Monday, September 28, 2009

The Six Principles of Embarrassing Your Kid...

So, the other week we were at an event for my daughter's karate school. All of the students were lined up on the grass, awaiting their turn to test in front of the judges. My husband and I had pulled up lawn chairs to the edge of the area, and as usual, got ourselves into a really silly mood. Just like the kids in the back of the class in high school, Craig and I like to sit on the outskirts of situations and make fun of those that are participating. (you see.. because we are way too cool to join in on anything...) So the instructor is talking to the kids and asking them questions.

He says something like..."ok, kids. What are the six symbols on our flag? Can you tell me what they mean?"

Silence. The kids just stare at him.

I whisper to Craig. "Do you know?"

He starts to tick words off on his fingers, with a completely straight face.
"Discipline, Strength, Kickin' Ass, Taking Names, Cigarettes and Cake."

I, of course, snort like a pig and burst into laughter. And then continue laughing until I choke and start hacking like a 70 year old smoker with emphysema. All of the children turn in my direction and wonder who's crazy ass mother I am. Roslyn, of course, did not even turn around. But I did see her sigh and shake her head.

Poor kid. It's only gonna get worse from here.


  1. AWWW, poor girl!!!
    But that still hilarious!! I'm pretty sure I would've been snorting too! :)

  2. I wanna come to your sporting events...or you can come to mine, because that is funny! I just saw the other day that my son's soccer coach's wife is a dumb b*tch I went to school with and I really wanted to laugh at her. She's still a moron... : )

  3. That. Is. Hilarious! I always crack up more when people laugh at the most inappropriate times... it makes it more funny that way :) It's like getting the giggles in the middle of a serious conversation or church or something... it is hilarious but even more so cuz you can't control it!

  4. Yes .. I'm one of those moms too!!

  5. LOL! I am so joining that karate school...

  6. i want a flag with all those symbols. it would be totally sweet

  7. i thought we lost you.. it has been so long..
    after the summer with so little blogging!

    we love love your blog!
    keep it going!

  8. helloo!
    thank you for visiting love lives in the kitchen! i'm very happy to meet you! hope to hear from you soon!
    nice blog :)

  9. Ok I'm sorry but I totally would have laughed so hard too, that was an awesome response! My other half and I tend to get a lil crazy in such situations, we flat out refuse to grow up :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog by the way! Love yours, I've come to join your fan club of followers (so uhh yeah now you can be scared k?)

  10. That is funny and how I would be at an event. Like your husband too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.. joining yours.

  11. Ha - your husband is fun!!
    I say things that are the most hilarious things ALL the time and my son constantly thinks I'm not...someday he will look back and realize how lucky he was that I was so brilliantly fun!

  12. I would love to hang out with you guys at these kind of events! They can be so boring when the parents take it too seriously! I would've laughed at that comment probably too loudly :)

  13. you're right, I wasn't getting your posts in my reader. thanks for pointing that out.

    and lol I have laughed til I choke too. my husband says "you're allergic to fun" whenever i do this.

  14. Oh man that is too funny! I would have had to get up and walk out from laughing too hard!

  15. LOL LOL you are too funny. I'm sure my kids are glad they are grown and living in other cities LOL. I have truly learned the Art of Embarrassing your Kids LOL. My favorite is to dance (usually the Robot or the Funky Chickn) in front of their friends. LOL

  16. you are my kind of people.

    I am going to have to look into the reader situation, thanks for letting me know.

  17. Glad to know we arent the only inappropriate people in the world.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! hope to see you again soon.

  18. I'm rolling at the response...which flag was he looking at? Ah...embarrassing the least she understands good humor!

  19. I do that too:) Only I mumble under my breath and think that no one else can hear me. I dont whisper well. Maybe we should stay freinds from afar huh...on second thought...WHY??? What fun we could have...sitting on the sidelines poking fun at the others :)

  20. Tom and I almost got kicked out of Lamaze class for similar behavior...

  21. LOVE THIS!!! I thought I was the only "embarrasing mom" out there!

  22. Like my blog entry today, at least you're teaching you kid not to take it all so seriously!

  23. Thats so awesome. You guys are a trip!!! Too funny :)

  24. We do the same thing to our kids! One of them even commented once about not being able to take us anywhere, lol!

    By the way, I've given you a blog award!! Head on over to my place and check it out :)

  25. Oh man!! That would be hard not to laugh! ;)

  26. Too funny. Embarrassing kids is the best because they are so easily embarrassed. I can't wait. Mwahahahaha.

  27. I would have burst out laughing too! Hilarious! Remember this when he is driving you nuts!

  28. That's hysterical!!



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