Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love Notes From A Seven Year Old...

Yesterday, when I got home from the store, Roslyn had 2 loves notes waiting for us. One for Craig and one for me. Both were very sweet. One was hilarious...

Here is mine:

It reads:
Dear Mom,
You are the best mom I ever heard of and even sometimes you are very funny but the best thing you can do is be my mom. Love Roslyn. (And then there is a portrait of me.. lookin' quite spiffy I might add.)

And then Craig handed me his to read.

His read:
Dear Dad, you are the best dad in the world. Even you know that sometimes you can get grumpy but you are my dad and that's the best thing you can do. Love, Roslyn.
(and then there is a pic of craig, complete with a shirt that reads "Life Stinks.")

God, I love this kid.


  1. I absolutely adore their little love notes. My kids do that, and I save them for days I need a pick me up. :)

    And no worries, my bloggy buddy...I've been a tad bit absent as well.

  2. that is hysterical! Pierce says to me all of the time "mommy you are the best mommy I could ever have"

  3. that is complete validation right there! I can't wait for the day my kid tells his dad that he is grumpy. My life will be complete!

  4. Love the love notes!!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Roslyn clearly has an incredible imagination. I can't believe anyone who wears a T shirt that says "Life Stinks" could ever be grumpy.

  6. Wow! Looks like she has you both pegged.

  7. LOVE love notes from the wee ones!

  8. hahaha...that's great! LOVE Craig's t-shirt.
    Keep those letters FOREVER!

  9. That is so sweet and funny! I love the "Life Stinks" shirt!

  10. oh my! those are entirely too sweet!
    you have an award over at our blog, stop by to pick it up!

  11. AWESOME letters. I especially love the portraits!!

  12. Love notes with pictures, what else could a mommy and daddy want? Roslyn is a sweetheart:)

  13. This has to be the cutest thing I've seen in a while!Those pictures are classic.Maybe you should reciprocate and give her a love note as well?

  14. That is awesome. Does Craig own a "life stinks" shirt or did she just come up with that on her own?

  15. I love this! I remember trying to do things like this when I was a child. What a sweety- (psst: I think she thinks your more fun)

  16. OMGosh, you need to have those matted, framed and then hung side by side! Classic!

  17. That's lovely! The pics were brilliant! :)

  18. Life Stinks...

    bahahahahahahaha! Love it!

  19. Life Stinks....


  20. Love it. My 4 year old often tells me Im her best mother, and its the greatest thing Ive ever been told =)

    By the way, you may not care for another one, but I have an award for you at my place http://thiscasuallife.blogspot.com/2009/05/one-lovely-blog-award.html Congrats, you really are a great read.

  21. My kids are going to have a fit when they are older when they find out I saved all the notes and things they wrote as kids.

  22. Those are too cute! My kids leave me these too thought they usually come after they have been in some kind of trouble!

  23. Haha! Love his shirt!!

  24. Those letters are hilarious! Love the Life Stinks t-shirt.

  25. Kids know just how to make their way into your heart. These deserve a frame!!

  26. This is so great. You've obviously done something right to raise such a great and smart kid!!

  27. That's awesome! I love the Life Stinks t-shirt.

  28. These are so adorable! I just love them. I love kid writing ... and the drawings are so funny! I hope Daddy has a little wake-up call and "ungrumps." hee hee. Be sure to save these!

  29. I love it when kids help gently prove a point to your spouse like this lol!

    It's so much fun when you come out shining!

  30. hahaha - she definitely takes after her mom in the funny department! :)

  31. I loved the "that is the best you can do" on Dad's!! LOL!

  32. Adorable! Time to buy Dad a Life is Good t-shirt for Father's Day!

  33. My last note said "I hate you".

  34. Come on, is number one really even a choice...I'd rather not shave for a year...is there anyone who wouldnt???

    Oh GAG me with spam. I'll pick the hot pockets...lots of variety. Have you seen the comedian who does the hot pocket skit? Look it up on youtube if you havent...It's hilarious.

    Um, will Brad be there? Just kidding, that has no bearing on my desicion...fight club...UNLESS I am the one fighting, then I'll go with red hat. How dull.

    OH NO! I guess Billy Mays cause I"M SURE Willard Scott molests little boys. And I aint havin' no part in that.

  35. Those are so cute. What a great kid. Too funny

  36. So adorable. What a great little girl you have. :)

  37. Wow, this is adorable and it happens to be the best love letters I've ever read. :] I love how she's like 'Your grumpy sometimes, but that's Okay :D' on the Dad's letter.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.