Monday, June 1, 2009

#30 The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradly is such a unique novel! The main character, Flavia, is a great quirky character. She is definitely different than any other character I have ever read about! She is 11 years old and unlike any 11 year old I have ever met! Flavia is a chemistry addict! She spends all her free time in her lab, mixing up poisons and potions. (a few she even uses on her sisters!). Flavia is absolutley delighted whens she looks out her bedroom window early one morning to see a man dying in their vegetable patch! She rejoices in the drama of a mystery to be solved! Who did it? Her dad? The gardener? And why? The rest of the mystery is also centered around a unique stamp. I know, really, a stamp mystery? But it was actually interesting!

I thoroughly enjoyed following Flavia around her sleepy little village, searching for clues. She is quite an interesting little girl! I really hope that Mr. Bradley does a series of these books! I miss Flavia already!


  1. Oh, I LOVE it when I miss a character after the last page!!!

  2. This book is sitting on my bedside table waiting for me to finish the one I'm currently working on. It looks really good! Glad to see another positive review!

  3. I read about this in Entertainment Weekly and it sounded so good ... glad to hear a "real" reader liked it too. It is going on the list!


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