Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny Friday!

Post something funny on your blog! Link up here and share it with us! Start your weekend with some laughs.

I have no "theme" this week, ya'll know what a slacker I've been this week.

Forest Gump, alternate ending.

The most popular song in our house... we sing it all the time...


  1. Oh, I have something funny alright. If by "funny" you mean hilarity at the expense of others' misery.

    I'm not even kidding when I say that I will never get that catfish song out of my head.

  2. okay....i hope i did it right. this is a funny vid that my sister and i loved!

  3. My latest post is funny only to those who are not annoyed by precocious tweens!

  4. I decided to enter! I didn't realize it could be anything funny. For some reason, I thought it had to be videos.

  5. I posted a little joke. It made me chuckle anyway. ;o)

  6. I didn't have anything new today that I find amusing (I can't very well post what you all just showed me, now can I?) but I did repost a favorite WTF from a year ago.

    Love these vids.

  7. oh man... i'll remember that catfish fo-eva!! have a great wkend!

  8. I'm singing the catfish song over and over again (with wrong lyrics) and driving everyone nuts. Thanks! :D

  9. I loved the forrest gump video. I did a linky but it's not hilarious just a little funny but you linky list just looked so darn lonely.

  10. i totally felt bad for laughing at the forest gump one!
    but i did it anyway

  11. i almost got my 4 yr old to come into the room to watch the catfish song....glad i didn't when i saw the duck blood. : ) LOL!

  12. Love this Forrest Gump video! Tom Hanks is one of my favorites too.

  13. I love the alternate ending to Forrest Gump! I laughed hysterically at the end when he says, "bye bye Jenny" all serious-like.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.