Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Question of the Weak -A Conversation with your Future Self

So, once I again I will be posting a weekly question or writing prompt for anyone who wants to play along. You can post your response in the comments section or link your blog up with Mr. Linky (at the bottom of this post) and answer on your own blog.  Seriously though, you are gonna wanna do this.. all the cool kids are doing it. You wanna be cool don't you?

So today's little inspiration comes in the form of a letter or conversation. To yourself. In the future. Yea, it sounds a little crazy, but try it. Feel free to choose your own time frame, whether it be a week from now, or 50 years in the future. Hell, it can even be about tommorrow, I don't care. Just write something to yourself. It's a hell of a lot better than just muttering to yourself all day like a mad woman.. (..ahem.. not that I know anyone who does that...cough..)
So, here goes mine... in all it's grammatically incorrect glory..

Dear Self,
     So, it's been a year.. yep, a whole year. What have you accomplished? Did you check anything off that huge to-do list yet? Huh? Hey, don't get all nasty now, I have a right to ask. You've been putting this junk off for too long. Don't you try and distract me with some stupid youtube videos about double rainbows either (I've totally seen that one).. we are gonna get serious here. Stop fooling around and let's get down to business.
    Have you finished with that boring ass job yet? You keep saying you are gonna quit and move on to something more exciting, more fulfilling.You've been yapping forever about pursuing something in the writing field.  So, I'm assuming you are now actively pursuing your book reviews? You're writing every day, right? Filling up that journal with exciting adventurous stories that publishers will be beating down the door for?  What do you mean "not yet"? Seriously, if not now, then when? Get your butt in gear woman! If you are gonna go back to school and work on some type of new career then you need to get on it! You are almost (gulp) 34 years old!  It's time to stop saying, "When I grow up I want to be....".  And what about that idea of becoming a counselor for anxiety/panic sufferers like yourself? Did you forget? Or were you too scared to look into it?
    Speaking of anxiety/panic (yea, I'm going there, girlfriend...)... have you kept up with therapy? Are you still making excuses? Cancelling last minute until you are forced to go because your script has run out? You know you aren't going to get anywhere that way. You have to go regularly.. none of this non-commital crap. Bi-weekly sessions at least.  Let's get this ball rolling. I know sometimes it's tough to talk about your issues, but girl, you've got 'em. Lots of 'em.
   You know what else you've got lots of? At least right now? Ass... yep, you've got lots of extra unneeded ass and I hope that you've been working on getting rid of it.  Let's see, it's been a year.. so you should be  well into the maintanence phase of you weight loss, right? What do you mean "next question"? That doesn't sound good. Hey, put down those oreos! They're low fat and calorie free? They totally make them that way now? Oh, all right then.. just a few.. but you are going running after you're done right?  No, not to the fridge for some milk either. Gawd, you are such a smart ass. We totally need to work on that.
     So, dear self, I guess that's it for now.  I guess all I really want to know it.. are you happy? Really happy? If you are, great.. take what I've said with a grain of salt.  However, if you're still struggling and searching, then you know what to do.  You've got to make an effort if you want to change things.. life is short and it's passing you by right now.  Stop sitting around waiting for things to magically fall in your lap, because they won't (besides all those oreo crumbs).  A little effort right now could go a long way.

(and yes, that's more advice right there..)

So fellow bloggers..who's playing along?


  1. ha - double rainbow videos. I heard about it, but avoided it since, like the Twilight phenomenon, I don't like to jump on the bandwagon and be like sheep...so maybe in a couple years I will watch Twilight, and in a few months I will watch the double rainbows.

    I tell myself I need to work on not being such a smartass too, it's a hard one to overcome.

    I am putting off writing a letter to myself, but if I were to write one, I would write one about not putting off things.

  2. This reminds me of what I used to do for winter break in college. I used to write a letter to myself in order to remind me of what I want to bring back when I return to the dorms.

    I really like the concept. Not sure how much creativity I have lately, but will keep an eye out for more.

  3. what an interesting concept! I would really have to think about what future Brandy would say. hmmm. time warps confuse me.

    I like your letter and you have some great advice for yourself. now you just gotta follow it.

  4. Love this! If I wrote a letter to myself, it might actually hold me accountable...not sure if that's a good thing or not! LOL

    Welcome back to blogging!

  5. you know what else you've got a lot of... ASS - totally cracking up at that! Great post & great idea. One of these weeks I'll play along, as for right now I am just trying to catch up on posts, reading blogs & the never ending laundry. -sigh-

  6. I think anyone I've recently emailed would attest, a letter from me would look something like this:


    Not much of a small talker here...

    Still though, I just might do this. So much I'd like to know, if only that letter would actually be some kind of glimpse into the future! Life, at the moment is so... precarious? I have no idea where I'll be in a year, we're kicking around the idea of selling the house, considering having another kid, etc... I'd need six or seven letters from my future self, just so I don't turn out to be wrong!

    I wonder if I get that tattoo I've been thinking about...

  7. Great to see that you're back! I'll look forward to more posts!

  8. Where in the hell have you been??!!!
    Glad you're back!
    Interesting topic, too. :)

  9. Hmmm. Yeah, I saw it all and I heard what he said lastnight. Giiirl? The question is, "What are you gonna do about it?" Hubby walked through the door late last night from a long day of work and school while you were still in the midst of your workday:
    You were on a roll w/ one kid down to sleep, baby almost asleep and still nursing, just finished reading your 6th book to one still awake (oh yeah, how nice is it to have one spending the night at the parents'?) I could see you were tired. Damn, how do you do 4 kids? Good job on today, girl! Just sayin'.... maybe next time you could fix your hair before he gets home when you haven't seen him all day. OOOOfff! What the he**?! Are you ever going to finish unpacking from vacation??!! OMG, hurry up and get that shi* unpacked, you are like days away from being just like your mom! Remember that time she went grocery shopping and left all the bags lined up on the living room floor and Daddy purposely didn't say anything to her b/c he wanted to see how long it would take her to put them away? Ha! That really backfired on him, didn't it? Crap, what were we talking about?
    Oh yeah, your pride. You worked your post-baby ass off today (lovingly too), but you didn't mind b/c you know you alone make it possible for your husband to go to school full time while working a job that's a full hour away. Kudos on that 7-step butt wipe, by the way.....is that kid ever going to learn to wipe himself? That was fierce.
    Anyway, you should've seen your face! You had an entire day to spew out all over him so he could show his bewilderment and gratefulness to all you did and still plan to do before punching your time clock.....but he had something more important and exciting to tell first! Oh, he got to use the dark room tonight for the first time in his black & white photography class! Yeah, but you pulled off cereal for dinner and managed to clear out one side of the kitchen sink! But he made a new friend? Yeah, and he made her laugh too? Haha. That man. He is one funny dude. That is one reason you married him, I know. Oh, the two of them laughed about the fact that she was born in 1990 and he was born 2 decades prior? Ha. Wait, why is it called a dark room? How dark is it? Uh, did he plan it to work out that way? You know, just him and her in this dark room? I heard you ask him that....what was his answer, though?....I couldn't hear him over the sound of you deflating next to the pool floaties that have been crumpled on the kitchen floor since you unpacked the van. Wait, where are you going? Look, Ben & Jerry's never solved any....hey! if you're going to have your pre-baby figure back by his brother's wedding in 2 mos. you better give me a butt-load of crunches and leg lifts when you're done! oh that's real mature....turn the a.c. off in the bedroom while he's sleeping....he needs to sleep comfortably too, you kn... Holly crap! That almost landed on that pile of clothes you just folded 3 days ago.....wait is that chocolate chip cookie dough?.....sigh...I would've finished that for you...

  10. First of all...!!! Are you really back!?! For real!?!? Yay!

    I'm trying to project some positive vibes. Maybe it will work? Hopefully? Here's my simple letter.

    Dear Me,

    I'm so glad you stopped waiting around for the good "stuff" to come to you. I'm glad you decided to take action and make changes. It has obviously worked out well.



Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.