Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Rambings...

So, let's see.. what's going on with me? Um, nothing actually, but that's not very interesting, now, is it? So, I guess I've got to dip deep and come up with something fascinating. Or at least something that will keep you from skipping on to the next blog in your reader...

*I've been AWOL on my blog for awhile now. I wish I had a good reason for it. I've moved to an exclusive Caribbean island and having trouble finding a reliable internet connection? I've been having a wild affair with Gerard Butler and he just leaves me too exhausted to type? Nah, not really. The truth is, I've just been lying around with my girlfriends at the pool like a sloth on morphine.

*I've found a possible replacement for Edward Cullen in my heart. His name is Po and he's in the book Graceling.. have you read it?

*I'm back working. From home. Just simple, data-entry, easy-peasy stuff. I was "laid off" for awhile, and now I am just trying to be grateful for extra income and not complain about the mind-numbing boredom of it all. Thank God for Pandora Radio and Jimmy Fallon on DVR. (Oh, Jimmy, I love you.)

*We saw Transformers 2 for Date Night this week. It sucked. I was so dissapointed. My Whoppers were all soggy from my tears. (or, they would have been if I hadn't housed the whole box during the previews.)

*The summer weather is making me crave a good concert. Well, that and ice cream. And naps.

*I wish I could promise that I would be a better blogger, but really, I'm a summer slacker. Besides, who would lay sizzling in the sun, eating fudgescicles and screaming at the kids in the pool if I didn't, huh? Think of the kids, people.

So, that's it. That's all I've got. For more intersting Random-ness go to the UNMOM, for links to more dedicated bloggers. But don't leave me for good. They won't love you the way I do.


  1. glad you found a new boyfriend. Im getting tired of sharing edward

  2. You are such a giver - do the kids know how much you do for them? Do the kids know you put them above your readers? If only you loved us that much - sniff, sniff

  3. Gerard Butler? Who is this Gerard Butler? Also, can he hook me up with sloths and morphine?

  4. First and foremost, I must tell the world that Gerard Butler wants to have MY babies. That's right... he's gonna be my baby daddy!

    Hmm, a sloth with a morphine-induced coma sitting poolside... sounds like pure summer bliss to me! Enjoy!

    Great RTT!

  5. I would give up blogging for laying around the pool too!

  6. Wish I could lay around a pool...sounds like bliss...pure and simple. It would have to be a private pool...one with a baby sitter...or no kids allowed and a baby sitter off site... ahhhhh

  7. Who's this Po? I need to find out about this.

    And your honesty is refreshing. You stink at summer blogging and it is A-OK!

  8. Wireless, my friend, wireless. That way, you can take the laptop to the pool and keep your readers happy while lazing around like a sloth (I am all about the lazing). It is a beautiful thing. I am new here, it is nice to meet you.

  9. What is it about summer!? I feel the urge to get my a$$ to a great outdoor concert STAT! Must be those hot summer nights.....Or maybe I'm just trying to regain my youth (Ha! Ha!)

    Summer Slacker! I love that one. Here let me use it in a sentence: I, too, have become a Summer Slacker. Yeah, that works for me!

    First time at your blog! Nice to meet you!

  10. Sloth on morphine....yep that pretty much fits me year 'round. : )
    I eat all the whoppers before the movie too.
    And I won't waste my $$ on that movie, I've heard nothing but sucky reviews. : )

  11. 'like a sloth on morphine' LMAO that oh-so-perfectly describes how I've been feeling lately. However, I haven't been lounging at the pool, but under a rock, which isn't nearly as comfortable, but hey, no sunburn.

    Great blog, I've bookmarked you and I'll be back!


  12. I wish I was laying around the pool. Bummer for me!!

    I will have to add that book to my must read list--NOW!!

  13. Po, ey?!!? As a replacement for EDWARD CULLEN he's gotta be good!


  14. Graceling, eh? I'll have to check that out if you say he trumps Cullen it MUST be worth it!

  15. I think a lot of people are slowing down for the summer.

    I want a concert, too! A big ole outdoor concert! (I've got 5 coming up in August, but that's so far away...)

  16. all the mention of icecream I have to go to the store now and buy some lol

  17. Sloth on morphine...sounds like me all together. So we're neighbors on that Caribbean island...that's why the fudgeicles were gone at the store!

  18. The pool is a good reason to take a blogging break! Relaxation all the way:)

  19. Graceling.
    Thanks for the tip! I need more books. Were spending a few days on the lake.
    On a boat mudda farker.

  20. Oooh. Gerard Butler. That would definitely be a good reason for not blogging.

  21. Hanging at the pool, date nights, fudgesicles...sounds like a good summer! I want to find a pool and be like a sloth on morphine.

  22. SO let me know if your new man works out for you....or if you are going to have to 2 time him with more Edward!

  23. See, I can't picture my self sighing "Oh, Po!" or "Yes, Po! Yes!" So clearly he could never replace Edward for me. I'm superficial that way though.
    Wireless, baby. Wireless. Laptop + Pool + Cocktails = Blogtastic

  24. You sound like you have the good life!! I want a data entry job to make money on the side after my real data entry job-it sounds fabulous!!
    I don't know who Edward or Po is! I'm not even going to look because I don't want to have to fight so many other women. (at one time anyway)

  25. Howdy Howdy - thanks so much for stopping by the sushi bar!

    A sloth on morphine *snicker* I love it. I love it so much that I'll forgive you the whole Twilight fangirl thing. :P

    I heard Transformers 2 sucked like a bucket of ticks. *sigh* You'd think they couldn't screw up giant robots kicking the sh*t out of each other. I guess you'd be wrong.

    Good randomness. I'll be back.

  26. The title of your blog describes me to a T. I am always trying to explain to my husband how very strange it is to be a sahm when I never pictured myself here. I will have to read Graceling because I am in serious need of an Edward Cullen replacement at the moment.

  27. It is hard to come up with new posts every day!

  28. So nice to find another undomestic, unenthusiastic SAHM. I thought I was alone. Thanks for the follow too!

  29. New Edward?! Graceling is officially on the to-buy list!

  30. I need to check out Graceling ... I could use an Edward replacement.

    And my commitment to summertime blogging is getting less by the second...

  31. If we lived close I could give you a break from the sun and screaming.
    I'm that kind of friend.

  32. I think summer does it to most of us. The fudgescicles and laziness are the best part! Now if only I had a pool closer to us.

  33. I need to read Graceling. Thanks for reminding me. But HOW in the HELL can anyone replace edward cullen? That is a tall order...

  34. Mmm...ice cream! I'm slacking a lot too...I love summer!

  35. i am glad to hear that transformers sucked ( i am NOT a megan fox fan)

    the summer is hard, why would you want to be inside when you can be outside eating popsicles?

  36. Its okay to slack!

    I have heard mixed reviews on Transformers. Have yet to see it for that reason.

  37. Replace Edward?! No way!!

    And NO dissing the Optimus Prime and Bumblebee!!

  38. That's funny stuff. I can't believe you would actually replace Edward though, that's very sad.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit!

  39. It's ok to be a slacker, there is always something to do during the summer.

  40. Was that Transformers movie as good as they are saying? I want to see it but don't want to waste the $ if they showed all the good parts in the previews. LOL!

  41. I don't think anyone could ever replace Edward... Have fun at the pool!

  42. I think everyone is turning into a bloggy summer slacker, including myself. Being outdoors and enjoying life is just more fun sometimes!

  43. I want to be like a sloth or morphine. You have given me something to striv for. Thanks.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.