Monday, July 26, 2010

Target Practice With My Foot

    I am the Queen of Procrastination.  I am the Empress of Postponement. I am the all powerful Master of Dilly-Dallying.  You need something done, you let me know.  I’ll get it done. By “get it done” I mean I will add it to my trusty to-do list and then promptly ignore it for 3 years.
    I don’t know why I’m this way, I just am. My therapist (yes, I see a therapist.. don’t you judge me) says that it’s a method of self destruction. I know, it sounds crazy serious, right? But basically what he is saying that I have expert aim at shooting myself in the foot.  When I really think about it, I guess he’s right. Now I have to just figure out why I'm loading the gun in the first place.
    I have good intentions. I really do. My never ending inventory of unreached goals is chock full of great ideas.  I want to volunteer at a the SPCA. I love animals. I hate to see them in pain. I would get such fulfillment out of helping them find happy homes.  So, what’s the deal? Why don’t I just do it? Well, duh... I’m too busy.  I am just so amazingly over scheduled that I just can’t manage a few hours a week to help care for these precious creatures. I couldn’t possibly miss an episode of Glee or a read a few less chapters a week in exchange for helping some sweet, lovable dog find a family!  I need my “me time”!
    Of course, you all know I want to go back to school. So what’s the deal there? Why don’t I just do it? I could squeeze in at least a class a semester. I could go online. Seriously, what would it take? A few hours a week? I could stay up later. I could wake up an hour earlier each day.  What’s my excuse this time? Money, of course! We never have enough. I’d rather spend the money on groceries or to pay the electric bill. You would think this could be solved with low rate student loans. Not the case. I hate debt. You see? I have an excuse for everything.
    I wish I knew why I was this way. I wish I knew why I feel the need to set myself up for disappointment. Maybe I am scared I will actually succeed at something. Maybe I fear the responsibilities that come along with success. Maybe I just don’t want to put forth the effort. It’s possible, of course, that I am just plain lazy. I hope that’s not the case, but it’s kind of hard to ignore the fact that all these goals are easily within my reach.  All I have to do is make a good grab for them. 

So why are my arms still lying motionless at my sides? 

     I know I'm not alone in this situation, I know there are others out there like me.  So tell me, what are you avoiding? Why are you putting it off? And most of all, what's it gonna take to make you actually go for it? 

    As for me, I am trying. I want to change this. I want to succeed at something. Anything. I need to have that "something" that I can point to  and say "Hey! I did that!" .  It's time to stop playing target practice with my feet and aim for something higher.


  1. i wish you the best luck with this..

    my problem... i don't LIKE change.. and when something new comes about.. A LOT OF CHANGE HAPPENS.. be it different schedules.. different people involved... whatev... things are just different.. and that freaks me out!

  2. good luck. you can do it! I know what my problem is. I'm just lazy. really really lazy.

  3. Oh I am right there with you in procrastination land. The list of things that I mean to do and don't do is very long indeed!

  4. The problem is that when you reach adulthood you fall into a trap where you have to devote your time to just trying to survive. Those goals are always in the back of most peoples minds but realistically most people are the same as you!

  5. You are in some fine company, my dear. Choose one thing and make a date to do it! Thanks for stopping by;)

  6. You are definitely not alone. I think we all struggle with procrastination, to some extent. I know I do. Mine is selective however. If it pertains to work, I'm all over it. If it benefits me personally (especially physically or emotionally), I just can't seem to get it done. I wish I understood.

  7. I would absolutely love to go back to school myself. I just don't think it's going to happen for me though. It could if I wanted, but I think I've gone another direction.

  8. Oh this post struck a cord with me. Or should i say you stepped on my toes.
    I am the queen of procrastination too. I love to get things done...but...i wait until the last possible minute to do them. Unmotivated. I would love to head back to a photographer, be a party planner...etc..but no motivation to do it. Sheesh.
    Thanks for lighting the fire under me.
    Thanks also for stopping by my blog today.
    Nice to meet you.

  9. Oh man - I know how you feel. The thing is, going back to school is a huge choice, so for that one, I think it makes sense that it's a hard one to jump on. I'd like to go back to school as well. Like you said - the money makes it a bit of an issue.
    As far as the volunteering - if you did it once, I bet you'd get sucked in. :)

  10. Oh girl I'm in a whole revamp of life right now. I have not wanted to change for so long and then life kind of slapped me up side the head and have made take a look at what I've been doing or better yet what I haven't been doing. I've come to the point where I figured I need to take care of myself and feeling better before I can restore the other parts. UGH I hate change ... lol

  11. My husband is in procrastination mode right now with the job hunt. I'm trying to get him motivated. Wish me luck :)

  12. Do it, do it, do it! Maybe start with one small thing, feel the success and how you feel with it and then keep going!

  13. don't be too hard on yourself, life is too steps.

  14. Oh man, I can so relate. I put everything off. Everything. If I get around to doing it, it's at the last minute, or late, and the rest I just ignore until the task becomes obsolete. It drives my daughter nuts. I try not to put things off, I try to motivate myself, but usually I end up blogging or reading blogs to escape from it all instead. Not exactly productive. I'm not sure what it will take me to get off my butt and actually accomplish something, but as soon as I figure it out I'll let you know.

    I'm working with my therapist too, but I have so many issues we haven't gotten around to the procrastination part yet. lol

  15. If you can kick the habit of procastination let me know how you did it!!

  16. I am so good at procrastinating! It infuriates me. I'm really trying to do better this year and I think I'm making a little headway.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.