Monday, May 18, 2009

Question of the Weak.... Celebrity Crushes..

So this week's QUESTION OF THE WEAK is.... Who are you celebrity crushes?? Who do you find yourself drooling over on tv and at the movies? What singers really do it for ya? Why do you like them? Don't be embarrassed, tell us! We wanna know!! Leave your answers in the comment section, or link us to your site and tell us all about your secret crushes!

Now, I am going to tell you a little about my secret celebrity boyfriends. I have odd tastes. I always go to the weirdos. (Sorry Hubs, but you know it's true.)I always have comedy crushes. I love, love, love funny guys. It helps if they are cute, but quirky is always sexy to me.

My first boyfriend is.... SIMON PEGG!

I just love, love, love him! There is just something about that goofy grin of his...and his just all around "spazzy-ness". If you haven't seen Run Fat Boy, Run! you have got to see it! Although, he's funny in eveything! And oh, I forgot the accent... love the accent.

Secret Lover #2 is Paul Rudd.

Don't even try to pretend that you don't love him, too. You know you do. What's not to love? Funny, cute and weird. I love it when he is on Conan and when it's time to roll a clip of his new movie, it is always the same "Mac and Me" clip. (remember that goofy movie?) He does it everytime. High-larious. I especially love it when he plays a pissed off character like the super cool Andy in Wet Hot American Summer. And yes, I admit, he wouldn't need his Sex Panther cologne from Anchorman for me.

Private Dancer #3 is.... Jack Black.

Yeah, you heard me, Jack Black. I love him. I find him very attractive. I don't know what it is. He is so very talented. Have you heard Tenacious D? His band? Um, they rock. Just don't let your kids hear it. And he is freakin' hilarious. I think I just may marry him someday. Hubby won't mind.

My Final Boy Toy is.... Will Arnett...

I mean, come on ladies... look at that face! How can you not love him? He is just so pissy and weird and goofy. I love that snarky attitude. And the voice... awesome! Add to the fact that he is married to Amy Poehler who is a girl crush of mine, so bonus points for that.

There ya have it... my celebrity secret boyfriends. I stalk them all.. the bushes in front of Simon Pegg's house are actually pretty comfy...


  1. I don't know who the first guy is or the last guy. I agree with Paul Rudd, he's so cute and silly. Jack Black is just silly.

    My celebrity crush is Ryan Reynolds. Some people laugh but come on take a good look at him, he's hot! The best part is he's Canadian, just like me! :)

  2. * Michael Vartan (the teacher in Never Been Kissed, also starred in "Alias" the TV Show) - he could be in pretty much anything and I would watch.

    * Julian McMahon - Nip/Tuck, Charmed. I don't care if he plays evil characters... H.O.T!

    * Also love Paul Rudd. Who doesn't?

  3. I am madly in love with Paul Rudd! He is just so incredibly dreamy!

    Oh Oh! and Michael C. Hall... There is just something about the smirk he gives on Dexter that I find irresistable! Freaky I know, but still!

  4. well you know of course that I love me some Edward....

    but in REAL life....I love Josh Hartnett and Johnny Depp

  5. oooh i like paul rudd too, alot!!

  6. I love love love Matthew McConnaughey. He's so hot. I also (well still kinda do) crush on Tom Cruise. I know, everyone kinda got over him and his crap long ago, but gosh he is still so handsome to me.

  7. Well, NATURALLY, given my blog name, I'm a fan of Wentworth! However, my last post will explain why I'll throw in Winona Ryder as well! :) I'm a mess! ;)

    I do think Simon Pegg, Jack Black, Paul Rudd, Will Arnett and Johnny Depp are hot, hot, hot!!

  8. Oh man- it's creepy how much I agree with Cammie on so many levels! I could copy and paste her comment here if you'd like. :) Edward, Josh Hartnett, and Johnny Depp are my picks too!!! Of COURSE! AGHH! Drool!

  9. I love quirky guys too. Edward Norton, Ryan Gosling, James McAvoy, Joel McHale.

  10. Vince Vaughn.

    Denis Leary.

    Another one of the guys from Rescue Me, whose name is escaping me right now, but he plays Shawn Garrity.

    Vince Vaughn.

    Vin Diesel.

    Jason Bateman.

    Vince Vaughn.

    And you worry me, because I've had about 5 people tell me lately that I remind them of Amy Poehler.

    Do you have a crush on me?

    yay me!

  11. Here are mine: Colin Firth (especially Darcy days), Hugh Jackman, Hugh Grant, Brendan Fraser (Tarzan days). Funny how I like those "Hugh" guys.

  12. Simon Pegg and Paul Rudd, abso-frigging-lutely! I have loved Simon since Shawn of the Dead and Paul since Clueless. They are both so cute and so funny.

    My other celebrity boyfriends? I'm totally crushing on Chris Pine from Star Trek. (A Simon Pegg film!) Clive Owen and Gerard Butler are also VERY high on my list.

  13. I seriously love all of yours, too! I think Jack and I would be married now if he'd ever had the opportunity to meet me. So what if I'm like a foot taller?!

    Lately, I secretly have it for Seth Rogen. I confess...he is adorable and I could definitely enjoy his company. Then of course there's Hugh Jackman. Yeah, me and 800 million other women, right?

  14. Orlando Bloom
    Vince Vaughn
    Cam Gigandet (james in Twilight although not hot in that movie)
    Hugh Jackman, accent+body+personality=hot
    Seth Rogen (funny man thing, i guess)
    There's loads more but thats all I can think of right this second.

  15. I LOVELOVELOVE Simon Pegg!!! and my partner Vic loves Jack My other "freebie" guy crushes are John Mayer and Hugh Jackman. My woman crushes list is SO long..Kate Winslet, Gina Gershon, Tina Fey, Queen Latifah....I can't even name them all...Vic's is Meryl Streep.

  16. I do love Paul Rudd. Although when I think of him, I think of "Crap Bag." Love it!

  17. haha You don't have to feel bad, I have a crush on David Spade (oh Joe Dirt you make my heart sing) and Micheal Jordan (even though he is old now).

  18. Josh Hartnett
    James Franco
    Brad Pitt (Fight Club days)

  19. Ohhhhhh!!! Will Arnett!!!!!! Come on!!!!! How do you NOT crush on a guy wearing a $3,000 suit!?! Who can perform ILLUSIONS!?!

    My list is posted here (except now I want to add Will Arnett):

  20. **Viggo Mortenson (Lord of the Rings Viggo)
    **Hugh Jackman
    **LL Cool J
    **Lenny Kravitz
    These are just some of the many. I also agree with Paul Rudd.

  21. Welllllllll....I for sure say Vince Vaughn and Adam Sandler...cuse they are cute AND funny...

    and Channing Tatum for his amazing bod and bad boy looks :)

  22. My crushes come and go. But I have to say that Hugh Jackman is mighty fine.

  23. my all time favorite is ed burns (brothers mc mullen, she's the one, saving private ryan). in fact, when they make a movie of my life, i want him to play my husband (they both are wiseasses, have dimples in their chin, are irish catholic with brown hair and blues. it could totally work). my newest is henry cavill (charles brandon on the tudors). again, blues eyes, brown hair, dimple in chin and good wiseass smirk. and i do love me some vince vaughn. how can you not love him? wants lemons. baby get lemons. what baby wants, baby gets...after looking at my names here, though, i'm kinda surprised that i have a thing for wiseasses. my husband will be happy to hear that (he's totally one).

  24. i would fight you for the affections of jack, simon and paul. jack black makes me giggle when he's just standing there.

  25. You have good taste Kel. Know who I have a crush on these days? Well I'll tell you. Seth Rogan.

  26. Simon Pegg....? Really? Um, OK.
    Mine would be:
    John Cusak
    Bill Pullman
    HARRISON FORD (pre-Calista, though)
    Matthew McConaughy (or however you spell it. Who cares how you spell it. Just take off your shirt and recreate the closing summation in A Time To Kill!)

  27. I like Jack Black!
    Paul and Will are cutie-patooties! Thanks for stopping by my blog.Hope you come by again! :)Lisa

  28. robert pattinson, john cusack, hugh jackman, rachel bilson, ryan renolds, leeighton meester

  29. Ohhh, I am right with you on Paul Rudd.

    I have two huge celebrity crushes. From the movies, it's Hugh Jackman. Oh, I just adore that Aussie accent. And my TV boyfriend is Brian Williams. I wrote a post not too long ago about my BriWi crush:

  30. Well, since I am so much older than all of you gals...I would have to say Kevin Costner. Especially when he was in the Bodyguard, and Message in a bottle. When I was was Elvis. Damn he was hot back then.

  31. Ok, I'm going to have to arm wrestle Beth for Ed Burns and Henry Cavill. NO seriously, I saw them first! I also love Jon Bon Jovi (don't laugh, you asked), John Krasinski (from The Office), Matthew Fox (LOST) and Eric Bana (hubba hubba). But Henry Cavill is #1 right now. Beth, I'm ready to arm wrestle, just tell me the time and place. ;)

  32. You like the funny guys.

    I am a fan of Joshua Jackson, Ryan Reynolds and Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20)-- just to name three. The list goes on and on-- i love on screen celebrity eye candy.

  33. I also love Jack Black. He is a cutie. Even though he DID scare me when he popped up on Yo Gabba Gabba. Dude should NOT have worn the orange spandex.

    I also have a crush on Elijah Wood. He was Frodo in Lord of the Rings.

    Dominic Monaghan is another one. He was Charlie on Lost and then they killed him off and I was TICKED because he was my eyecandy.

    John Krasinksi (Jim on The Office) is also attractive and I love that he's funny in real life.

    And Michael Phelps. Yum. Some people are all, "But his ears are HUGE!" and I'm all, "Who cares??" I'm going to pretend that I never read the tabloid where a stripper says she had a threesome with him.

  34. Paul Rudd is pretty hot, but I'm in love with Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny from Grey's), Vince Vaughn, Ryan Reynolds & Anthony from The Wiggles.

  35. Christian Bale!!!!! Cillian Murphey (he's irish and argentinian) and Edward Nortan. Done. I don't even have to explain why they are just yummy

  36. Colin Firth, Edward Norton, The guy on the PC/Mac commercial - Justin Long - but only on the commercials because I've seen him in movies and find him odd. I also find Adam Sandler and Denis Leary very attractive.

  37. I love Paul Rudd too and you're right how could you not? My biggest crush right now is David Conrad who plays Jim Clancy on Ghost Whisperer. I love that show too.

  38. pam...i lived in nyc for two years and i am still surprised sometimes that ed burns didn't find me and fall in love. i mean, really, what does christy turlington have that i don't? HAHAHA
    whispering...i actually like jack black even more for wearing the dj lance suit. that was pure mommy comedy on noggin!

  39. Beth - Unbelievable that Ed Burns hasn't found you yet. When he does, Christy TURDington will be toast!

  40. Ok, I had to think about this one for a while, but I think I've got it! I am especially enamored with all the men on "Love Actually." They are so romantic and sentimental and gorgeous to the bone!

  41. Considering a dedicate Mondays to him every week, I have to say Johnny Depp. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

  42. I can see the Simon Pegg choice. I've loved Paul Rudd since Clueless and Jason Bateman since The Hogan listen up chicas...back off...this claim was staked a long time ago.

    The comment about Ryan Reynolds was right...he's delicious...but who can compete with Scarlett Johansen?

    Currently I'm attracted to the humor and Intelligence of Stephen Colbert. Tussle his hair, give him some hip glasses, put him in tight jeans...we're talkin' stud muffin.

  43. Johnny Depp really digs me, so I just love him back. :-)

  44. Haha... Will Arnett? I prefer Gob.

    My main celeb crush is Jake Gyllenhaal. Just for his looks, though. Definitely Paul Rudd for personality.

  45. That is ALL you have?!! Wow I am bad then. Let's see here, just some off the top of my head? Josh Lucas, Hugh Laurie, Chris Pine, Michael Wetherly, Simon Baker, Josh Holloway, David Boreanaz, JENSEN ACKLES (HUGE CRUSH), William Peterson,Robert Downey JR (he is BACK baby), Paul Walker, Kirby Heyborne, Denzel Washington, and so many MORE!!LOL!

  46. I am a one-man stalker and that man is Orlando Bloom. I love being a cougar in my stalker life!

  47. Okay, so my daughter would fight you to the death over Simon Peg and Jack Black.

    I, however, am in love love love with Vin Disel.

  48. i'm totally late, but i wanna play!

    mine are:

    jason bateman ( loved him in arrested development)

    nathan fillion ( loved him in firefly, i also like him in castle)

    michael c hall (dexter. nuff said)

  49. There's an award for you at the Daily Drop, by the way. :) Drop by to grab it sometime.

  50. Omy, Paul Rudd would get it anytime!

    Wanna hear mine (which are probably not the norm, but so)
    Al Pacino
    Antony Bourdain (his subtle and sarcastic humor knocks my boots off)
    Blair Underwood
    Colin Farrel... holy freak me!
    and there's this young latin lover kid in the latin music community. The hubby already knows he's my free cheat pass

  51. Mmmm Will. I love Will. I may steal this for today, I'm running out of ideas.

  52. Did you see Will Arnett on Sesame Street? Hilarious! He played a magician on there too!

  53. i wish i could write this bigger....but i can't

    i love love love JOEL MCHALE!
    oh goodness do i want to eat him up!

  54. I totally see what you see in all of them!!! And Paul Rudd....wonderful!!! And the comment above mine mentions Joel McHale -- I love him too! Oh my! I guess we all have a fondness for funny smartasses with good senses of humor!!!

    But I must confess my love of Robert Downey Jr and there are photos of Brad Pitt that take my breath away (but not lately).

  55. you probably know my new boyfriend. He is the air I breathe.. .. Brendan Fraiser. (i quiver)

  56. Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Hands down. Nuff said.

  57. Love this post. Been back a few times..couldnt' comment cuz my puter is messed. Finally able to get on today.
    Love Jack Black as well...
    me..I adore.. Mathew Fox ..yummy!!
    Brad Pitt isn't too shabby either.

  58. I am in a celebrity crush drought. Not many of them do anything for me these days. Oh wait, I do like Daniel Craig, the newest James Bond hunk. He is yummy!

  59. OMG...Johnny Depp holds all they keys here!! He is the proverbial hottie no matter what he stars in!

  60. Ok get ready to laugh...but mine is Brad Garrett..

  61. Kells I need more readers bad..I guess I am going to have to work back up to it..dang it that sucks..tell your people to come check me out..

  62. ...yup....still George Clooney.

  63. I'm actually in complete agreement with Paul Rudd.. I actually blog so much about my other celebrity crushes that its unhealthy. Trust me just about once a month i'm talking about how beautiful Russell Brand is or How i NEED to marry Robert Pattinson.

    Its sad :-/


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.