Thursday, May 7, 2009

Took a week off...

So, I don't know who noticed, but I took a week off of blogging. I've been in a funk. I had some thinking to do. Nothing huge, but some small changes I am trying to make in my life. To put it bluntly, I'm bored. Oh, so very bored. So I am volunteering at the local library and my daughter's school and looking into possibly going back to school in the next few months. I have a tendency towards depression, so it is not a good thing for me to not have a purpose during the day. I ran out of work to do for my job, so I'm not working from home anymore. I am not the stay at home all day type. I can't do it. So I am in search of a new life... what that means, I have no idea. But I'll let ya know when I find out.


  1. Wow- wish you luck! Hope you don't completely desert us! I'd miss you! :)

  2. love the going back to school idea.

  3. I noticed. Glad you're back, even if for just a moment.

    You'll figure it out. Everyone has these what the hell am I doing here? moments.

  4. I feel this way sometimes, staying home is a tough gig. Good luck in your search!

  5. Come back soon. Missing your posts.

  6. oh I hear you. I totally believe you can die of boredom.

  7. I don't do well with being home all day alone either but right now I would like to try. ;)

  8. Glad to hear from you. Hope you get things figured out:)

  9. I definitly noticed. Cause I kept checking your blog, and wasn't wanting to answer that money question lol!

    Glad you back, or at least checking in! Figure things out and come back to us!!!

    {{I hope this doesn't mean it gave you extra time to think of extra evil would you rather question!!!! Shudder}}

  10. I think you should join the circus! Think of the blog material!

  11. Oh purpose, I miss that the most. A checklist. An accomplishment, even if it's small.

    Good for you for taking stock. I hope things work their way out, soon.

  12. I noticed! And you were missed.
    I wish you the most luck with whatever you decided to do. I understand getting bored.
    Can't wait to see another "would you rather!"

  13. Some things you say sound like they were coming out of my own mouth. I feel for ya! Good luck with the changes & hopefully something fantastically interesting comes your way. When it does...let me know! ; )

  14. I have been through this myself. Let us know when you find something to unbored you.

  15. Wishing you luck in your search. I need deadlines and obligations to keep me motivated. The busier I am the more I try to fit-in.

  16. have another baby! bada bing bada boom no more boredom! : )
    Keep us updated with your "new" life stuff. WE want to know!

  17. I've noticed your absence. Was going to email you and check up on you, but I didn't want you to think I was a stalker or anything crazy like that. Hope you find what you're looking for, Kel.

  18. good luck finding something to unbore you!! Wish you lived here....I would let you clean my house....isnt that nice of me?

  19. I totally relate to this. I'm still on Zoloft for Postpartum Depression so I know what it can feel like if you get a little off and feel that you might be headed down that path. Good for you for recognizing it and taking some steps. It can be hard to be without a structure sometimes or having to rely on yourself for that structure. That is why I struggled so much after my son was born ... I didn't know to do with myself. Hang in there and do what you need to do with yourself!

  20. as a matter of fact - we did notice you were gone! I'm confused - you need something else to do besides entertain us? if you say so.

  21. Well of course we noticed, there was no gross out Would You Rather Wednesday post. If nothing else, we've come to depend on that. It helps some of us in our quest for weight loss because it usually makes us vomit.
    So, my diet is glad your back.

    If you want to talk anymore about the online school, let me know. Or you could go to real school - lol.

  22. Going back to school is a great idea! I'm searching for something too. It's tough being home all the time.

  23. I think the funk is going around. I've noticed a lot of blog slump lately, including mine. Hope you find your new self soon!

  24. Even though I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, I am rarely home. I would go bonkers! Going back to school sounds like a great idea.

  25. I missed you! Hope you get to feeling better. I know how you feel!

  26. Good luck in your quest. I have been there. My brother has even called me the "uni-jobber". I don't stop until I find the "sweet-spot" of working/career. BTW, I found it, you can too. :)

  27. Oh the blah-bored phase...I went through that a few months ago. not fun. Hope you get some passion for life back soon!

  28. i can relate. You seem like someone with a lot to offer :) I'm sure you'll be an asset wherever you land

  29. I noticed, but I was also not keeping up with my many blogs to read, so I've just come to let you know now that I did indeed notice, and I missed you, and I hope you get things figured out soon!!

  30. Try this option....pack up & move the family to the South & we can be miserable together. You know the SAHM stuff isn't for me either. The kids will be out for the summer so we can let them play & sit in the sun while you make me

    Good luck! Have fun & know that you're not alone in the SAHM-hating-it stage of life.

  31. You are a fabulous writer! I bet you are getting ready to do something amazing!!!

  32. Part of the reason I started blogging was because I was trying to find "something" for myself. I have been thinking about going back to school to but since I already have a degree I am so worried that I might go back and spend a bunch of money on a degree that I won't end up using.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.