Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yay! It's the 15th!!!

And you know what that means.. Craig and I have money again!! woo hoo, baby.. lets go shopping, 'cause it ain't gonna last long!

Craig actually makes great money. He's got a wonderful job now as a draftsman/cadd designer and he is finally doing what he really enjoys. Our problem is the fact that for years he had a dead end job that paid nothing and went nowhere. When he quit, we lost the house we were renting. (not due to non-payment, thank you very much. We were renting a house from his boss and he got pissed when Craig left(with advanced notice) and kicked us out.) We had a two year old baby at the time. So, we were broke from years of being underpaid, and could not afford to mortgage a home. We had to have a roof over our heads, so we..(gulp)... moved in with my parents. Lets just say that if we are ever in a situation like that again, I will chose a box on the street. I love my parents. I do. And they opened their home to us and I know it wasn't easy for them. But it was not a good move for any of us. We fought. We were crowded and cranky and just plain uncomfortable. I will always be grateful to them for taking us in, but I think all of us now realize that is the last option!

So, we lived with them for about 4 months and then bought the house we are living in now. Its not our dream home, but its a roof and we are back in the town we love. It's great to be surrounded by friends and family. Unfortunately we were not quite ready to buy, but we did anyway. We are now paying for it. You know that whole credit crisis the country is going through?? yeah, its out fault. We were approved for one of those shady loans and are now paying the price. We make our payments though!! We are almost ready to refinance and get a better rate... until then, we're scraping buy.

That said, Craig is going out to buy another bike today!! Actually he is going to Dansizan and Quigley to put a payment on a new road bike, he's not bringing it home today. He is an avid biker (pedal variety) and he really needs a road bike. His mountain bike is fine for now, but I have a feeling he'll be hitting up for a new one of those soon.

So, because I am spiteful by nature, I am tempted to go shopping today. I need clothes. I know, women say that all the time, but I really NEED them. I have literally two long sleeve tops and about 2 pairs of jeans and some cargos. I need some winter clothes or I'm gonna be in tanks and shorts all winter. I am also eyeing some new scrapbook supplies.

But, I am gonna be a good girl for once. I'm gonna go grocery shopping and pay the electric bill and go to lunch with friends. (mcdonalds.. nothing fancy.) Roslyn has dance class tonight,and there is a yummy coffee shop nearby, so I will treat myself to a yummy coconut latte. That should satisfy my urge to splurge.

But if that man comes home with a bike, a new helmet, shoes and other crap, I'm hittin' the mall, baby.

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