Monday, February 21, 2011

The Confessional..

I saw this post over at Freckled Nest and well.. I'm stealing it.
So, if you want to go ahead and steal it from me, I will be very upset and call you dishonest and quite deceitful. But, you know, if you're OK with that....

And now, for the fascinating confessions...

1. I read magazines backwards.  I go to the last page and read the articles from last to first.  I don't know why, but they always seem to put the good stuff at the back.

2. I could eat butter with anything. Real butter, that is.. not that low class charlatan "margarine." *shudder*

3. I have a bad habit of breaking into foreign accents when I am nervous.. or OK, lets be real... all the time.

4.  Remember the TV show ED? I am seriously thinking of starting a petition to get that put on DVD? Why have they not done that yet?? 

5. I set the browsers on my laptop, ipod and nook to open to CNN. com. I make sure when I am done browsing the net, that I return it to CNN, so that I look really smart and informed. Little do people know that I never read it, I just skip on over to cuteoverload 
and squeal over baby otter pictures.  

6.  I obsessively make up songs about our pug, Dexter, who is quite stinky.  I found myself about to sing one while browsing in the grocery store today and realized I need to check myself. Before I wreck myself.  'Cause smelly fartin' pugs are bad for your health.  See???? 

So, those are my 6 for this week. What are your confessions?


  1. With you it's butter, with me it's cayenne pepper, I will put that stuff on anything.

    Great confessions! I wish I could do foreign accents well.

  2. great stuff. you crack me up. it is a little weird reading mags from back to front.

  3. I am Confessing that I am Confessing as tomorrow's post...
    I love your admissions...

  4. I put either hot sauce or red pepper on anything...

  5. You read the magazines backwards?! That's just weird! lol
    I make up songs all the time...and I sing em whenever I want. Especially at Walmart. Because there's always got to be a crazy person there. It may as well be me!

  6. Hey darling it is so good to see you!

    I agree bring Ed back that is one that hubs and I actually agreed on.

  7. Funny thing, I read from the back too! That is how I enjoy magazines. We also eat real butter in our home. Kind of funny with your accents. As far as news go I live in my little world and seldon know what is going on around the world unless my husband tells me. I don't do the news! Thanks for stopping over today.

  8. Ha! Found one! So is this a weekly confessional thing? If so I'll try this next week. Promise ;)

  9. Mmmmm...butter. I'm watching "Julie & Julia" now and it is all about the butter.

    And Mr. Jenners has always wanted a pug but they freak me out a little. Those bulgy eyes!

  10. WTH?! I totally read magazines backwards & sometimes get frustrated with myself when I read the end of an article before the beginning. Ahhh ha ha ha! But yet, I read backwards every. single. time! Love it!

  11. I enjoyed this post. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I was out of town. I loved Ed also. I love making up songs also. Have a great day!

  12. Brilliant post! I'm totally with you on the butter thing!

  13. Yeah, I read the magazines backwards too! And the song about Dexter? Priceless!

  14. i laugh hysterically when i get nervous or scared, seriously... lol


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.