Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thousand Words Thursday *Dreaming of Summer*

Thousand Words Thursday!!!!

This is my girlie, Roslyn, chillin' out in the surf of Ocean City, Maryland this past summer. Oh, I can almost feel those warm rays of sunshine!! Come on, Summer!!  You can't get here fast enough!

Now, scoot your little booty over to Cheaper than Therapy and check out the other submissions!


  1. Aww i am also dreaming of summer
    playing along..

  2. Today is the first day where I feel actual warmth when I'm outside. I think spring is coming!! And right behind that summer!! YAY!!!!

  3. What a cutie!

    Thanks for stopping by A Cup of Romance - I'm now your newest follower =)

    Sandie lee

  4. Discovered OC last year. Great spot. Hurry summer!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.