Sunday, June 7, 2009

Question of the Weak ... Pet Peeves..

What are your top five pet peeves? What drives you absolutely nuts? Leave a comment and let us know, or take the idea over to your own blog and run with it!

Here are mine:

1. People who pick their nose in the car while driving. Why do people think this is OK? You do not turn invisible when you roll up those windows. We can see through them. They are glass, nimrod. And no, you are not going fast enough that we don't see you digging for gold up your left nostril.

2. When I lose something and someone says, "Where did you last have it?" Um, well let's see, dumb-ass, if I knew that I would know where said item is. That's just the same as saying "Where is it?". Um, I DON'T KNOW! HENCE, THE FRUSTRATED SCREAMING AND THROWING OF OBJECTS. You are not helping. Please leave.

3. People who are on their cell phones constantly. It drives me nuts when I see people out taking a walk with their phones to their ears. What ever happened to a nice contemplative walk to clear your head and think? I want to smack it out of their hands and scream "Look at the damn birds, would ya? Wave hi to a neighbor for Christ's sake!"

4. People who still wear the "80's bang". You know the one... otherwise known as "the pouf" or the "rats nest" or the "what the hell is that on your forehead? a dead raccoon?"

5. Sandals and socks. 'nuff said.

I have tons more.. it's a shame really, how many things drive me crazy. Maybe it's me? Eh, nah.


  1. hmmmmmmm. off the top of my head:

    people asking me to repeat myself. forget it.
    people that chew and swallow loudly. revolting.
    shit drivers. they are everywhere.
    body odor.
    not changing the roll of toilet paper.

    i could give a much better list if i agonized over it, but it would be a mile long!

  2. My husband.
    My kids.
    My family.
    My Gosh...I'm a bitch!

  3. 1. People who walk across my yard, especially right in front of my window, thus making my dog bark!

    2. My family. lol (I won't even go into detail here, but I'm so not kidding! Not even a little bit!)

    3. Smokers

    4. People who have kids and don't want them.

    5. When my internet or computer itself acts up.

    That's just to name a few! ;)

  4. This is really great! I may have to steal this for my blog! Here are mine:

    Smacking food or gum.

    Rude people.


    People who work out while talking on their cell phone - yes, I have seen this!

    People who fart in public.

    Smoking in an enclosed public place.


    Biting your fork when you eat (my hubby does this)

  5. These are some great pet peeves. One of mine is the old "look it up in the dictionary" if you don't know how to spell a word. How am I supposed to find it?!?!?

  6. When you are out with a friend who takes cell calls non stop!!! And they talk like they are not doing anything?? Just nuts!!! I only take calls from my kids when I am out.

    This is too large to be a pet peeve, but I really get upset with parents of my students who take too long to take their sick kid to the doctor. They leave them sick and home alone for days!!! hoping it will just pass.

  7. My very biggest is smacking or popping gum. It. drives. me. crazy. Like I want to get violent with the mannerless person doing it. Cell phones are becoming a bigger and bigger irritant for me, though. Do people really have that much to talk about that they have to spend every minute: in the car, in the grocery store, in the bathroom on the phone.

  8. Intolerance.

    No, just kidding. :) I'd say one of my worst pet peeves is when someone never invites me... I invite them all the time! What, do they hate me??? They come to eat my food and whatnot and then never return the favor! ...Ok...maybe I need help...

  9. I agree with you on the people trying to 'help' you find something.

  10. Hmmm...where does one begin! I totally agree with you about the cell phones! Another silly pet peeve of mine is someone leaving a wet bath mat on the bathroom floor. Silly, eh? It drives me nuts!

  11. people who do not use the sidewalk...but my grass instead
    my father in law
    the sound of a dog panting
    snow in June (like we are getting today)
    children who hear you...but pretend not to
    I could keep going....and

  12. Leaving the old roll of TP on the holder and putting the new one right next to it.

    People who stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk\mall\outdoor event and don't bother moving to the side.

    When you are talking to someone and they just start talking to someone else.
    When you are talking to someone and somebody walks up and interupts the conversation.

    Socks with sandals and white athletic socks with dress shoes.

    Guilt Trips

    My cellulite and stretch marks. :)

  13. I was driving down the road not too long ago and there was a couple behind me and the woman was driving and the man was picking. Then he ate it! I about drove off the road!!

  14. When someone calls me, and I happen to be out living my life, and inconveniently for the caller I don't have the cell phone duck-taped to my skull. SO thusly I miss the call. THEN to annoy the hell of me, she or he proceeds to bitch how i never answer the phone when she calls.

    I'm sorry that my life doesn't consist of sitting and waiting by the phone to receive calls.

  15. Okay, so I totally thought rolling up my windows meant no one could see me...Hmmm, guess not :)

    I'm with you on the whole list!

  16. *cannot stand dishes being put in left-hand side of sink.. i like one side to be empty

    *any advice that comes from my MIL's mouth

    *burping at the table

    *guilt trips (whoever put that up first was genius!)
    and there are many, many more.. too many

  17. * People who think they're better than you and they talk like that (because of who I am, I can't do that...)

    * I'm with Sabrina on leaving the old TP roll and putting a new one next to it

    * Your vs. You're. I'm a grammar Nazi, but that's the one that bugs me to the max. Get it right.

  18. 1. When people don't use their turn signal! Ugh!!!

    2. When you are talking to someone and their cell phone rings and they answer it totally blowing off whatever you were saying. Noting say's I don't care about what you have to say more than that.

    3. When I husband lays everything on top of each other in one side of the sink to dry instead of stacking them next to each other.

    4. When people leave their cart in the middle of the parking lot instead of taking it back to the cart corral.

    5. When people call and leave a message on my voicemail seemingly leaving me all of the information I need and NOT requesting that I call them back and then getting mad when I don't call them back. Ummm, hello just because you left a message doesn't mean you need me to call you back people!

    Wow, when I started my list I didn't think I was going to be able to come up with 5 and now I think I could keep going.

  19. - ppl who act dumb though i know they are NOT

    - ppl who walk into my studio to buy something and stay on their cell phone the ENTIRE time... its sooo rude

    - bad drivers

    - selfish people

    - my husband when he's a little sick.. b/c he turns it into this BIG ailment he got!!

  20. I made a whole post on my pet peeve.

  21. Pet peeve list: call waiting, people who "half listen" to you, teens who race their cars down the block, people who don't smile back when you say hello, and kids who hop over piles of dirty clothes.

  22. OMG, I could type forever about things that annoy me... Even worse than the non-stop cell-phone users, are the texters. Like you'll see a whole family out to dinner and every single one of them will be texting waiting for their food instead of talking to eachother... I don't get it.

    I will probably post and link soon about this!

  23. People "helping" when you try to look for something is so annoying.
    The rest is just little things like someone drinking the last bit of water without telling me until it's too late. (Ok, maybe I'm weird..:D)

  24. Oh man - when I'm reading a book and someone asks me what it's about. I should like this - I'm an English teacher! But I hate it.

  25. People that take more than 1 paper towel to dry their hands in a public washroom - you don't need 2, save the environment!

    Hmmm. . . in a pinch that's all I can think of.

  26. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Seriously, you crack me up. #2 is one of those where I usually say, "no shit sherlock..if i knew where I last had it I wouldn't have to worry about looking for it now!"

  27. Geez kel its about time you came over to my blog and left a comment! I was starting to think you were a bitch, in the bad way and suck at blogging. good job in redeeming yourself. My pet peeves. you took the good ones. dang it here it goes:
    1. bad teeth
    2. people letting their children loose. jesus there is a reason why they make those kid leashes
    3. gote- is that how you spell it? it looks so skeevy!
    4. on men how they have 1 extra long nail to pick at things. ew ew and more ew
    5. root beer, disgusting and i can't even smell it

  28. My current pet peeve is the douche that brings his laptop to the the apartment complex. He can't just go down to the pool for an hour and go home (less then 20 ft. I am sure) and check it, he can't even sit in the sun and relax for 3 minutes before he gets up and checks it. Moron

  29. I love your pet peeve list, funny as hell.
    I have so many pet peeves I wouldn't know where to start, but I loved reading yours and everyone else's who commented.

  30. Where to start? Ummm ....
    1. like you, I can't stand it when people are constantly on their cell phones.
    2. People who can't follow simple rules or common courtesies.
    3. Drivers who speed in and out of traffic not signaling their lane changes.
    4. Shoppers who walk .... really ... slowly .... and... block ... the ...aisle.
    5. Gum popping.

  31. People who don't use turn signals. Is it SO hard to flick your wrist and show me where the hell you're turning???

    I'm with you on the cell phone thing. Some people are so obnoxious with their cell phones.

  32. 1. my neighbor who I absolutley abhor because she is one crazy bitch
    2. Her crunky dog that shits on my walkway.
    3. zits on the side of your mouth.
    4. Guys that wear their collars up because they think it's cool
    5. and being in the car with my mother when she is driving.

  33. Love them all! Especially the nose pickers.
    Be sure to drop by and enter to win!

  34. 1. There is no such word as alot. A lot are two words.
    2. Putting an empty or almost empty container back in the refrigerator.
    3. Answering machines asking me to press 1 2 for ...., etc. Especially when what you want is not given as an option.
    4. Spitting on the sidewalk.
    5. Profanity in front of children.

  35. Hope you have a super weekend!
    ♥ HUGS ♥

  36. I can't stand when people Text while driving.

    I can't stand people bashing the police, but don't mind them showing up for their ass when they need them. ( hubby is in the field )

    I can't stand skinny plastic mothers who say that they lost their baby weight from hard work at the gym. Is that why her lips are so inflated too??

    I can't stand people who snub me until the realize too whom I am related.

    AND one of my BIGGEST is ignorant people shooting their mouth off about politics. they go along with "everyone else" without having their own opinion to WHY they voted for someone. It's a privilege and should be treated with research and respect.

    btw ((HI!!!)) :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.