Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

It's Wednesday! Time for your weekly game of Would You Rather! I give you a question with two possible answers. You must choose one. You have no other choice. If you say neither, you're computer will spontaneously combust. Seriously, I wouldn't try it if I were you.

So... here we go!

Would you rather....
go without sex or chocolate for one year?

Would you rather...
go without texting or facebook/twitter for one month?

Would you rather...
wear the same pair of underwear for one week? or not shave your armpits for a month?

And lastly...

Which of these super old dudes would you like to play "who's your daddy?" with....
Larry King

or Regis Philbin..

You're welcome for the visual....


  1. How does your brain come up with this stuff?! I love it!
    Without chocolate
    without facebook
    let the hair grow and DEFINITELY, DEFINTELY, Regis. Ugh.

  2. A whole year? I need both of those!
    Armpit hair
    Larry King

  3. What would you rather do?

    Chocolate - not a big huge fan of it anyway
    Texting - without FB I would feel more isolated from the world.
    Armpit hair - don't wear too much sleeveless to notice
    Larry King

  4. I am so digusted right now, but I will play along nonetheless.

    1.) go without chocolate
    2.) go without texting
    3.) go without shaving
    4.) Regis. Gag.

  5. 1) Tough, tough one. Chocolate may win :)
    2) I don't text or facebook or twitter. My son says that I'm a dinosaur.
    3) shaving
    4) Regis. Eyes closed of course.

  6. lol hilarious

    chocolate for sure
    FB and twitter

  7. GOD I lovetohate this game!
    Chocolate. Damn.
    I'd give up FB and twitter. I can't NOT text.
    Am I the only one who'd pick the panties?!
    Lordy this one is sooo mean. Fine. Reg. BLICK. SPIT. GAG. Throwupinmymouth.

  8. Chocolate...there are other flavors, there's no substitute for sex.

    I guess I would have to go without texting and revert to the old method of actually calling someone.

    Go without long as I load up on the deodorant and wear sleeves, I think I'll be okay.

    Tough one...I'd have to go with Regis. He makes me laugh sometimes.

  9. Chocolate
    (and to be sure JenJen is not alone) I would wear panties for a week. Just keep turning them inside out and back every other day. I can't even begin to imagine not shaving my armpits for a month. Nope.
    Regis Philbin. I actually dont find him uber repulsive, but I AM a drinker.

  10. without chocolate

    no FB

    no shaving

    Regis please

  11. 1) a whole year! not sure I could last, but would have to say chocolate.
    2)Easy one...facebook/twitter. I don't do either now, so it wouldn't matter
    3)not shave...I would just say I'm going for that "European look"
    4)this one, not so easy...if I HAVE to choose, it would be Regis. Call me crazy, but I refuse to play with a man that wears suspenders!

  12. And we're back!

    1. chocolate. but I'd probably cheat

    2. both, The only reason I do them is peer pressure. But don't take away my blog.

    3. shaving. I change panties at least 2x at day. I weird, I guess.

    4. Yuck-o! I guess I'd prefer Reg, but LK's used to younger ladies.

  13. I'm vomiting! This is the grossest by far.

    1) Hello? Chocolate. No contest. I'd be a mean old bitch without sex. Wait a sec...I already am! WTF?
    2)Texting. I've never texted yet.(Not only am I old and mean, but I'm also tech-challenged.)
    3. Ugh. This is tough. A week is shorter. So the undies.
    4. Ick. Regis, I guess.

  14. I'd go without sex, of course! ...Am I the only one? ...Really?
    Gotta have my chocolate! :) *GRINS*

    Texting or Facebooking? I could go without both of those for a month! *rolling eyes*

    Hm...I'd say the undies...during the better part of the month...

    Regis wins by a mile.

  15. 1. Choc
    2. FB/Twitter
    3. Armpits.
    4. Larry King, those suspenders may come in handy.

  16. Chocolate
    REG baby!

  17. Sex...I'm an Army Wife so I've done that before.

    Texting...People can call me, I can't live without my FB

    Panties...hairy pits are the worst

    Umm...Regis, I guess...I'm scarred from making this decision...

  18. I don't even see the point of the first question. A year without sex? NO PROBLEM. But a year without chocolate? We've got a problem.

    I could care less about texting so I guess that.

    If it is winter, I could skip the pits.

    And Regis I guess ... Larry King just seems like a corpse.

  19. Either you are losing your touch, or this questions misses my radar. You did not zing me lady. Hahahahahaha~!

    1. I MUST have chocolate. Sex I can live without.
    2.I don't even facebook OR Twitter so I don't know what I'm missing:)
    3.ewww. Gotta have clean undies, so what...I will wear long's only a month!
    4.And Regis is pretty funny! And after a year of no sex...Hey! He might look pretty good, lol!

  20. Ha! These weren't that tough!!
    Sex...I'm old any way but don't tell my husband I agreed to that one ;)
    texting..don't have a cell phone
    Definitely arm pit hair. What if I was in an accident? They'd see my dirty underwear and I could plead being a hippie with arm pit hair.
    Regis..who could even remotely imagine Larry King the Corpse?

  21. I truly do not think I could survive a week without chocolate. Why yall makin me seem like the only one man?

    This one is really hard... I think I could live without texting longer than without FB.

    As gross as hairy armpits are, there is NOOO way I am wearing panties day after day. Ew.

    I think I would be traumatized for life, curled up in a corner, lost to the world just IMAGINING Larry. Ew. Regis by default.

  22. I'd go without... chocolate, texting, and shaving my pits

    and if I have to choose Regis wins.

  23. I have bestowed on you an award on my blog...come take a look!

  24. I could totally go without chocolate. I know, I should turn in my girl card.

    No texting would be fine with me. I don't do it all that much anyway.

    Tough one. Probably the armpit hair. Either are pretty gross.

    Regis. Cause Larry King gives me the heeby jeebies.

  25. ~chocolate

    ~i don't text or facebook. srsly stone-age here

    ~armpit hair, just wear longer sleeves. problem solved.

    ~Reg. definitely.

  26. No sex, no texting, no shaving (which will make no sex easier for the hubs). As for who's your daddy? Eeeeeeew. Regis, I guess. But only because death is not an option.

  27. First off, I love the name of you blog.

    I'd rather...

    go without chocolate

    go without Facebook/Twitter

    not shave

    be spanked by Regis in the dark

  28. Chocolate
    You can keep them both

  29. this is a great idea! found you from mesina.

    sex - that's easy

  30. Chocolate, texting, armpits, and REGIS.

  31. Ewww all pretty gross.
    ok here goes..
    2. go without shaving (hopefully it's winter)
    3. ick ick but Larry King..cuz Regis is gross

  32. I'd definitely go without the chocolate. I don't like it much anyways.

    Take away the texting! I need facebook

    I barely shave anyway....

    Bring it, Regis!

  33. I'm a little late, so behind.

    I would go without chocolate and without facebook/twitter
    I would definitely shave, I can't stand hair, besides I would just wash the underwear every night
    and definitely not Larry King, so I suppose the it be Regis.

  34. OMGAWD, I just hopped over from "that one mom" and am I ever glad I did, but I must say I was not expecting a quiz right off the hop. :)
    Here goes:
    Sex ~ meh. Chocolate ~ can't go a DAY!!
    texting before I would EVER give up facebook.
    armpits definately
    and if I have to choose, it would be Regis, but I would have to be drunk and with my eyes closed, eating chocolate!


  35. I have an award for you on my blog. :)

  36. This is fun - sex, texting, not shaving, Regis


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.