Saturday, June 13, 2009

A New Name, A New Me?

So, as you can clearly see.. I've changed up my blog. I went from Girl in the Glasses to A Hesitant Housewife. I think it suits me better. Yes, I still have the glasses.

I will still be featuring "Would You Rather Wednesdays?" and "Question of the Weak" and "Hot Seat".. but I'm going to be adding a few new things as well.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride for awhile as I get the kinks out, but I think you'll like the changes when I'm done. So, hang tight! There's more to come!


  1. I dig the changes. I updated my linkipoo for you :)

  2. i like the name :) you are so snazzy either way. :)

  3. i am lovin' the changes, so glad that you are back. it sucked while you were kinda MIA!

  4. Looks great! I can't wait to see more!

  5. I love the new name! Perhaps because I relate. My old blog name was 'Chronicles of a Desperate SAHM' Lol! but I changed it when I realized my SAHM days were kinda boring, with this one, I hope to be more general, although I always go back to the topic of being a SAHM.

    Good luck with the changes. I'm sure you'll do fine!

  6. How fun! I love blog changes. I look forward to reading more!

  7. I like it! I just update my Reader!

  8. Love the new look, the new name and especially the new "subtitle". I, too, am an unenthusiastic SAHM! Too funny. Of course, I'm also a (brunette) girl in glasses. hey, are you my virtual twin. *cue Twilight Zone music*

  9. Wait, you don't just love every minute of being a stay-at-home-mom? Every single mind numbing trip to the washer and dryer and every day after day of little to no adult interaction isn't what your dreams are made of?

    That's odd. ;)

  10. Thanks for the heads up! Marked, noted...and I really like the new name!

  11. I was wondering why I didn't see the girl in glasses anymore. So glad I found you again. Now I have to see if I am still following.

  12. I like the new look! I can't wait to see what magic you have up your sleeve! :)

  13. Talk about recycling… I just saw a post from your old address. Someone must have snatched that one up pretty quick.

    So glad that I am following your profile and not your blog address.

  14. glad you are back. would just like to offer my opinion that doesn't matter. Your post titles aren't noticeable enough. ok that's all.

  15. Cute! I love it!

    I think I'll change my blog name to:
    "WTH?! I'm an-I didn't know what I was getting into and you need to get me out of it-Housewife."

    Do you think that name is already taken?

    Thanks for letting me know you moved. It was like my worst nightmares as a child had come true. I always worried that while I was in school, my mom was gonna move away and not tell me. You freaked me the hell out. Thanks. Happy?!?!?!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.