Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

Time to play!! I haven't done this in awhile , so here goes. I give you questions with 2 possible answers, you have to pick one. You cannot say neither. No, really, you can't. It's not even possible, so don't try it.

Here we go...

Would you rather....

Shave your head? or not shave any hair from your body for a year?

Eat nothing but Spam for a week?

Or nothing but Hot Pockets for a month?

Join a Fight Club?

Or the Red Hat Society?

And lastly... for those of you who I know secretly love it.. your bonus gross out question..

Would you rather get it on, all freaky-like, with
Billy Mays (who knows where those thumbs have been...)

or creepy Willard Scott from the Today Show...

hmm... looking at these pics, I am sensing a theme with the thumbs... oh the things those thumb could do... blech! I just threw up a little...


  1. That first one is tough! Probably shave my head.

    Definitly the Hot Pockets.

    Fight Club!

    And Billy Mays. Hands, or thumbs, down!

  2. Oh we go.

    A shaved head for sure - one-day stubble makes me nuts, I can't even fathom 365.

    Spam for a week - it's not that bad. Really.

    Fight Club baby!! Brad and Edward sweat - hell-to-the-yeah. I'd take a body blow for that. Hee. Hee.

    Billy Mays for sure. I have to turn the channel whenever Willard comes on. He makes me anxious over what embarassing thing is going to fall out of his mouth next.

    Excellent questions. Now I need to go take a shower.

  3. I think shave my head.

    Hot pockets for sure. I don't think I have ever tried Spam and I am okay with that.

    Red hat society because they do things like picnics and got to movies. I'm a lover not a righter

    Billy Mays.

  4. I would go hairy for a year. It's so European. :-) But I would make sure I showered and wore deodorant. Just sayin'.

    Hot Pockets all the way.

    Red hats, Baby.

    Willard - because I am sure he would fall asleep before I even arrived at his house so I would be in the clear. I would watch Cable TV and then go home.

  5. I already shave my head...

  6. Not shave at all. It would give me so much extra time!

    Hot pockets, red hats, and Billy Mays. I can handle it.

  7. Shave my head
    Hot Pockets
    Fight Club
    Billy Mays--Willard Scott is a wrinkled up old pervert!!

  8. Not shave.
    Hot Pockets.
    Oh how I want to say Fight Club... I love that book... I love that movie... I love Brad Pitt... I love to fancy myself a badass... I hate redhats... but I hate pain more. So I would don the hat of crimson... if death were not an option(shudder).
    Billy Mays.

  9. 1. Shaved head
    2. Hot pockets
    3. Fight club
    4. Billy

  10. umm...what laala said. totally.

  11. ~Not shave
    ~Hot pockets... My husband has NEVER had spam!
    ~Fight Club has los of eye candy, but I am a wimp so I guess Red Hat... At least I could drink until I am happy!
    ~Billy. His thumbs don't bother me nearly as much as how loud he would be!

  12. Not shave any hair from my body for a year. No way I could eat that shit nor get it on with any of those douchebags, lol.

  13. I'm Italian and if I did not shave for a year, I would be braiding my armpit hair or tripping people with my leg hair. So, I would shave my head - it grows back and there are lots of cute hats.

    Hot pockets.

    Fight Club.

    Billy baby all the way.

  14. shave my head- i've always kinda wanted to (you know so i could have uncolored natural hair, it would be so healthy too) and this would give me an excuse... yea im weird!!

    spam for a week- i actually like spam and i HATE hotpockets!

    fight club- i used to manage a makeup counter at a macys.. and on senior citizen discount day a group of like 10 red hat ladies would come in and they are sooooo annoying!

    billy mays- but only b/c i HAD to choose

  15. -not shave for a year, i am blonde, so it wouldn't be so bad, plus i think would have a strange head shape....

    - spam, it really isn't that bad and a week isn't that long

    -Red Hats,i would love to think i am bad A enough to do fight club, but i'm not.

    -billy mays, aftewards, he could do some of my laundry and get everything sparkly clean!

  16. Shave my head..hey, it'll grow back and I'll feel the freedom from not worrying so much about it for a long time.
    I'd do the Hot Pockets for a month. At least there are different flavors...
    I'd take the Red Hat Society. :)
    And Billy Mays, as long as he promises not to speak (or shout) the entire time in my presents.

  17. Shave my head.

    Hot pockets. (Thanks for getting the image of Jim Gaffigan singing Hot Pockets in my head...)

    Red Hats. I would die in a fight club.

    Billy Mays. But no shoutin'. And only because you make me choose.

  18. shave my head, spam, red hat and billy.

  19. Not shave.
    hot pockets
    red hats

  20. Welllll, I like Hot Pockets and Spam, but I'll pick Hot Pockets for the variety.

    Fight club for sure - I do enjoy kickin a little ass although it's been a while. Hmmmm, maybe I'll kick the hubby's ass later. Sounds like fun!

    And no doubt - Billy Mays. I think he's kinda good looking. Quiet down there Kel. Quiet down...

  21. Okay, whew, your easiest one yet.

    Hot Pockets for the variety.

    Red Hat Society, I've always had a thing for weird hats.

    Billy Mays, even though I could have sworn he was gay. You may not know where the thumbs have been...but you can rely on them being oxy clean.

    Welcome back, Kel

  22. OMG def. threw up in my mouth a little!

    BUT here goes:
    1. shave my head...
    2. hot pockets for sure
    3. red hats....i'm a lover not a fighter
    4. and finally Billy.....gag

  23. Ooh, this is good! I love playing this game and I just found your blog, so I'm gonna stalk you now! Ok, I wanna play, SO...
    Shave my head, because I've always wondered what I'd look like bald.
    Spam because it's only a week and I can make sandwiches or something right?
    Red Hats because I'd love to have a look at Edward and Brad all sweaty and stuff...I'm a BIG wuss.
    And ok, Billy...if I HAVE to. But somebody will have to knock me out with a Big City Slider pan after. HA! I'm laugin at myself here.
    Macey : )

  24. I think shaving my head would kind of be refreshing/Sinead o conner like. And I couldn't hang with having pit hair. No way.

    Spam for a week, cause a month of hot pockets is ALOT longer.

    I will wear the damn red hat if it means you won't beat the crap out of me...easy choice!

    And Billy Mays has never looked so attractive! Because Willard Scott is creepy nasty!

  25. Not shave my body hair... since i rarely do anyway.

    Hot Pockets... SPAM is repulsive!

    Fight Club... Red Hat Ladies SCARE me!

    Billy Mays, but only if i could duct tape his mouth. He yells when he talks and it hurts.

  26. 1. i would not touch a hair on my perfect head!!! i would not shave my body, i would wax. that question has a loop hole.
    2. spam, i hate hot pockets, my asshole hates hot pockets
    3. FIGHT CLUB!!! I have anger issues
    4. give me oxy clean daddy!!! i bet he know how to use his tumbs and he could give me free stuff for my home.

  27. I would rather shave my head. I can't stand to be hairy.

    Hot Pockets, all the way!

    Red Hat Club, I can't do pain.

    Billy Mays. Willard is just a little to long in the tooth for my tastes.

  28. 1. Shave my head-- secretly wanted to do it after GI Jane

    2. Spam for a week-- I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

    3. Red hat society unless I could just cheer at the fight club-

    4. Billy Mays-- at least his hands should be clean??

  29. I wish I could play but they are all so awful!

  30. Head, hot pockets, hat (but I'm ashamed to admit that) and Mays.
    I've been missing seeing you around!

  31. You crack me up!!

    I'd definitely shave my head.

    Spam for a week.

    Red hat club.

    Billy Mays.

  32. This is a fun one!
    Shaved head for sure
    Spam for a week
    Red Hats... except the Fight Club guys are so cute...
    and Billy - because I'm sure he'd be all efficient. :)

  33. I'm from Spam don't scare me :)

    Um Brad Pitt...even when he's bloody...his bod is rocking HOT. Wait what was the question even?

    And dudeeeee...Um I'll go with the thumb guy. Willard Scott makes me think of being one of my grandparents friends. (shudder)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.