Monday, November 24, 2008

Up and Running Again...

So, because today has been a weird, hectic day..I've only got the energy for a fragmented post... here goes.

I am so very proud of myself for fixing this computer. It wouldn't even load up this morning.. nothing.. zip. Just black screen. I had to recover the whole system..reformat the hard drive.. blah,blah.. but I did it! IN YOUR FACE, GEEK SQUAD!

I am very, very obsessed with Kings of Leon I am crazy for that band. Why can't I ever just like a band or artist and leave it at that? I think I have stalker tendencies. (now aren't you scared that I read your blog?). But fear not, my stalkings tend to lead towards music artists. Poor David Gray and Jason Mraz never saw it coming...

I am quitting my job.. woo hoo! No more working at home, doing mindless data entry, day in and day out. My ass will be leaving the couch.. which hopefully will lead to me writing amazing blog posts about my new fascinating life!Stay tuned!

I am not ready for Christmas, not even close. Usually if I am not done shopping by now, I at least have a definite list of what I am getting everyone. I have no idea what to get Roslyn this year. Since when is it hard to shop for a 6 year old girl? Since I had a girl who does not like dolls, jonas bros, or hannah montanah, that's when!

I'm making a peanut butter pie to take to my mom's for thanksgiving, and I am already drooling thinking about it.

Yeah, this is a boring post... blah, blah blah.. done.


  1. I've always wanted to be a Stay at Home Wife. You know, minus the children.

  2. I am impressed with your computer skills...when I have issues this is the extent of my abilities:

    1. Turn Computer off, turn computer on...

    2. if still not working call husband

    I haven't really gotten my Christmas stuff started yet either, Chirstmas just stresses me out. I am not a big fan.

  3. I love staying at home with the dogs! lol The wife works 12 hour shifts at her job so I get used to being alone 15 days a month lol! What kinda data entry are you doing??? That sounds like fun actually!!! Something else to keep my mind from going insane!!!

  4. you go w/ your bad ass self- knowing how to fix your pc!

    also, welcome to my SAHM's nice here. hard work, but nice!

    i have not started my shopping i'm worse off than you! i dont even have lists! ha!

  5. You MUST remove that last line; this post is NOT boring! I only wish I could see the post from this comment window, as it's tricky to remember what I wanted to say, now that I've blathered on.... Hm. Okay, as for the gift for your daughter, crafts are usually well-received... Oh, and congrats on joining the other working world (though I would like to know if you made any money off of the data entry position--I know someone who could use a job like that.)

    Peanut butter pie?! There's a post in the making if I ever saw one! I would love the recipe.

  6. I will post the Peanut Butter Pie recipe tommorrow.

    As for the data entry job, yeah, I made money at it. I brought home around 250 a week, once I went part time.(it was more before that). I worked for a private company that I worked for before I had my daughter.. I just telecommunicated.(is that a word?).

  7. Hope your boogies clear up soon....feelin' the Kings of Leon with you.....they rock for sure!!!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.