Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hey, Who Shrunk My Pants?

Ladies and Gentlemen,  I have embarked on a new adventure. I am on a diet.  Ok, maybe it's not exactly a brand new adventure, but it's one I have not seriously ventured on in quite awhile.  Sure, I may have started this journey a few times in the past, but I always run out of gas before I hit the first rest stop.  To be honest, I've stopped at the rest stop and they had a Cinnabon.. and well, that was the end of that.

Dieting sucks. I know, that's stating the obvious. But man... it really stinks. I don't know what I was expecting, but this is not fun.  Actually, I do know what I was expecting. I would go on a few walks, drink some extra water and the excess weight would just melt away. Well, you can imagine my shock when that damn scale of mine remained stubbornly at the same number. (and no, I am not telling you that number. I won't let you go blabbing it around to all your friends. I know how you are...) I thought it was gonna be easy. I imagined I would learn to prefer ice water to iced tea and dr pepper. I assumed I would start to crave salads. I expected that I would eventually get used to skim milk in decaf coffee. I thought I would learn to love bean sprouts and lima beans, and yet, they remain my arch enemies.  Dieting sucks.

So, why the torture? Why not just learn to love my growing waistline and big butt?  I just can't. Don't get me wrong, I've heard how guys like "junk in the trunk" (they totally still say that, right??).  My husband loves me regardless, I have no doubt of that. The biggest reason I'm doing this, is fear. That's right, I'm scared. Really scared.

I don't know if was the big 33 that got me thinking, but something has caused this overwhelming anxiety in me lately.  I feel old. I don't like it.  I don't like facing the facts of my mortality. (who does, right? duh.)  Recently, I've come to realize that I'm aging. I am not taking care of myself.  And deep down, I know that if I don't change things, I'm headed for disaster.

For years I was  completely oblivious to my health, but somehow I was healthy.  I ate what I wanted, but I didn't overeat.  I exercised because I liked it.  I don't really know when that unawareness morphed into an obsession.  Now, I worry about everything I eat, but I eat it anyway. Then I feel guilty and eat again.  I think all day about what I will cook for dinner.  I plan on exercising. I schedule it.  Then, when the time comes, I am miraculously too busy.  I have become hyper aware of every mistake I am making, and yet, I still make them.

So, I'm trying something a little different this time. I am not focusing on my weight. Yea, I know.. what the hell kinda diet am I talking about? When I have dieted in the past, I focused way too much on that mystical number on the scale (you know the one, the one you will never know.).  If it doesn't change in a day, I'm completely disappointed, and disappointment with this girl leads to one thing, eating.  So this time around, I am focusing on a few different sets of numbers.  My blood pressure/ heart rate and my pants size. My blood pressure has been high lately, which scares the hell out of me.  And my heart rate has always been high because of heredity stuff and my anxiety.  If I can get those two numbers down I will be elated. If my waist size dwindles along with it, well... I'll be ecstatic.

My goal this week is water. I don't drink any. Seriously.  I drink iced tea all day. Granted, it's with splenda,  but it full caffeine. And I've heard Splenda isn't all that great either.  And coffee.... oh my delicious Pumpkin Spice Lattes... I will limit you, my dears, to one or two a week.  And even then, you will be decaf-ed and splenda-fied.  Oh, if you only knew how much I will miss you in all of your high fat, frothy, delicious glory.

But it's gonna be worth it, right? I'm gonna be healthier. I'm gonna be around to see my daughter grow up and get married and have kids. Hubby and I are gonna spend retirement cruising around in our camper and going on vacation with our friends.

I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize... no, not the vacations and stuff... I've got my eye on some sweet skinny jeans at Express.  Maybe I should start saving for a shopping spree now, because it's gonna happen. I will be healthy (and lookin' super fab in some new outfits.)


  1. I think this new type of diet is fantastic! I'm guilty of caring more about the numbers on the scale & my clothes than I am about how healthy I am. I'm glad you're focusing on your health...good luck :)

  2. Dieting indeed sucks! I am rooting for you!

  3. I need to get on the wagon. The whole getting started part is just so hard. I need someone to walk with me, someone to motivate me - okay I mean push me. Oh & a personal chef would be great too. I think about my weight every single day. I am about ready to hit 33 & seriously it just makes you feel like you HAVE to get something going. Good luck to you!!!

  4. The word diet should truly be categorized with the other 4-letters words out there.

    You can do this! Hang in strong!

    (For the record, I really could use a diet of my own. I'm just so lazy...and that's the truth.)

  5. What you are doing is the best way to get fit and stay fit. Crash diets or impulsive exercise never works. Starting a healthy lifestyle does and it is easier to maintain….I have been there & done that. When I was in my early 20’s, I never watched what I ate, or believed in exercise. I thought that since I was naturally thin, I was OK. I didn’t consider health….Fortunately I realized the errors of my ways in my late 20’s. Now, in my mid-thirties, I am way healthier than when I was young, and feel great! Good luck!

  6. I am right there with you. Dieting totally sucks. But it's worth it in the end. I have been drinking just water for two months now and when I try soda or ice tea it's just to sweet for me. Plus if I don't get enough water I crave it. So that's a bonus.

  7. I'm with you on the dieting thing. It so sucks, but I have to do it for my health. Why can't carrot sticks taste like Snickers? :(

  8. Good for you! I know you can do it.

  9. go youuuuu!
    i HAVE COMPLETE faith in you!!!
    water.. not a big deal for me.. i LOVE water.. all day i only drink water and coffee...

    i know for anxiety and such coffee/ caffeine is great.. but recently studies on coffee have come out that put it in a much better light.. helps your heart.. and types of cancers.. and other things..! just saying.. cause i couldn't diet coffee.. AT ALL...

    i need to diet too.. but man! it sooo sucks!!

  10. Dieting sucks. I refuse to diet - because they never seem to work...I'm focusing on eating healthier. More fruits and veggies, cooking more - and being mindful of what is going into the meal, and drinking tons of water. I bought a 22 oz bottle and somedays I drink four of them!! Great job on the water intake, right? But um....I pee ALL afternoon and night!!!

    Best of luck to you! I've lost 38 pounds this year so far by counting calories and walking regularly. I like for counting calories. It really helps and not at all obnoxious as I was expecting it to be.

  11. Wow - first of all, I love your blogs! I will be back often! Thanks for stopping by my place and saying "hi" as well. Secondly, every single line you wrote spoke to me. I feel ya - dieting sucks. But changing the way you think about "dieting" is a great idea. Just think about it as getting healthier because that's your end goal right? I use a website called Losing weight all boils down to less calories in/more calories out. This website is great - it will help you figure out how many calories you need to take in to lose a pound a week and tracking them is super easy. Hope that helps and in the meantime - don't beat yourself up too much - you are probably doing more positive things for yourself than you think. Now, I am off to prowl around on "Girls with Books" Yay!

  12. You can do it!!! Water is always the hardest thing for me to remember each day! It's so important to our overall health:)

    (huge Halloween giveaway at my blog!)


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