Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random Post Redux #3

I had this scheduled for Saturday... I don't know why it didn't show up. Sorry, everyone! Once again, I'm hosting a Random Post Redux. Post a random, previously-used entry on your blog and give it another chance at stardom!! Link up with Mr. Linky at the bottom and we'll follow ya over to your site! Here is mine!

Previously posted on April 12, 2009

The Patron Saint of Irritated Husbands

My husband and I will be celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary next month. I am the first to admit that I am difficult to live with. I am shocked that he has put up with me for that long. The following are just a few examples of his miraculous patience.

** We had not been dating too long when my parents invited him over for dinner. My brother and I decided to class up the dinner with a fart machine under my chair. We waited until a silent moment and then... rip. My brother and I were laughing so hard he choked on his chicken parm and had to leave the table to puke in the bathroom. Of course, he continued to hit the fart remote while I sat and snorted like an idiot. Hubby just kind of giggled a little and turned beet red.

** The other week we were sitting in a parking lot trying to find directions to a new restaurant. I spot two birds out my window.
ME: Do birds have sex?
HIM: Yes (still typing on the GPS)
ME: I've never seen them do it.
HIM: (he sighs..) Well, the do. Maybe they're just private about it.
ME: Well, then where are their little wieners?
HIM: (slamming shut the GPS) Kel, they have wieners and they have sex... OK??
ME: Geez... well, excuse me, Mr. Know-it-all.

** We were feeding the geese at the park with our daughter. One goose dips her neck in the green water and guzzles some down.
ME: ewww! They actually drink that water?
HIM: (rolls his eyes.) No, they don't. They have bottled water shipped in (walks away, shaking his head.)

** I have this thing where if someone tells me NOT to do something, I have to do it. I don't know why. I've always been that way. One winter morning,when we were living in our first apartment, Craig went out to warm up his car. We had had an ice storm the night before. He came back in to get something to scrape the ice off his car. I offered to help. He told me not to go out there. The parking lot was covered in ice. That's where he made his mistake. A few minutes later he goes back out. I follow him, with my trusty spatula, ready to show him how it's done. I get to the front step and he says. "Kel! I said don't come out here! It's too dangerous!"

I get very snotty with him. "Don't you tell me what to do!" , and I step off the bottom step. "I wanna heeeeeeeellllllpp". And then I fall. I slide across the entire parking lot, on my ass. I make eye contact with him as I glide past. He just sighs. I finally come to a rest at the other end of the lot. I try to get up. Because I was stupid enough to put on slippers before I went out, I now find it impossible to stand up. And I have to wait there, in my nightgown, halfway across the apartment complex, for him to come help me get up. After five minutes of my whining, he comes over. He doesn't say a word, just shakes his head.

** A few years ago we were watching the Olympics on TV. I say to him. "I bet I can still do a handstand."
He looks over at me. "No. Please, don't."
Now he did it.
"Don't tell me what to do." I go to the middle of the room and do the coolest and most awesome handstand that has ever been done in the history of handstands. He doesn't say anything. "You didn't even look!" I yell at him.

"Yes, I did. It was cool. You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself. Now, could you move?" He looks past me to the TV.

Oh, no he didn't. I put my hands on my hips. "No! You didn't look! Watch!!" And this time I do another super-cool, spectacular handstand.. except this time, I fall over backwards and break my toe. To this day, I look at my crooked second toe and blame him.

** When I was pregnant I told him I was dead set against getting an epidural.
HIM: Why don't you want an epidural? It's gonna hurt, Kel."
ME: I'm not gettin' one. I don't want my legs all numb.
HIM: What? Why not?
Me: Because! What if I need my legs?
HIM: For what?
ME: I don't know!! What if I something happens and I need to run out of there or something??
HIM: (sighs and shakes his head, again.) Kel, where do you think you are going to need to go so badly when there is a baby hanging out of you?
ME: I don't know... but I sure won't be able to get there with jelly legs, will I?
HIM: Point taken.

So, there you have it. Just a few reasons that my husband should be appointed to sainthood. The fact that he hasn't killed me yet is unbelievable.


  1. I read this when I first "met" you.
    Maybe I commented. (And it was brilliant.)
    Or maybe I lurked (stealthily).
    This stuff proves there's more in common than the name. (I am Kel, did you know?)

    You are me.
    And you are married to my Mr.


  2. oh so that is why they call them slippers, I've never slipped in them so I always thought that wsa a stupid name for them.

  3. Congratulations!

    Oh, I left the comment, so you tell that mean baby on the sidebar not to punch me ;)

  4. I'm visiting from Living in France and so glad I am! SOOOOOO funny!!! I'm hard to live with too!

  5. You are hilarious lady! Must be fun living with you!

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! And I saw myself in more than a couple of your conversations.

  7. ROFLMAO at the vision of sliding across the parking lot in a nightgown! That SHOULD have been a video!

  8. I can see myself insisting on going out to help with the ice and falling on my rear too! I'm impressed that you can do a handstand :) Great story about the whole epidural debate. Jelly legs freak me out too.

  9. Not sure what to say. Just wish I would have been there. :)

  10. This is flippin' hilarious! Me and you were separated at birth, I tell ya! Seriously, except for the handstands...
    Once my husband told me that I couldn't get this Pomeranian puppy. But he's cuuuuute, I whined. I don't care, he said. Poms are whiny.
    Next day I came home with a cuuuuute litle Pom.
    He's 7 now. And guess what? He whines. I'm gonna have to do a post like this one of these days. Oh the stories I have. : )

  11. OMG. Remember when you said we could be best friends? We totally could.

  12. PuHAHAHAHAHAHA! Awww Kel, that was hilarious! Can't wait to hear more!

  13. This whole post had me cracking up. I tell everyone my husband is a saint, I'm not easy either.

  14. oh i totally remember this post the first time around! loved it then and still love it now!

    btw... for some reason when i schedule to post something at a certain time... mine doesnt work either.. who knows!

  15. OMGosh you are TOO funny cute post.
    stopping in from the SITS to say Hello

  16. What a great guy!

    I especially loved the anecdote about bird sex! lol

  17. Happy 10th anniversary you two crazy kids!

  18. You are hilarious. Would you be ok if I add you to my blogroll?

  19. So did you get the epidural after all? That is too funny!

    I bet your handstand is kick a$$.

    And now you've got me thinking, where the heck are a bird's weiner??

  20. funny stuff...thanks for stopping by my blog... I appreciate it!

  21. You guys act like me and My husband!!! LOL. By the way I love the idea of posting old posts! Thanks!

  22. Sounds like your hubby is a good sport! I'm right with you though-if someone tells me not to do something, I have to. I have quite a few bumps and bruises to prove it too.

  23. Funny stuff. I can totally picture the sliding across the ice thing. Hope you had a happy anniversary.

  24. Oh my gosh we are so alike!! Except I was ALL about the epidural. And thank GAWD because my first son was 11lb 3 oz!!

  25. Oh my f-ing goodness, that was one of the funniest posts I have ever read. Your hubs can't ever say you are boring. Sounds like a blast in your neck of the woods.....I almost pee'd myself when you said "I make eye contact with him as I glide past." Hahahahaha.....I have done my share of "interesting, enthusiastic, never boring moments.....but you are braver than I. =)

  26. I love this kind of Random! I love the word bubble in the photo! lol! This whole post cracked me up!

  27. Was this really back in April?! I still remember it--maybe my memory isn't as bad as I think--OR you are just hilarious which I think is probably the case!

  28. Still funny!!! I love the fart machine. It is a classic for all staff meetings.

  29. Somehow I didn't get switched over to your new site and was still following Girl in the Glasses. Okay, I'm here now though!

  30. I'm leaving a comment so that crazy ninja guy doesn't come kick my ass! You are seriously funny and that post was hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh today!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.