pass the award onto 6 other blogs that I enjoy. So here goes:
1. I love to laugh, especially at things other people just don't get.
2. I love coffee and lots of it.
3. I love bookstores. I could spend all day in there and never get bored.
4. I love reading with my daughter. She is into chapter books now and its fun to have something to share.
5. I love dogs. We have two and they are spoiled rotten. It is physically impossible for me to pass a dog at the park and not stop to say hi.
6. I love secret confession sites. I don't know why. I just find them really interesting.

And now I pass on my award!

Please go see these blogs. Why, you ask? Cause they're awesome, that's why!

Jam's Own Reality

Forever Fat Girl On The Inside

Random Thoughts

Cheaper Than Therapy

Mom Spark

Happy Meals and Happy Hour


  1. oh wow!! thanks Kel! i'm actually on my out the door in a few mins but i will follow up w/ this tonight...and GO YOU with receiving this award too! CONGRATS!

  2. Okay random comment...I was just looking at your profile and noticed that you like David Gray. I LOVE David Gray, and I haven't meet many people that really know of him. Cool stuff.

  3. ok so i have a problem...i don't have 6 people to pass this on too. i'm pathetic, i know...but the few i do have in mind already got this award- some from YOU! lol!! now what??

  4. you like me, you really, really like me! :)

  5. Get the H- outta here!!! I just happened to visit Mom Bloggers - saw your question about links, was going to answer,saw you already got it, visited your blog and BOO_YAH! My blog is listed. That is freaky. And so awesome!!!

    p.s love the Teddy Rippedskin songs -my daughters and I crack each other up all the time with stupid bits.

    pp.s I'm a HUGE david Gray fan too.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.