Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm How Old???

I turned 33 years old on Wednesday. Yes, double threes! I just can't accept it. But, I've done the math, there is no changing it.   You take a 50 year old woman and subtract 17 years and you get me. No matter how many times I try to take the year 2010 and deduct 1977 from it, I still end up with the same result.  I am a 33 year old woman. Holy Sh*t.. HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?

There is no denying it, I am in my thirties. My thirties!! That's, like,  my parents age! Oh, wait a minute..not any more it isn't. That's how old they were when I was ten. And when I was ten, I thought 33 was ancient.  Seriously though, aren't people in their thirties supposed to wear chinos and pastel colored polo shirts, drink sparkling water and discuss their 401k's? Aren't thirty three year old women supposed to spend their afternoons plucking gray hairs and chatting with their doctors about their fiber intake?  Aren't thirty somethings supposed to be lame??

I don't feel lame. Heck, I don't even feel like a grown up yet. When's that  whole part kick in? I mean, technically, I'm a full fledged grown up. I've got the paperwork to prove it. So, why is it that I still feel the need to hide the fact that I occasionally enjoy an alcoholic beverage from my mom? Why do I still find myself laughing uncontrollably at fart jokes?  Why do I still prefer Lucky Charms for breakfast instead of Grape Nuts? How come I still can't quite figure out the exact amount of time to cook popcorn in the microwave without it catching fire?  Why am I still planning things to do "when I grow up"?

I realize that 33 is not "OLD"... but, it's older than I feel.  I still wonder what happened to my twenties! I should have paid more attention! Why didn't I spend more time learning how to properly fold a fitted sheet?  Shouldn't I know how to use the barbecue grill by now? Why am I still petrified of the lawnmower?  Thunderstorms still scare the bejesus out of me.  And don't you dare ask me how to cook a turkey, because I still have to call my mom and ask her every time I try.

I don't know why, but being 33 bothers me.  I don't like it.  The other night we were at a restaurant with our friends. They told the waiter it was my birthday. He said "Hey! 21 again, huh?"  The bastard. How dare he? That's the same joke people used to say to my mom when she was....well, when she was in her thirties.  Everyone laughed to be polite to the overly friendly and uber-touchy douchebag waiter. Meanwhile, I was fuming. That son of a bitch. Is he saying I can't pass for 21 anymore? I can totally pass for 21, right? RIGHT? I mean, it was dark in there.. He totally could not see the 14 gray hairs I had been hiding amongst my curls.  And I was relatively positive he could not get a good view of my granny panties considering I was trying really hard to keep my bunion affected feet under the table.  Maybe he heard me moaning about my "aching back" as I attempted to reach down in my purse for some Gas-X.  I mean, really, the guy was just way too presumptuous. I'm sure there are plenty of 21 year olds who fall asleep at the table because they only got one nap that day. It's not uncommon. Young and feisty ladies totally get tired too, ya know.

Urgh, who am I kidding? I guess it's time I faced the facts. I am a grown up. I'm officially well into adulthood. Actually, I am pretty sure I hit the whole "adulthood" milestone a while back. I just never noticed.  Maybe that's what's different this birthday. I'm actually paying attention. Crap, I'm pretty sure that's another sign I'm getting older. Dang, there really is no denying it, huh? I'm gonna go drown my sorrows in ice cream. (and then some Pepto Bismol because I just can't handle dairy like I used to)


  1. Crap!!! I turned 33 a few months ago!! I'm older. Wayyyy older. Gah!

  2. I so relate. I turned 33 last month and felt the same way. I still don't feel like a grown-up. How did I get here???

  3. I was laughing through this whole thing. I turn 33 in November. I totally feel the same way... I don't feel old, but I don't think I should be as old as I am. Although, age doesn't really bother me all that much, it still seems like it is wrong. Happy Birthday to you!!! :)

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!

    My best advice..embrace it. Enjoy it.

    We can be "grown ups", without being "grown up."

  5. I'm 34 now. I loved turning 33. Probably because my birthday's 3/3, and my 33rd birthday fell on 3/3/09. (3x3 is 9. Sorry. Total geek moment there).

    I am, however, experiencing feelings like you are when it comes to the thought of turning 35 next year. Thirty-FIVE?!?! Now THAT'S old!!

  6. Happy late Birthday. I am 39...did you read that right 39? I am old. 30 is the new 20...enjoy it! Waiter was a jerk. How dare he?

  7. I totally know what you mean...and I am an ancient 35...almost 36...thanks for popping over to visit the blog of this elderly

  8. You are a young babe and don't think we ever really feel grown up - why should we, we're having way too much fun living it up!

    Let's just say, if waiters realized how much of an ego boast (and therefore tip boast) flattery is, they might not be waiting tables. I'm 34 and the nicest thing the kid at the baseball consession stand told me when I ordered my beer, after looking at my id, "I didn't look my age". I wanted to kiss her. (BTW, I do look my age.)

  9. I will be 40 in 8 months. I feel like I'm sliding down a hill slowly with no way to stop and I just know it's going to hurt when I hit the bottom.

    All of that should comfort you cause hey! At least you aren't almost 40! :)

  10. Happy Birthday!! Your only as old as you tell yourself.

  11. happy birthday. 33 isn't old. It's only old to 10yr olds. I mean I don't think the RH of Orange County are old.

  12. Ah! The 30's sound so mean and hateful! I laughed out loud at the "my parents are 30!" I totally feel you! (But really, we don't have to TELL anyone we are 30!)

  13. Hehe Happy Birthday first off! I hear you about 33 I think I did the same thing last year.

    LOVE the pepto comment I would so be doing the same thing!

  14. Happy Birthday!! Mine is tomorrow...and I am turning the big 3-0!!! Yikes!!

  15. My most traumatic birthday was 30. After that, it got easier.

    No idea why.

    Happy Birthday!!

  16. I hate to tell you but I'm going to be 43 (gulp!!) in September and I STILL don't feel like a grown-up. I realize now they were all FAKING it!

  17. well 33 isn't bad! i just turned 40! we are leos, and that is fab. it could be worse! bah!

  18. Shut up! I turn 44 this month! Yeah, that's right - DOUBLE 4'S!!!

    I will say however that I don't feel 'old' either. Most days. I still wear shorts, tanks, bikini tops and jeans. Not mom jeans either. I think we're only as old as we feel Kel. And I just refuse to feel old yet.
    Happy belated birthday to you!

  19. Oh wait...I don't wear all those clothes at the same time - lmao!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. okay.. i realize that when i say what i'm about too.. you will say shut up.. i wish that age were mine...

    .. but other day i turned 26.. and that REALLY is bothering me. i REALLY REALLY like being 25.. looooved in fact- but now- it's on to 26 and i am so NOT loving it at all...

  22. I didn't know you had a different blog now. My blog list has your old one and it leads to some freaky Swedish blog or something. Anyway I couldn't commisurate more with this post. This year I turned 39 and it literally made me sick. Not because I don't want to get old - okay I don't - but it feels like I just only got my act together like yesterday and I'll be 40 already!

  23. 18 year old me is fighting to get out of this almost 42 year old body!!! LOL. I recognize those feelings of "where did the time go."

  24. I went to Applebees for my bday in July and they did the whole, '21 again' thing to me too. I just turned 38 and don't feel anywhere near that old. Well, my body does, but my mind and personality vacillate between the ages of 15 and 25.

  25. Happy Birthday...late, but I'm sure you are still celebrating since you are obviously so excited to be the double threes!!

  26. In 1977 I was standing in line to see Star Wars, so shut the hell up! hahahahaha!!!! (You know that I am kidding, I hope)

  27. I think I'll always prefer Lucky Charms to the healthy stuff. I'll be an old Granny enjoying her cereal with marshmallows.

  28. Well I'm looking down the barrel of 40 (1.5 years to go...) so 33 sounds pretty good to me. Seriously though - I thought my 30s were great. It's all about putting yourself in a new context. When you're 29, you're the "oldest" 20something. But when you're 33, you're still just a baby in 30something world.

  29. got ya beat girlfriend! I am "double 4's". With two kids under 7. How's that for a WTF? I read your lament about "what happended to my 20's" and I have to smile. I feel the same way about my 30's! The key: Never, never 'act your age" ;)

  30. I turned 33 in January. I am still alive... :)
    33 isn't too bad, nobody believes that I am that old, so that is a plus. It's turning 35 that I am worried about. UGH!

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  31. Happy Belated Birthday to you. And're not getting older, you're getting wiser!

  32. Hey, now. I woke up a few months ago and realized not only am I 46 but have no clue what happened to my early 40s! Relax and enjoy the 30's. Remember it is the ride we remember not so much the destination. Enjoy your life ride!

  33. Dear God, this was a fantastic post! I'll be 31 in less than a month, so this one was really resonating...also possibly because my husband wears chinos and pastel-colored polo shirts AND drinks sparkling water! Yikes.

    I don't feel like a grown-up, either. I look at other people my age and they just seem more...mature. More together, more disciplined. I feel like I'm still figuring everything out.

    AND I don't know how to use the grill, AND I never cook whole birds - I just find them intimidating. But I do know how to kick a fitted sheet's ass, and I can teach you if you want. :)

    (Oh, and you know what I've taken to doing lately? Crossword puzzles in the bathroom. Now if that's not elderly I don't know what is.)

  34. Oh puh-leeze! Come back and visit when you hit the double nickle! That's the barrel I'm staring January, thank you very much.

    P.S. Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over 21.

  35. oooooo..33 luks a bit scary.. But the way u have written the feeling is grt!!


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