Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Random Tuesday .... because I'm nothing if not random..


Yep, it's Random Tuesday over at The UnMom, and I was thinking.. "Hey, I may be a really horrible blogger lately and I totally can't bother myself to put the effort into an actual coherent and articulate blog post. (You remember those, don't you, Kel? Those rare ones where you actually had a point to make and eventually got around to making it? Yea.. I didn't think so.) Why not give Random Tuesday another go? You can be as aimless and rambling as your cold little heart desires!".  So, here goes, people... all the mindless crap you've been dying to hear.

I love Jimmy Fallon. Seriously, could he be more freakin' adorable?

I have not missed one single episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Yes, even the one that my husband inadvertently - on - purpose deleted from the DVR. Hmmm... is someone jealous there, dear husband? Well, you should be. Because if Jimmy knocked on the door right now, I'd be humpin' his leg like a golden retriever on your Great Aunt Tillie.

I am ashamed to say that I have not read Harry Potter, or actually sat through one of the movies to completion. This could turn out to be an issue, since my daughter has decided that she wants to be Hermione Granger (??) for Halloween this year. Good luck, kid. I'll give you a wand and a bathrobe.. hope that qualifies for wizard wear.

Pumpkin Spice lattes are laced with crack cocaine. Or, well, maybe not cocaine. (Chill out, Strabucks' legal team.. it was a joke. Dag.)But they are definitely pumping those things full of something addictive, because I am downing them like water. If I drank water like I should, which I don't. Because there are pumpkin lattes to drink instead. Duh.

I'm so happy Fall is finally here! I had a fantastic summer, but my swimsuits were screaming for mercy. Honestly, there is only so much stretching that spandex can take. It's time for my comfy sweater, jeans and hoodies to take their share of the abuse. I'm not ordering the Fat Free Pumpkin Lattes, people.. there is a serious need for maximum body coverage at this point.

And that's all I got. So, there.. random enough for ya?


  1. I loved Jimmy Falon when he was on SNL... he never could get through a show without laughing!
    I have also never read or watched Harry Potter. I just don't care enough.

  2. Jimmy Fallon is adorable!

    I haven't read Harry Potter yet either, but I plan to one of these days.

    I am all over fall too, I love fall! It's my fave season.

    Have a great day!

  3. I agree - Jimmy Fallon is adorable! :)

    I haven't read Harry Potter yet nor seen any of the movies - I suppose my time will come when Princess Nagger shows interest. Too bad she hasn't shown interest yet, because maybe I could have gotten away with giving her a bathrobe and a wand instead of having to make a complicated costume she wants! ;)

    I used to be addicted to Pumpkin Spice Latte's, too - but there isn't a Starbucks in my area, so I'm not only deprived, but now I'm craving and may have to drive the 45 minutes to a Starbucks. ;)

    I love Fall - I wish our weather would finally cool down so I could put my bulky clothes to work again! ;)

    RTT: Corn Festival & Princess Zelda

  4. Pumpkin Spice lattes... one word.. YESSSS!!!

  5. I love when you decide to post. like once every 6 months. ahem. anyway as an avid reader - you should really read they harry potter series. they are awesome.

  6. I am going to have to get me a pumkin spice latte now. Thanks! Happy RTT

  7. Ooooh and those Starbucks Pumpkin Cream cheese muffins! I can't get enough of them! They are hard to find too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looking forward to reading yours.

  8. I think Jimmy Fallon is adorable too. You made me laugh out loud today... a couple times. :)
    Mmmmm Pumpkin Spice Lattes - DAMN those people at Starbucks!!!

  9. Random is good!

    Will I be banned if I admit I don't really watch Fallon?

    I too, and happy to see Fall!

  10. Well, although I'm a little disappointed that you never jumped on the Potter bandwagon, I can tell you what you need to do for your daughter's Hermione costume. Put her in an oversized housecoat. Give her a stick. And make her hair as frizzy and unmanageable looking as you can. Voila! Hermione Granger!...you're welcome :)

  11. Oy, I've seen those pumpkin spice lattes being advertised and have to walk away quickly or I'd be running to order one.

  12. Too funny. I hear you on Jimmy Falon and on the spiced lattes. YUM That pumpkin spice is what I live for every fall.

  13. Jimmy Fallon is really cute. I love his thank you notes on Fridays. And that "Let Us Play With Your Look" song gets in my head frequently.

    But nothing tops the Wheel of Carpet Samples. Nothing.

  14. I have never read Harry Potter either. Nor do I want to...I agree with the lattes!

  15. No Harry Potter? That is just wrong. Go read them. Now.

  16. New follower - nice blog
    Mr Monkey

  17. No no one culd be more adorbale than Jimmy Fallon. It is true. I have four sons and I have often hoped one will be as adorable as Jimmy fallon. The sad thing is I a really not kidding.

    I ahve hard far too mnay people obsess over those lattes. and they do cost an arm and a leg. I am steering far far clear. I will not try one. There may be no coming back from it. Again only half kidding:)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.