Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..Beach Edition

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! For those of you who have never played before, here are the rules. I give you a few questions with two possible answers. You must pick one! DON'T EVEN TRY TO SAY NEITHER! I MEAN IT, PEOPLE! ANYONE WHO SAYS NEITHER WILL BE BANISHED FROM BLOGDOM FOREVER...and I will also give you a big 'ol pimp slap on your way out. I'm warning you now...

So, anyway.. welcome to a Beach Edition of Would You Rather Wednesday...

1. Would you rather live in an episode of Lost or Miami Vice?

2. Would you rather camp on a secluded beach or party it up at an wild beach resort?

3. Pee on someone to save them from Jellfish sting ? or remove a hemit crab from a fat man's speedo?

And for you Bonus Gross Out Question...

Would you rather have a midnight roll in the sand with....
The Hoff?

Or Gilligan??

And before you even ask, no, you can't have them both. Dirty little hoochies....


  1. 1. miami vice...cuz there's no monsters and stuff. plus i could hook up with don johnson. he was totally hot back in the day.

    2. secluded beach...it would be nice to have some peace and quiet. plus, i don't like people.

    3. the hoff...i'm a bettin' girl, and i'm thinking he's a dirty boy.


  2. I love these "would you rathers."
    LOST, cuz I'd be humpin' on Jack and Sawyer's legs like a dog.
    Secluded beach.
    I'd pee on someone without the fear of the jellyfish sting. I'd pee on em right now just for fun.
    And I gotta take the Hoff. Gah.

  3. MiMi said i HAD to come over and play. I about peed my pants reading about her humpin' the hot boys from LOST!

    1. LOST for pretty much the same reasons as MiMi
    2. Wild Beach Resort
    3. The pee thing for sure
    4. The Hoff...but I don't want him drunk

  4. The Hoff ! I just saw this and I am about to go to bed. I hope I do not get nightmares!!!

  5. These are WAY too easy!
    Secluded Beach
    I like to pee on things. I'll pee on you, fer sher!
    Gilligan. Because I like me some nerdy boys.

  6. 1. Would you rather live in an episode of Lost or Miami Vice? Miami Vice

    2. Would you rather camp on a secluded beach or party it up at an wild beach resort? Secluded beach

    3. Pee on someone to save them from Jellfish sting ? or remove a hemit crab from a fat man's speedo? Pee on someone lol

    And for you Bonus Gross Out Question...

    Would you rather have a midnight roll in the sand with.... Definitely the Hoff man and that picture of him is histerical.

  7. miami vice
    secluded beach
    pee on someone for sure!! ewe!
    and I'd rather never have sex again than do it with either of those!!!
    why do you always have such hard questions??? lol
    love these posts!

  8. 1. Miami Vice - 80's clothes!!
    2. Secluded and relaxing please?
    3. Pee on them, they can wash it off in a bit. Speedo will be inbedded in my brain forever!
    4. Gil looks more prepared and would know to bring a blanket.

  9. 1. I actually AM gonna skip the first one 'cause I didn't/don't watch either show (don't kick me out of blogland) so I can't make an informed decision. and you wouldn't want me making choices willy nilly, now, would you?

    2. Secluded

    3. Pee

    4. The Hoff. If death is not an option.

  10. LMFAO!

    1 - Miami Vice - the 80s totally rock and I've always wanted to play "detective".

    2 - I'm gonna party like a rock star baby! Pass the Patron!

    3 - Definitely pee on someone. I have to look at a fat mans sac all too often.

    4 - Hands down, I'm going for Gilligan! He was locked up on an island with only a few broads, none of whom gave him any play. Dude is totally gonna ravish this short, pudgy body and not even care about the butt dimples or jelly rolls. I'm SO down with Gilligan! Hoff is an old, tired drunk who probably has the cooties anyway.

  11. 1. Miami Vice. Don't ask.

    2. Resort--heyyy!

    3. Pee. I'd rather pee on a million people than reach into a fat man's Speedo. Or a skinny man's Speedo for that matter.

    4. The Hoff. He'd be way to into himself to realize I was even there, lol!

  12. Miami
    Hoff-with a muzzle on.

    The books are up at my place!

  13. I am a would-you-rather virgin, so here goes... GULP!

    1. I've never seen LOST, but I have seen Miami Vice, and due to that fact, I will choose LOST.

    2. I hate camping. Party it up!

    3. Fat man junk in a elastic swimmy? EW EW EW. Going for the pee.

    BONUS GROSS OUT: Gilligan. Hoff is man-whore ish and Mr. Gilligan has the whole damn island named after him. Take that!

    5. Oh wait. No five. Damn.

  14. This was the easiest Would You Rather Wednesday yet.

    LOST - I love the show, I love Sawyer, and Jacob ain't that bad looking either.

    Private beach with my honey or Hoff, oops.

    Pee pee all the way - I ain't touching no fat man's ass

    The Hoffmeister. I think Gilligan would take too long figuring it all out.

  15. I stumbled upon your site from Hit 40...I like this.

    1. Miami Vice...it was just a much cooler time.

    2. Is this a real question? Party!

    3. Definitely pee. I don't have to see any unpleasant body parts and once it's out it's their problem.

    4. I'd have to go with Giligan in the hopes that I can get him wasted and he'll pass out before anything frisky happens. If not then I'll suck it up.

  16. 1. Seriously, why would you pick Miami Vice over a secluded island??? Seriously.

    2. See number 1.

    3. Oh gross. Pee on someone. Hopefully it's my child and NO ONE else.

    4. OH GOOD GRACIOUS where did you find that picture of The Hoff? I just threw up in my mouth a little. I choose Gilligan. You know he's sweet and thoughtful...know what i mean?

  17. I'm BACK!!!! Glad to see you again!!

    Here goes:
    Miami Vice since I've never seen Lost and always had a thing for Don Johnson.

    Wild beach resort for sure. I do love a wild party!

    Pee on someone. No doubt. Matter of fact I have to go right now. Any takers?

    And I have to pick The Hoff. He wasn't always creepy. He used to be hot.

    See ya later!!!

  18. 1. Lost. For sure. Just to be near Sawyer.
    2.Secluded. Preferably with Sawyer.
    3. Pee. I'm scared of crabs and speedos.
    4. Yuck to both, but Gilligan. The Hoff probably has crabs in his speedo...you know the kind I mean!

  19. 1. Miami vice, because I look killer in a 3/4 blazer.

    2. Definately camp, because I prefer adventure.

    3. I'd pee on someone to save them from the jellyfish sting. Hell, I'd just pee on someone because it's funny.

    4. Gilligan. I have a thing for men in hats.

  20. 1) Miami Vice for sure....Don Johnson can still be hot.
    2) Par-tay....hate to camp
    3) I think I gotta say the crab....think I have a shy bladder.
    and The Hoff...not sure why so many think he's yucky. Musta missed something somewhere.

  21. Miami Vice, secluded beach, pee, Gilligan!

  22. Oh I LOVE this game!

    1. I'm gonna go with Miami Vice because I'm pretty sure there was no smoke monster or deranged island people on that show.

    2. Hands down Secluded Beach, I'm NOT the party it up type.

    3. I would much much much rather pee on somebody then pull a crab out of a fat mans speedo. UCK!

    Bonus - I'm going with The Hoff on this one. It's not like I would have to date the guy right? I like men with a little muscle.

  23. I'd take Gilligan! AND I would pee on his leg on a secluded beach!

  24. 1. Miami Vice - Don Johnson for seriously.
    2. Secluded.
    3. Pee on them. May require some acrobatic skill, but it'd be a fun story to tell.
    4. The Hoff, for gossip on the blog.

  25. This is easy...I guess.

    1. Hang out with Don Johnson all the way!
    2. The Beach.
    3. Pee on someone. Heck I'd take being pee'd on if it would take the stink away.
    4. Gilligan...on that beach. Oh yeah.

  26. I will go with:
    Secluded beach
    The Hermit Crab
    Gilligan...I had a crush on him as a young girl :D

  27. This is fun!
    1. Lost- I love that show

    2. It really depends on my mood... but right now I need some peace and quiet so... secluded beach

    3. Pee on someone to save them from Jellfish sting

    4. I will go with Gilligan... he seems like he would do anything for you!

  28. Love these...
    1.I'd have to say Miami Vice (I'm probably the only one, but they filmed at our house on MB and it was sooo cool!!)
    2. Secluded beach camping
    3. Definitely pee on someone...

    Since it's a secluded beach and no ones around..Gilligan. We're marooned, right?

  29. 1. Miami Vice (I've never seen Lost)
    2. Secluded beach
    3. Pee
    4. Gilligan...after seeing a bit of America's Got Talent I would be scared to hear the Hoff yell, "You're going to Vegas" during sex.

  30. 1.Miami Vice- lack of flush toilet completely ruins Lost

    2. Beach resort- again, that pesky lack of flush toilets, no going in the weeds for this girl

    3. I would most definitely pee on someone rather than reach into the fat man's speedo. Why do they wear those things?

    4.Um... Gilligan. Cause the Hoff is way to into himself. Though I think Bob Denver may be dead. : (

  31. :) I love these posts!

    1.) Lost - sure, there are crazy wackos and monsters and all, but I'm just dying to get away from it all right now! And there's a beach!!
    2.) secluded beach for sure.
    3.) Fat man and the speedo any day. I don't even like to pee in public toilets and I've never been the kind of girl who can go with someone else in the room. So weird, because I'm not really shy and I've even done the Bare Buns Fun Run completely nude!
    4.) Yuck.... I think Gilligan. Hoff would make me feel to sleazy.

  32. 1 - I've got a slight problem with this one...I don't watch TV! I know the vague general idea of Lost, but I had no idea there were monsters! And I barely remember Miami Vice...but I suppose now that I know there are Monsters on Lost I'm going to have to go with Miami Vice.

    2 - I think camping on a secluded beach, but please, don't tell me that ten years ago!! =)

    3 - Totally pee on someone. I can't stand fat men in speedos. I'd probably puke on him. Eew.

    4 - and while I always have a soft spot for a nerd...I think I'm going to go with the Hoff on this one, he's probably got plenty of practice, so I'm sure he's good in the sack! ;)

  33. 1. Lost, even with the shadow monster thing. (I haven't watched it in a while so I don't know if that's still around or not).

    2. Secluded beach, I find I tend to dislike people in groups greater then 4.

    3.Yeah, I'll definitely be making with the peeing. I avoid fat men in speedos as much as possible.

    4. You know, I'm gonna go with Gilligan on this one. The Hoff annoys the crap out of me for some reason.

    Great questions! I might have to join this one next week.

  34. Will the Hoff be eating a hamburger during it?

  35. 1. never watched either
    2. secluded beach
    3. pee on someone

    Hoff...but only if he's belligerent drunk and talking about cheeseburgers.

  36. LOL..
    finally found your site. I can not find you through the mini feeds even though i'm a follower..sooo how ear you

  37. LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Party like a Rock Star
    Pee! fun ;)
    The Hoff! ooooh yeah!

  38. Lost...just a guess there. ;)
    Secluded Island please.
    I Squat like a pro, thank you.
    And a romp in the sand with Gilligan...yep.

    P.S..I'd love more info on how to become a blog author for the Girls With Books site, I sent an email, etc. but no reply...help!

    Always, Sarah @ sayanythingnotes@hotmail.com

  39. LOL.

    I'm glad I made it over here. ;]

    My choice?


    Hoff is too hairy.

  40. 1.) Lost, as long as we weren't skipping through time. No bloody ears for me, thanks.

    2.) Secluded beach. Then no one would care how I looked in my bathing suit. If I chose to wear one.

    3.) Pee on someone. Most definitely - that's gross for them, but not me (unlike the hermit crab).

    4.) Boy, talk about having to choose the best of a bad bunch. I'm gagging as I type The Hoff, but I have two requirements - I am allowed to keep my eyes closed the entire time, and he is not allowed to speak.

    Thanks for spending time on my blog earlier this month!

  41. Oh how I've missed you...I know you sent me your new link but i couldn't find it and then some strange thing happened to your old site...ack.

    Okay, Okay...


    1. Lost. Um, can you say Matthew Fox?
    2. Secluded beach. With Matthew Fox.
    3. Pee on someone. Easy.

    4. Gilligan. Here's my theory. If it's Hoff it's all about him. Gilligan seems like he has to really work hard so its got to be about me. Right?

  42. 1. LOST - Sawyer is HOT
    2. Wild Beach Resort
    3. PEE - just cuz it sounds like it could be fun?
    4. The Hoff!

  43. 1. Miami Vice. I look good in pastels
    2. Secluded. As long as I could take at least a couple of people with me
    3. Pee - no speedo diving here, yo'
    4. Gillian! I'd totally hit that.

    Thanks - that was fuN!

  44. 1. Lost
    2. Wild beach
    3. Hermit crab
    4. Gilligan


  45. Unholy crap! Gilligan, definitely Gilligan. After seeing the pic of Hoff, I feel an incessant need to poke my eyes out.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.