Sunday, June 28, 2009

What I'm Lovin' Right Now...

Once again, I am totally stealing an idea from Jess over at Nerdy Jess. Because I'm a follower, not a leader, people! I'm having some major blog inspiration brain farts lately. So, what do I do? I "borrow" from other bloggers. 'Cause I'm ruthless like that. And please, check out and follow Jess. She is the awesomest! (yeah, that's a word.)

Ten Things I am Lovin' Right Now:

1. The fact that Hubby and Kid are out with our friends at an Ice Cream Social thingy and I have the house to myself. (With my own bowl of ice cream and a screening of the movie Snatch, all to myself.)

2. Chillin' with my girlfriends and our kids during the week. We've got like twenty kids between us and they're all buddies. They swim, we gossip and talk about swimming laps for exersize and never quite get to it.

3. Iced Tea, by the gallon. It's hot out. Nothing but iced tea will do. Or booze. Whichever.

4. Our weekly date night with friends. Every Thursday is "date night". We go out to dinner, the movies, or just hang out at each other houses and play games and drink. This week it was take out and the game "Catch Phrase". It got funnier with each drink. Here is a taste of the conversation:

B: Ok, this is a country....

5. Family movie night. We've been having a lot of these lately. We're working our way through the classics. Princess Bride, Big, Goonies, etc.

6. No alarms in the morning!! woo hoo!! My daughter has this monkey alarm clock that drives me effing nuts during the school year!

7. The massive pile of books that I've got waiting for me!

8. Fireworks! Can't wait until the 4th! I Love me some fireworks!

9. The fact that I've got my job back for awhile. I know, I know. I complain. I want to go back to school. But Craig lost all his overtime right around the time I was considering quiting for good. They ran out of work for me for awhile, but I'm back. And we need it. I've definitly got enough work to keep me busy for the entire summer and then some.

10. Cold suppers, like salads and sandwiches. No oven! Easy clean-up!

So, what are so happy about? Make a list on your blog and play along!!


  1. MMM Yes! Ice tea is awesome, I love it. Feel free to steal away lovie!

  2. I would love to do a weekly date night, but our schedules are crazy!

  3. Hey, I live in Rhode Island. Of course we're our own country. The country of incredible beauty and incredible bureaucracy. Come visit sometime!

  4. i am so lovin your date night with friends thing! i might steal that.
    and sweet ice tea is the best drink ever! like ever.
    oh and i requested to follow you on twitter. @kandismoye in case you were wondering who that was.

  5. This is making me jealous ... I wish I had weekly date night and I wish I had tons of girlfriends with kids available to hang out. Plus the books makes me jealous ... even though I have a stack of my own.

  6. 4, 5 and 1o sound great!! I wish I got together with friends so often!!

  7. I need more date nights! I need more friend time too, our kids are all spread out age wise and some of those women work too much.....grrrr!
    I don't care if you did steal it, good list.

  8. I too am lovin sleeping in. Your date nights sound like so much fun!!!


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