Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Tuesday....If I had $10,000


It's Tuesday, and that means it's time to be random! Go visit the
Unmom to play along.

For my randomosity (yeah, I made that up.. so what?) today I've got a little theme going. (I know, kinda goes against the whole random thing.. but I'm a rebel, people. A rebel. You can't tame me.)

Random Things I Would Do If I Had $10,000, because I know the million is never gonna happen.

1. I would buy an English Bulldog and name him Kitten.

2. I would install built in bookshelves all along my front room. (and I still wouldn't have enough space.)

3. I would take my friends out to dinner at a real fancy joint like TGI FRIDAYS.(hey, it's only 10k! give me a break.)

4. I'd pay for my parent's health insurance for few years.

5. I'd buy the Hubs a nicer bike.

6. I'd take Ros to Build a Bear and tell her she can have whatever she wants.

7. I'd take myself on a shopping spree at Philosophy.com

8. I would take a creative writing class.

9. I'd install hardwood flooring in our living room.

10. I'd buy myself a shiny green Kitchen Aid mixer... which would then lead to me becoming a famous baker which would then lead to more thousands of dollars..

11. I'd buy my daughter the entire Magic Tree House library.

12. Can you buy liposuction with 10k? probably not with my ass... eh.. ok, I'd hire a personal trainer... but he has to be super hot and I would hate him.

13. I would go here and buy lots of super awesome stuff.

14. Then I would go here and buy even more spectacular awesome stuff for me and for my girlfriends.

15. I would anonymously give $200 grocery store gift cards to a few families that I know could really use it.

16. I would subscribe to every Cross Stitch, Scrapbooking, Crafting, Music and Literary Magazines that exist.

17. A new laptop... a pink one. One that magically writes amazingly inspired and grammatically correct blog posts.

18. I'd spend a day at Barnes and Noble, drinking as much coffee as I want, buying pretty bookmarks and reading for hours all the books I am too cheap to buy.

19. I'd take all my friend's kids to the zoo and let them buy anything they want in the souvenir shop.

20. I would buy an adorable wallet to keep all my receipts in.. because knowing me, I would return half of this stuff and just pay the electric bill.


  1. I like your $10m giveaways! Especially going to the bear store and making up exactly the one I want. Of course, I'd like to be the friend that goes along on the shopping spree and then out for the dinner on the town...at TGIF! Or wait...maybe the family that gets the $200? Gee...I can't decide!

  2. That's a great list. Much more fun than paying the electric bill! You have a good heart Kel.

  3. Love it! A healthy fantasy life is the spice of life!!!

  4. Ooooo -- I like your list; I have the some of the same items on my "if only" list... specifically the built-in bookshelves and the Barnes and Noble wish.

    Sigh. If only.

    Following in my Shoes

  5. Girl you can make 10k stretch!!

  6. A great list! I'm imagining the frenzy in the zoo store with all those kids :) Fun! So many of these are very sweet and generous. You have a good soul, my friend. Hope you get that magical extra 10K soon. Me too!

  7. AWESOME list!! I would pay off some bills and then take the family on a Disney Cruise.

  8. I love that you won this money and you're still too cheap to buy the books. Haha

  9. Oh that's so funny, I would love to go to Borders and do the same exact thing! :)

  10. Rebel Rebel!

    This is so fun to do isn't it ... but then depressing when you realize there is no $10,000. I think your list is quite good -- a bit of charity mixed with selfishness! : )

  11. "20. I would buy an adorable wallet to keep all my receipts in.. because knowing me, I would return half of this stuff and just pay the electric bill."

    That totally sounds like me! I would still be afraid I was spending too much. lol

    Happy Tuesday!

  12. Great list! I have a purple laptop - wish I had bought the fabulous writing upgrade.

  13. The book store would be so much fun! Ok really spending it on anything but bills would be fun!

  14. I have two favorites on this list: the Philosophy one (I LOVE that stuff!) and the grocery store gift certs one. Great ideas! (And I wish I could come up with $10,000 somehow.)

  15. Can I come to the zoo too? I heart the zoo.

  16. Aww a dog named Kitten, that is so cute! And Build a Bear is so bloody pricey, are the dolls even that soft and cuddly?!!

  17. I love some of your ideas!!

    But you are right...10 thousand would go so quick! I bet that wood floor alone would eat it up:(

    But fun fun dreaming:)

  18. Numbers17 and 20 are my favorite!! Good List.

  19. LOL..funny list.. a dog named Kitten..cute

  20. I would re-model my kitchen!!!! New everything!!!!!!

  21. Love it! Especially the end. :-)

  22. I would have to say kitchen update with a new garage door!

  23. I love the last one on your list because that sounds like something I would do.


  24. Love #1 & #2... a bulldog named kitten... what a great idea! The thought of having a ton of shelves & storage sounds wonderful, but you are totally right - you still wouldn't have enough space... there is NEVER enough space. What is up with that!

  25. Love that dog named kitten! You have some great ideas. Love the last one; I'm a 'Returns Queen' too!

    Pop on over to my blog; there's an award waiting for you :O)

  26. Kitten? on a bulldog? Now we are talking...

    love your list..especially the grocery gift card idea.

  27. That's a great list. Much more fun than paying the electric bill!
    Work from home India

  28. that is so cute! And Build a Bear is so bloody pricey, are the dolls even that soft and cuddly?!!

    mortgage audit


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