Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

All right, you know how to play! I give you some questions, with 2 possible answers. You HAVE to pick one. You cannot say neither! Saying "neither" will result in a terrible, burning rash in your nether regions.

Now here we go...


have 500 followers (on your blog) that only comment occasionally or a 30 followers who post regularly?

Skip Christmas or your Birthday?

Have a billboard of you in your underwear in Times Square? Or a 10 minute sex tape of you sent to 5 of your friends?

And now.. for you Gross Out Question...
Would you rather...

Have wild, dirty sex with ...

Andy Dick

Or Clay Aiken...

To be honest, I think they'll enjoy as much as you will...


  1. your new look..and the name of your blog. for my answers
    30 followers that comment regularly
    skip my birthday
    ICK on the third question..but billboard it is
    and..GROSS>..but Andy Dick ..ewww ewww ewww going to shower NOW

  2. I would rather skip my birthday, christmas is what makes 2 months out of winter all sparkly and fun!

    I would rather have 500 followers.

  3. You do still have it!

    I want 500 followers that comment regularly!!
    Skip my Bday. We usually do anyway!:)
    Times Square billboard! Maybe someone will offer me some free plastic surgery.
    If I have to pick, Andy Dick.

  4. 30 Followers
    Times Square Billboard
    My Birthday

    Clay Aiken... he would be tender and gentle.

  5. Yikes! I can't see your new blog! It's a white background with yellow font :( Im using Firefox and Google Chrome.

    At least I found you :)

  6. 30 followers

    Times Square ball in the pants. Actually give me 2 for more fun!

    Christmas - I did skip it last year!! ENOUGH COMMERCIALIZATION! We went on a family trip instead of gifts. Family time is about christmas / not gifts!!!

    I'll take the Dick!!! He's not gay. I can not imagine how long it would take a gay guy to finish!!! Let's just get it over!! Both are sick!!

  7. 30 followers - those comments are like gold.

    Time Square baby!

    My birthday is in December, you can start planning now, so it often seems like one big party that whole month. I guess I would skip Christmas.

    Clay - at least he could sing sweet nothings in my ear.

  8. I love comments so I pick 30 followers.
    Times Square--there's photoshop involved right?
    My birthday is 3 days after my son's so it's always skipped anyway!
    clay Aiken--but he has to get a haircut first!

  9. Oh my gosh I love weds..ok

    1.30 followers that comment regular cause right now I don't have very many comments

    2. skip my birthday..what would be new right?

    3.10 minute sex tape to 5 friends because I could cover shit up I didnt want my stretch

    4. wild dirty sex with Andy Dick because I am not sure Clay even has a penis.

  10. oh lord...those are hard questions...

    1. 30 that post regularly
    2. Undewear in time square...
    3. Oh god...this is gonna hurt...clay?

  11. 30 commenters
    Billboard, come on...
    Andy or Clay? Ewww, ewww, ewww.

  12. Crap balls, these are hard.

    1. 30 followers who post regularly

    2. Skip Christmas

    3. 10 minute sex tape

    4. Gah *throws up* Andy Dick. Because, at least he has some form of a penis, even if its just in his last name.

  13. OOOHHH...that's a hard one....I will go with the long as they are reading regularly. You gonna round them up for me?

    my at my house lasts the entire month.

    OH MY GOODNESS. NEITHER. I'll take the rash. Can they air brush me? Can the sex tape be from when I was 18? If they can air brush me...underwear.

    sick...Andy Dick. Maybe he'll forget what he's doing.

  14. 30 followers that post reg. would make me happy!

    underwear in time square!

    and im sorry... hello rash! but i refuse to answer that last one... i couldnt stomach either of them!!

  15. Easy, easy, easy. :)
    -30 regulars
    -skip my birthday
    -Times Square (don't know anyone there.)
    - Clay. (He may be feminine, but he at least seems really sweet. ) :)

  16. 30 Regulars
    Skip my Birthday
    Times Square
    Andy Dick--Clay doesn't know what to do with a vajay-jay!!

  17. I'd take the regulars, skip my b-day, and Times Square. But the last one just makes me say ick. I can't pick one!

  18. Ok, the last one actually made me go, "Gawd!" out loud so you know that was a good one.
    Ok, I'd take my 30 regular commenters.
    Skip my birthday.
    Times Square
    And I see Staci up there didn't pick one of they "boys" so she's gonna get a raaaash...
    I'll pick the Dick. Ew!

  19. I guess 30 - but oh, the appeal of that 500...
    Skip Christmas. Hate it.
    The tape (God help me)
    And Andy. At least he's funny. Sort of. Or he kind of was once. Maybe. Gah.

  20. oh you are horrible.
    500 followers. i am shameless.
    skip christmas. it stresses me out.
    sex tape. i'd just be hiding under the covers for sure.
    andy dick. with duct tape over his big yap, and a paperbag over his entire body including his thingie.

  21. 30 faithful commenters. love them.

    times square billboard - airbrushing

    andy dick - at least he's straight. and he was kinda sweet on sober house.

  22. 30 followers.

    My birthday.


    Andy Dick. I saw him on Sober House, and he's actually a nice guy.

  23. Thirty followers

    My birthday (who wouldn't!)

    Gah, three is a tough one...can I do both =P

    Andy least we know he has one.

  24. i think this is your best one yet!


    my bday

    pic of me in Times Sq.

    and um, hm, um, hmmm, clay? but only cause i would like to be able to say i took a man's virginity. : )

  25. Love these!


    hate my birthday

    underwear billboard

    UUuuuuhhhh....clay, I guess.

  26. Oh my Gawd, I had to come back and see what your commenters are saying today. THEY CRACK ME UP! So funny! I bet Andy Dick would never guess he's got a whole lot of women who would do it with him...if we had to!
    : ) Ha hahahaha.

  27. don't make it easy do you?
    30 the contact.

    Skip my birthday...I'm too old to even remember what age I am.

    Now you're really gonna be floored...I've been on a billboard in underwear in Times Square...that was pretty easy and I'm NOT shy!

    The last is the Oh My I have to? I guess if I had a paper bag, I'd have to go with Andy Dick...I'm spitting, spitting as I say that, too!

  28. my answers....

    my birthday

  29. 30 with regular (Ok..I'm lying ... I want 500).
    Skip birthday
    And ick.....Clay I guess.

  30. 500 followers. If they only post a comment once every 50 blogs, I still get 10 comments per blog, I'm okay with that! So follow me! All of you!!! I'll love you forever! =)

    Totally my birthday. I love Christmas. I may be a bit of a fanatic. The tree, the lights, the pies and parties. Besides what else would we do all winter long in butt ass cold Michigan?

    Sex tape to five friends. Hey, they're good friends right? They'd forgive me. And I like to think I'm pretty good in the sac, maybe they'd get some good tips! And I certainly don't need all of NYC comparing me to last weeks' underwear model.

    I suppose Clay Akein. Though I can't entirely imagine him having dirty wild sex. Hm.

  31. okay...I would rather 30 friends than a million acquaintances....
    me in my underwear is not pretty...but I would rather that than the other
    as for the sex... I have to plead the 5th....Can a Canadian plead the 5th????

  32. New blog is looking good!
    I'd rather have 30 friends that post regularly
    I'd give up my birthday any year, not a big deal, I love Christmas.
    I'd choose the sex tape, because it would be one that I was atleast good in right?
    Eww, sex with either, I'd say Clay, maybe he can just sing as we do it....LOL.
    You crack me up!

  33. It's all about the numbers right? Bring on the 500, soon they all will love me and comment regularly .... right? :)

    Skip birthday!

    Ohhhh I guess underwear? They can airbrush right?

    Andy Dick he kind of was sweet on Sober house

  34. 1. 30 followers who comment regularly.

    2. Skip my birthday. I can have cake any day I want since I'm a grown up after all.

    3. Underwear picture even though it would scare people.

    4. I guess Clay Aiken because at least he can carry a tune.

  35. Uh 30 followers and my birthday, but as I am a good clean mormom girl, i refuse to answer the last two, as I would never make a video or pic and no sex before marriage, so there!

  36. I like the regular comments so I'm going to go with 30. I'd skip my birthday - easy peezy. And, I'd take the billboard. No sex with either person - thank you very much!!

  37. Bring on the 500! I'm used to no one commenting lol!

    Skip my birthday. Christmas is the birth of Christ! now that's special :)

    Definitely the billboard in my underwear.

    HmmMMmMm I guess I'd have to bite the bullet and do Andy Dick. AAHHH!

  38. I'll take 30 commenters.

    Skip my birthday.

    Billboard. Dick. But can I drink a lot first?

  39. Ooh, I don't know if I should answer this; the ick factor is soooo high! But I do know that I'd rather skip my birthday than Christmans and I'd rather have 500 hundred followers that comment occasionally (I can't seem to break the 20's on either one of my blogs).

  40. 1. 30 followers who comment regularly
    2. my birthday
    3. billboard in my underwear
    4. I'm getting grossed out, but I'll go with Clay. At least, he can sing.

  41. I'd rather Have 30 followers that comment regularly. Hell, I'd settle for 20!

    I'd rather skip my birthday. I LOVE Christmas.

    I'd take the billboard. Generally the photography on those things is flattering.

    Andy Dick or Clay Aiken...probably Andy. I think that he'd probably be a wild ride and I'd break Clay Aiken. Screw him straight, poor guy.

  42. lol 30 followers...that comment
    skip christmas...hey i use to work at walmart and people are crazy.
    Bilboard but i will be in longunderwear... lol
    and last ewwww andy dick would get on my nerves and i would have to hide the body...but clay would have to be it...and i would have to eewww shower a whole lot...with bleach

  43. I would want the 500 followers! And I think I would skip my birthday but I would brow beat my husband into getting me some just because gifts.

    Also I would be on Times Square in my undies, and do Clay. But we would both cry during it.

  44. hey, thanks for following along on my blog :) nice to meet ya!

    i would rather have the 30 regulars
    skip my birthday
    still trying to figure out how many times of sex it would take to get a 10 minute tape lol, jk, trying to be funny
    and would have both andy and clay then they could distract each other and leave me alone.

  45. 30 commenting followers definitely

    Times Square - oh yea!

    Andy Dick - why not?

  46. Ok I have to do this- I love these posts even though I'm late.
    I'd take the 30 regulars- I love comments!
    I'd skip my birthday because I love Christmas and sometimes I feel like my birthday is already skipped because it's so under-rated.
    I would go on the billboard
    Clay- he seems sweet, I guess.

  47. Oh good gracious - ewwwww.

    I would like the 30 followers and I am all about skipping my birthday!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.