Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happiness is...

Happiness is...
having a great group of girlfriends, all incredibly different and unique, but alike in the qualities that really count: loyalty, respect, morals, the ability to consume mass quantities of alcohol, sing karaoke and talk for hours about nothing and everything at the same time.

Happiness is...
a great husband who puts up with your insane mood swings and your uncanny ability to constantly embarrass him in public.

Happiness is...
a great kid who is an odd mix of your weird sense of humor and your husband's sweet nature.

Happiness is...
watching someone you hate fall down a flight of stairs. (What? You really didn't think I was all that deep, did you?)

Happiness is...
being greeted by uncontrollably happy dogs when you walk in the door.

Happiness is...
a great hair day, a super cute outfit and some kick ass shoes.

Happiness is...
a big fat book, a snowy day, hot chocolate and a blanket to curl up in.

Happiness is...
introducing your kid to the magic that is "The Goonies".

Happiness is...
signing corny eighties songs with your husband in the car at the top of your lungs.

Happiness is...
looking at old pictures and not thinking about how incredibly thin you were, but remembering all the fun you had.

Happiness is...
introducing yourself to something new, something that you never even realized you needed in your life, but you did.

Happiness is...
knowing that you don't have much, but you have what you need.


  1. I am watching the Goonies right now...I never tire of this movie!

  2. Amen, to the husbands putting up with us. Why do they?!?! Gosh...they really MUST love us:)

  3. Happiness is...
    reading a terrific blog like yours :)

  4. These are awesome!!!

  5. Happiness is reading this blog. Thanks lovie.

  6. I'm glad you are feeling better! And great post by the way!

  7. Great post, Kel! All of those things make me happy too! Oh, Goonies, how I love thee...especially the Truffle Shuffle! : )

  8. Happiness is...Date Night and the First Weekend of every month...

  9. I love your list! There's nothing like a big fat book! Glad all is well :)

  10. Finding happiness in the little things are life's best treasures. The simple little things make life sweet. (geez look at me I am full of wisdom this morning!)

  11. Great post! Happiness is also finding this great blogging community!

  12. these are wonderful. Stairs are great!! Last one is my favorite!

  13. I'm especially with the last one... and the eighties songs turned way up! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. An insightfull post. Will definitely help.

    Karim - Mind Power

  15. Hey we have a lot of the same happy's!! ;) OMG I missed your blog! I got lost! ;)

  16. Happiness...
    is a warm gun. (not really, the lyrics to that song just came into my head)

    is where you find it.

  17. Awww, these are great.
    I have left you some "comment love" on a few other posts, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog.
    Your style, your voice, your humour, is incredible. This is one of the best blogs out there. So glad I found you!

    Keep up the great work,
    I look forward to following along!


  18. If you're interested in a new approach to boost your happiness based on the latest positive psychology research, check out our iPhone app: Live Happy; it's based on the work of Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of "The How of Happiness" and provides a unique method to create a personalized program to increase your happiness.

    You can also learn more about the iPhone app on our Facebook page.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.