Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Confessional!

I haven't done a confessional post in For-Ev-Errrrr (um..Sandlot reference?? Anyone?) Here we go!


I confess:
I haven't properly kept up with this blog lately, and I am deeply ashamed. OK, more like mildly embarrassed. Fine, it's more of an annoying  itch.

I confess:
I am just a little too excited that Jeff and Jordan are back on Big Brother this season! Seriously, could they be sweeter? (My favorite part at 3:10 "Holy, Macaronies...we were playin' for now-n-laters.")

I confess:
I am sick of people not taking my feelings seriously. I am sick of people just chalking my feelings up to me being "anxious" or "irrational." I am sick of being told I'm exaggerating. I am so damn sick of not being taken seriously. I am tired of being the one listens but also the one who never gets heard.

I confess:
That I hate myself a little for that above confession, because there is nothing I hate more than whining.

I confess:
I have a crush on Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I know, I know... I've got a thing for weirdos.

I confess:
I miss the old me. I censor myself now. I don't know where my confidence went? Maybe it's hiding under this layer of blubber?

I confess:
I'm addicted to outdated British sitcoms on Netflix.

I confess:
I want another child more than anything in the world. It's not going to happen. I have to figure out a way to accept that.

I confess:
I drink too much coffee, home-brewed, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. I'm pretty sure my urine is 95% coconut latte. There is a coffee bean farm in Brazil named after me.

And now, I confess that I'm done fascinating you with my spell-binding declarations of truth. You're welcome, Internets.


  1. hey.. i liked it.. lol
    coconut latte.. that just SOUNDS ADDICTING!!
    .. and i KNOW i drink too much coffee, but about something.. i just don't care.. lol

    have a lovely wkend!!!

  2. I LOVE Jeff and Jordan, they kill me...soooo funny! i am a Big Brother junkie, nice to know i am not alone!

    Thanks for joining in on Friday Confessional!!

    I have a little favor to ask you…when linking up to any of my link parties I ask people to link to their actual post for that party. NOT just the url to your blog. Your url to your blog looks like this:

    The url you should be linking up is the url to your actual post. You can get the correct url by clicking on the title of your post. The url you should be linking up looks like this:

    I spend a lot of time correcting links that I would rather spend reading and commenting on blogs so I would super appreciate it if you could do this one little thing for me.


  3. Lol, your urine is coconut latte, love it.

    I hate not being taken seriously either. I get that a lot because of my small size. People call me honey and sweetie and just pat my head. Drives me INSANE!

  4. I miss Starbucks:( We have one an hour away from us here but they do not serve my most favorite drink in the world... Cinnamin Dolce Latte with foam! MMMmmmm!

  5. I've got a lot of things hidden under my blubber. Your feelings are valid. So there.

  6. I'm lost and hidden too. I totally relate there. Your feelings are real and we acknowledge them.

    Love your confession about peeing coconut latte, I actually laughed out loud and my hubbie asked me what.

  7. A little whining is OK, we can take it! And I love Sandlot--I read the word in the fat red-headed kid's voice!

  8. What is a blog for if not to whine sometimes. I had a hubby who was addicted to coffee. He's better now.
    I don't do well with caffeine, but love chai tea lattes.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.