Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blah, blah, blah

This is my morning coffee today...

I actually went out to the store this morning and bought whipped cream. I don't know, I had a weird craving. I've got delicious dark roast coffee mixed with that super yummy coconut creamer that CoffeMate makes. And please, don't forget the awesome huge Halloween straw which keeps me from getting whipped cream nose. You don't waste nummy-ness like that.

So, whats on the agenda today you ask? Um, same as usual. For those of you who don't know me that well, I work at home. I do data entry work for a local dairy. I used to work in the office full time before my daughter was born. I was their bookkeeper. I am sure I could go back to the office full time if I wanted, but well, I don't wanna. I don't like working from home, its boring and lonely, but I also want the flexibility of staying home when my kid needs me. To be perfectly honest, I wish I could quit and go back to school. I feel wasted at home. It's truly brainless work and I sit here and watch tv while I do it. (I know, to some people that sounds ideal, but really, do it for 5 years and see how bored you are). I would love to go back to school and study English or history. Or Psychology. I would love to get my bachelors in one of those and then go for my masters in Library Science. But I'm scared! I don't wanna put the money out either.(which we don't have, by the way.) Besides, would I be the weird older lady in class that no one wants to partner with??

Anyway, this is a weird post. No real theme, no constant stream of thought, but that's how I am today. Weird.

And before you ask, no I don't know how many WW points that coffee is, and I don't care!! Screw you, Weight Watchers!!


  1. I think I'm the opposite. I love being at home and never want to go back out into the workforce. My youngest starts Kindergarten next year and I'm dreading all the questions from family: When are going to go back to work? Ugh.

  2. see.. I like being home, but I want to do something else at home! I either want to be a full time stay at home mom or be an out of home worker. Right now, the lines are too blurred. I work between 30-35 hours a week. The house suffers, I don't cook as much as I used to. And I don't have set work hours. I want to be either one, but I am tired of doing both "half-assed". Does that make any sense?

    and you tell that family, that being at stay at home mom is plenty of work itself!

  3. I like being at home, but I hate being at home...ya know what I mean :)

    I would love to go back to school too, but I already have one degree that I am still paying for and not using so I am a little afraid of adding another one!

  4. I think the straw makes it negative 3 points!

  5. EVERYTHING is better with whipped cream.

    I bought a Chocolate Vivanno from Starbucks last week, and I asked for whipped cream. The barista said she accidentally put the peppermint cream on instead and asked if it was OK. Of COURSE it was! It was delicious!

  6. wait a second... did you say peppermint whipped cream?? what? why did i not know this exsisted? my life was so incomplete.. until now. I think I hear Starbucks calling my name..

  7. i love random posts. I'm a former working mom *outside the home and now that i'm a SAHM I think i'm just gonna have to pop out a baby every 5 years so that i don't ever have to return.

    i would love to work from home though! more money is always welcome...but i also love that i am on my own schedule at all times.

  8. OMG I love that mug..I bought a tinkerbelle mug from Avon...just not big enough.

    That drink looks super-yummy too :P~~

  9. I've had the tab up with your post for four days and finally am getting a chance to write a little something back... I, too, am struggling with the stay at home or go back to work thing. I thought I would like a job that I could work from home, but I'm with Kel and think that I just would end up doing everything half-assed.

    As for the MLS -- let me assure you: you will not be the weird older lady in class. I am in UW's SLIS (School of Library and Information Studies) and I am not the oldest person in each of my classes by a long-shot. It is a degree that some people wait their whole lives for it seems and the passion for the program is amazing. One of my friends is 60!!! She has had her time as a stay at home mom, a whole career as a biologist and is now getting her masters in Library Science to be a children's librarian! So, even if you have to wait awhile: don't worry! It will be there waiting for you, just you are waiting for it!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.