Monday, June 1, 2009

#31 The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

This book is just beautiful.

The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford is the story of two children during WWII. Henry Lee is Chinese. Keiko is Japanese. Although Henry is hesitant at first to be friends with a Japanese girl, Keiko soon wins him over with her sweet personality and big brown eyes. In the midst of their blossoming romance, Keiko and her family are sent to an interment camp for "their safety". Henry is left confused and heart broken. Keiko is American. He can see that. Why can't anyone else? His father is very adamant in his hatred towards the Japanese. Henry is left to struggle with his love for his family and his love for Keiko. Will they be able to keep their romance blooming while she is gone? Will his parents ever accept her?

Henry is also left to deal with the discrimination of being an Asian American during a very turbulent time in American History. All he wants is to be with Keiko, listening to the jazz music they love and watching her draw. But Society and his family has other plans for them.

This book really is a mixture of "bitter and sweet". I cried at the end, not sure if they were tears of sadness or happiness or just plain relief that their struggles were over.

Can't recommend this book enough!


  1. this sounds marvelous... i'll def check this one out!

  2. This sounds very, very interesting. I know that internment camps are really brushed under the rug, but it was such a tragic time in our history.

  3. Thanks Kel, for another great book review! I'm starting to rely on you to give me book titles for my reading list. This sounds like a terrific story.

  4. Ok- that's it- I'm making a list and going to the library TODAY

  5. I have never heard of the book but it certainly sounds like a very, very good read to me...very emotional!

  6. Sounds like a "real world" version of Romeo and Juliet. I am from Hawaii and my grandfather was working during Pearl Harbor. He was not on any of the ships, but he went to the base and immediately began to escort his friends off the base. He took his Japanese friends home to their families as he worried something would happen to them. i will have to read this story....I love the love story in War theme, its always so captivating....I want the happy ending. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Kel, on FB tell me why you cried, PLEASE!!!

  8. Thank you Kel for another book to read..............looks awesome!

  9. I love the book tips. I need to find a good summer read.

  10. This sounds like a good read.

    If I can only find a moment for myself to enjoy all the book recommendations.


  11. This looks like a great read.

    Right now I am finishing up the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's really great also.

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