Saturday, October 25, 2008

Seduction By.....Tic Tacs?

The following is a conversation that I had with hubby last night. We were leaving Red Robin after I had bought us dinner out of my paycheck. We were walking over to Target when...

ME: ooohhh.. I'm gonna get a Frappucino at Target... want one? My treat?

HUBBY: Nah, I can't. I won't be able to sleep. That thing will keep me up all night

Me: Maybe that's all part of my evil plan .... maybe I want you to be "UP" all night..(nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

HUBBY: (laughs and shakes his head.. think he blushes a little)

ME: Hey, I just bought you dinner mister, you're putting out tonight. That stuff don't come free.

HUBBY: (cluthches his chest in shock.) Ma'am.. I am not that kind of girl, I'm not gonnna give it up simply because you bought me a meal. I have standards, you know.

ME: (reaching into purse and pull out a half eaten pack of orange tic tacs and hand them to him.) Here.will that do it?

HUBBY (grabbing tic tacs, shrugs his shoulders..) yeah,that should work.. Go ahead, Do with me what you will.

1 comment:

  1. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAH! first you crack me up over at my blog, then i come read this! (by the way, i usually respond to comments so when you get a sec go look). Hope you AND hubby enjoyed yourselves-- *wink*


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.