Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Friday -

Got something funny on your blog? Link up with Mr. Linky and tell us about it!

Oh hello there, man of my dreams!!

And I cannot even count how many times my daughter has watched this video!

Link up here and share some laughs with us!


  1. LMAO! Suddenly I don't feel so bad for being single. "Hi MOM!" Really? And the puppy is too cute.
    I don't know why but your updates haven't been showing up in my blog roll...I'm going to have to look into that. I missed reading all your clever posts!

  2. Aww that puppy video is awful. I kept wanting to just roll him over!

    And wow, I wonder what lucky ladies ended up with those fine catches. Ow ow!

  3. The poor little puppy! Ha. He's super cute.

  4. That puppy one is so cute. My kids will want to watch it over and over. Yeah, those guys are winners :)

  5. I feel so bad for the puppy (and those pitiful you think they ever found someone....would pay to see and update)

  6. I left you an award on my blog...not sure if you do them but I really like your blog and wanted to show my appreciation! Have a great weekend

  7. How could they just watch that puppy struggle!?

    Those men....oy. What a bunch of losers!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.