Monday, November 10, 2008

#4 Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

Just finished this one tonight, sitting in the freezing car while Ros was in her Girl Scouts meeting. (yeah, I know I should have went in and helped.. but I only had a few chapters left, dang it!)

I gotta say, Palahnuik never fails to deliver. His books are weird and dark and just plain... well, weird. Choke served up the same strange mix of sex,depression and insanity that his previous novels did. The ending was a complete shocker, as usual. You find yourself flipping back through the book looking for clues that should have jumped out at you, but didn't.

This isn't my favorite Chuck Palahnuik novel, but it's up there. Don't go rushing to get this book if you are easily offened by bad language and raunchy sex scenes, because they are a-plenty in this book. If you are looking for a really weird, dark, brooding and shocking book with a killer twist at the end.. well, then.. go right ahead.


  1. You sold me with the bad language and raunchy sex scenes. I'm on it!!

  2. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog and entering the giveaway! You are too kind.'

    And your blog layout is adorable!

    I am adding you to my Reader!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.