Thursday, May 14, 2009

So where've I Been??

Well, I've been here all along. Just hiding. I've been going through some stuff. Hubby and I have been fighting. We're ok now. I am trying to get my groove back.

Like I've said before, I've just been struggling with life in general. Trying to find my way and all that. Thank you all so much for all the words of encouragement! They worked! I'm back, bitches. (or at least, I am sticking my head in the window and waving!)

I don't have much to fill you in with right now. I truly haven't been up to much. Reading, as usual. Trying really hard to become a happy housewife. Trying to exercise regularly (and failing). I am also at war with those tiny little black ants that keep invading my kitchen and bathroom... where the hell do they come from???

Anyway, I don't have much to say... other than, I owe a visit to all of your blogs!! I'm a bad bloggy buddy!


  1. I think it's going around girl! I'm so sorry! Hang in there, and stay connected with friends:)

  2. Happy Housewifery is a constant struggle for me. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I've lost a bit of motivation for blogging lately. :( Life is all about the waxes and wanes, I guess.

    Glad you're back!

  3. just glad your back... everyday i would look at my bloglist, and noooo update from kel, lol!

  4. Hey girlfriend.....I got it too!

    I've been missing all of you.......and I promise to do better this summer!

  5. Glad you're back! Can't wait for the Would You Rathers!

  6. Ah, marriage! Peaks and valleys, baby! Glad you're back, even if it's just to check in.

  7. Those stupid ants don't even like my kitchen, just my bathroom. Don't they know the kitchen's where all the good stuffs kept?! Dumbasses.

    Hope to see you back more regularly soon! :)

  8. I understand since I feel like I am in limbo.
    I don't like it but I don't know what will change it. I'm lost.

  9. i, too am glad that you are back....i have missed your wednesdays "would you rather" LOL

    i hope things balance out soon.

  10. welcome back.

    as for the ants - i spray raid on their little trail in from the window sill and that keeps them away for awhile.

  11. Glad you're back. It can be hard to keep up with blogging and real life at the same time. Happy to hear that all is well.

  12. We have SO missed you! Glad you are back.

  13. Glad you are back. We have missed you!!

  14. So happy to hear from you! Hope everything is okay. We get those ants every spring as well.

  15. There's something in the ethos. Hope you guys are in a good place now.

  16. I hate those ants! Grrr!

    You? I like. :-)

    Glad you're back. Things are a little - disharmonious here, too - not with the hubs so much as with the daughter.

    Never a dull one...

  17. Totally understand...I get in a funk too sometimes and it just takes a bit of good ol' time to set in!

  18. Thanks for sharing... I think a lot of people, including myself go through the funks.
    Hope things are getting better and I can't wait until you post another Would You Rather!

  19. Glad you're back. I can understand when life gets a little too intense sometimes. Hope your day is going well.

  20. Try acupuncture and yoga! And mint plants for the ants. They deter ants.

    Hubby and I have been fighting too....

  21. wait...we're supposed to be HAPPY about this (i mean being a housewife. not that you are back. of course we're happy about that)?!?!?

  22. Don't worry about us, get your own stuff straight first.

  23. Hope you can keep the smiles going. Don't worry, I'm stickin' around. If there's anything I can do for ya, holler! :)

  24. Sorry you have been fighting with dh, but happy to hear everything is okay. Happy housewife, are not married to the house - I hate that word. I prefer homemaker. Try that on for size, you may find you have an attitude shift.

  25. I know what you mean about trying to be a happy housewife =/ Definitely not always easy. But they why should it be so hard? Seriously. Hope things get better very soon!

    PS: Ive changed my blog name to: if you would like to pass by sometime =)

  26. Oh the ants. I hate the ants. Every year at this time, they show up in the kitchen and bathroom. My cure is Ant Block all around the house. Works like a charm.

  27. Ups and downs. We all have them. Hang in there, girl!!! Glad to see you back. :)

  28. Yeah marriage, I really have nothing inspiring to say about it right now my friend. I hope you find some humour somewhere and move through it.

  29. glad you're back!! missed you....things WILL get better....we all go through're not alone :)) I am ALSO failing miserably at working out!! WHOOPS!

  30. hang in there, girl! being a big girl sucks sometimes, doesn't it? eat some ice cream and take it easy on yourself.

    my 18th anniversary is this weekend and boy, does my hubs have a surprise in store. i am going to kick his ass all weekend long. i am so pissed at him right now. ugh. i think i am the one that needs the ice cream

  31. Welcome back girlfriend! I think we all know that feeling.

  32. Welcome back!

    I'm glad you and your husband are okay.

  33. Marriage is hard work and sometimes it just sucks. Losing weight, even harder. If you find something that works, let me know.
    Hang in there.

  34. I hear ya. We've had some rough rough times. Things are now OK.
    Glad you are back. I haven't been the best bloggy friend either.

  35. Ah, so glad you are back, Kel! We've truly missed your wit and grit. I get those black ants all the flippin time. Glad they aren't like the fire ants though.

  36. So glad you're back— or at least making an appearance on the balcony.

    I've seen a lot of bloggers struggling with writing lately. I blame it on the weather. I'm just hoping that after my vacation next week I'll have my muse back.

  37. Glad you're back. Sorry you weren't on a Caribbean vacation...

  38. I am with you there, my friend. Going thru a bit of the blues myself (see my latest post). I am trying to redeem myself in the bloggy buddy world tonight! Hang in there and glad you are back!

  39. Glad things are going better for you. :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.