Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Need a Blog Designer!

Hey everyone!! I need your help!  I am in search of a blog designer!! I am going to be revamping all three of my sites, and possibly adding another.  Can you recommend anyone that you have worked with?  Do you design blogs yourself?  leave a comment and let me know!  I, of course, will be promoting the designer on all three sites.


  1. I used Shauna for mine Kel and I loved what she did - well, back when I used to blog that is. Lol. Check out her stuff and tell her Deb from Postcards from the Edge sent you. :)

  2. Of course there should have been dots in there - Stupid cut and paste!

  3. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I used PIP Designs - by Tara. She works really close with you and I thought it was reasonably priced.

  4. back when i was still using blogspot, my good friend, kelly did so much work for me. I know she will work till she gets it right and will change things up. and she's just cute!

    here is her facebook page:!/GodBlessKellysHome


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