Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lessons From Last Week - July 10, 2011

I've always had a hard time thinking of Sunday as the beginning of the week. I mean, the calendar says Sunday is the official start to the week...but seriously, don't we all consider Monday as the official kick-off? Anyway, who cares? Sundays will henceforth be known as my day to look back on the previous week and consider what I've learned from my experiences..both successes and failures. And let's be honest, there is most likely going to be a butt load of failures. I'm kind of a  pro at those.  I'm attempting to make lemonade out of lemons here though, people.

Lesson One:
Donuts are heartless bastards. Donuts will show no mercy. They do not care if you have been doing Weight Watchers since January. They couldn't care less that you have had a complete crap-hole of a week. Donuts are not concerned that their mere appearance in front you can cause a battle of will power not witnessed since the "Giant-Reese's-Peanut Butter-Egg-Incident of 2010".  They will show you no compassion as they launch themselves into your mouth, leaving a trail of bumpy cellulite in their wake. Donuts are the devil... delicious, chocolate frosted, rainbow-sprinkled demons...

Lesson Two:
Writing about donuts makes me want to eat them.

Lesson Three:
Don't feed the dogs bologna.  It causes issues. Also... you can never have too much Glade air freshener.

Lesson Four:
Old friends are great friends. I've been rekindling some old relationships lately and it feels great. I find parts of me resurfacing that I haven't seen in awhile. Old friends are amazing at bringing out parts of you that you've completely neglected.

Lesson Five:
I've got to "take care of me" for awhile. I realize how insanely random that sounds..but I need to figure some things out. I feel like my life is at a crossroad.  I spend way too much time wondering what direction other people are choosing, instead of actually considering where I want to go. I'm blindly wandering along, trying to catch up with the masses, when in actuality I could be plotting my own course. I may need to go off-road a bit, and I'll most likely hit some detours...but at the end of the journey I'd like to arrive at place where I'm at peace with my decisions. I know that this sounds like a completely obscure ramble.....but it makes sense to be and this is my

Lesson Six:
The house doesn't clean itself.  Effort is involved with this whole House-wifery business. Who knew?

So, last week is in the can. Onto a newer and better 7 days, full of growth and knowledge to learned. And maybe a donut or two....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Confessional!

I haven't done a confessional post in For-Ev-Errrrr (um..Sandlot reference?? Anyone?) Here we go!


I confess:
I haven't properly kept up with this blog lately, and I am deeply ashamed. OK, more like mildly embarrassed. Fine, it's more of an annoying  itch.

I confess:
I am just a little too excited that Jeff and Jordan are back on Big Brother this season! Seriously, could they be sweeter? (My favorite part at 3:10 "Holy, Macaronies...we were playin' for now-n-laters.")

I confess:
I am sick of people not taking my feelings seriously. I am sick of people just chalking my feelings up to me being "anxious" or "irrational." I am sick of being told I'm exaggerating. I am so damn sick of not being taken seriously. I am tired of being the one listens but also the one who never gets heard.

I confess:
That I hate myself a little for that above confession, because there is nothing I hate more than whining.

I confess:
I have a crush on Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I know, I know... I've got a thing for weirdos.

I confess:
I miss the old me. I censor myself now. I don't know where my confidence went? Maybe it's hiding under this layer of blubber?

I confess:
I'm addicted to outdated British sitcoms on Netflix.

I confess:
I want another child more than anything in the world. It's not going to happen. I have to figure out a way to accept that.

I confess:
I drink too much coffee, home-brewed, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. I'm pretty sure my urine is 95% coconut latte. There is a coffee bean farm in Brazil named after me.

And now, I confess that I'm done fascinating you with my spell-binding declarations of truth. You're welcome, Internets.