Monday, August 2, 2010

Mom of the Year

    Mom of the Year.  It’s a phrase we’ve all heard. Moms tend to throw around this expression. Usually, it’s a sarcastic comment. You feed your kids cereal for dinner and say “Well, I guess I won’t be getting the Mom of The Year award”.  Your son shoves a marble up his nose and you're muttering to yourself on the way to the ER, “There goes Mom of the Year again”.  I have yet to see anyone actually declare themselves the Genuine Mom of the Year. We moms are way too self critical to ever claim that distinction.  There is always someone else out there doing better, accomplishing more and flat out making us all feel insignificant.
    With that said though, I don’t think I am a bad mom. Not at all.   As a matter of fact, I’m pretty dang good at it.  My daughter is socially accepted, well fed, happy and an all around great kid. I am quite proud of the work I’ve done so far.  However, there are many, many moments that I question my abilities. There have been several times when I have hung my head in shame because I have failed.  Luckily for me, those big mistakes are few and far between.  It’s the small blunders that are way too common in my life.  And lucky for me, we can usually find the humor in them. I want to share with you some of those moments, when I knew I was out of the running for that Mom of the Year contest, but still found myself laughing.

    *When Roslyn was about three years old, she used to go to work with me.  Occasionally we would get stuck in traffic. I am not the most patient driver. I learned that I was raising a rather inpatient back seat driver when I heard Roslyn say, “What the heck is this? An idiot parade?”

    *I used to babysit occasionally for a friend of mine. She had a daughter named Mikayla. Our girls were the same age, about 2 years old. Roslyn used to call her “Mack”. For months we thought that Roslyn had made up a cute nickname for her friend. It was so adorable! One day, I said something to that effect to Roslyn. She said “No! She’s Mack! Cause I want to MACK her”.. she then went up to Mikayla and smacked her in the face.

     *Roslyn can recite this entire scene from the movie Tommy Boy...


     *Roslyn was about 4 and half years old. She was playing at a local park. She and a few other girls were bouncing up and down on a suspension bridge thing. All the girls were singing songs like "I'm a Little Teapot" and "The Wheels on the Bus".  There was a long moment of silence while the girls were trying to think of another song to sing. My child happily starts bouncing again and starts to sing at the top of her lungs, "THE FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT! THE FREAKS COME OUT AT NIIIIIGHT! FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT (the freaks come out!)"   I could literally feel the heat of the other playground moms staring at me.

So, I will not be Mother of the Year this year or in any year to come. I'm doing a good job and so is my husband. But the fact is, we mess up. She hears things we don't want her to hear.  She occasionally sees things she probably should not.  She has her Momma's temper. I am not a perfect mother. I'm a work in progress, just like my daughter. We are extremely lucky that things are not worse.  I mean really, she could have been singing "Superfreak". That would have just been scandalous.


  1. well... i think she sounds pretty awesome- fun too!!!!

    idiot parade... ooooh it's a classic!!!

  2. you sound like a mom of the year to me! every one should know that scene from tommy boy.

  3. It truly is hard to remember and acknowledge the good we do as mothers. I know that I am my own worst critic.

    Can I just say..I laughed out loud about “What the heck is this? An idiot parade?”. Priceless. TRULY!

    And..for the record, my oldest can sing "Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects. Yeah, I'm going to have that Mom of the Year Award dipped in GOLD!

  4. I am dying at these... I can't wait until my daughter starts doing funny things. My niece has a friend that taught her to sing "Jesus is my rock" and my niece taught her "You spin my head right round, when you go down, when you do down." I thought I was going to die of laughter.

  5. Oh girl...I am right there with you. If more people would realize that it is OK to mess up as long as you are doing your best...the world would be a better place. I am not winning the mother of the year award any time soon either. We love Tommy Boy.

  6. Hehe I say the fun times is what makes the life fun and a good mom ;)

  7. If there weren't things like this that happened, what in the world would we blog about? ;)

  8. The things she says are HILARIOUS!!! If she were my age, I would totally beg to be friends with her!

  9. You are a very good mom, I can tell just from reading this well thought out post.

    Plus, I am so using the phrase Idiot Parade at the earliest opportunity, love it!

  10. That's hilarious! I think we've all been there. My kids are not perfect, nor am I. But what fun is life if you spend all your time trying to be, or look, perfect.

    She's sounds wonderfully confident to me :)

  11. I love it! I wanna "MACK" her. My 4 year old has been telling me when the baby is upset... Mom, Aliya is pissed, really pissed!! Ooopppss!

  12. Love your blog! Its so straight forward. Mom, its not an easy job!

  13. You sound like an awesome mom. Dont people know that "freaks come out at a night" is an educational song! The fact taht your duaghter knows at night time freaks come out, at the age of 4, she will never be out later than sunset. ever. so tell those moms to suck on that. lol.

    Got to be better that time when i was littler i sang PUSH IT while My mom was telling someone the tale of how she delivered my brother. she said she pushed and then i sang push it. i was a genuis.

  14. your stories are hilarious! and you sound like a VERY GOOD MOM!!!

  15. I'm still trying to figure out where the bad stuff is. Well, the hitting, okay, but that's not your fault. Kids have urges. It's our job to civilize those urges.

  16. Oh ... I love all theses stories! She has a personality! I like that in a kid .. and a mom.

  17. I think it would have been hysterical! And when it happens again (cause you know it will!) look at all those judgey moms and remark - "Hmmm, she has good taste in music" and then join in!

  18. LOL I can so relate. Once time my three year-old and I were in the McDonalds drive thru (I know, bad enough in and of itself) and it was a long wait, all of a sudden she started screaming, "What is wrong with you people?! Get the hell out of my way!!" Of course it was summer and everyone's windows were down. It was not my most shining moment, but funny as I look back on it.

  19. HEY!! you had disappeared from my rss feed!! I am so glad you left a comment!! These stories are hilarious!! And you are a fabulous mom!!

  20. I love it! Kids say the funniest things! My daughter is a huge Katy Perry fan and when she sings ALL the words to hot and cold or california girls is cringe but most of the time people smile but not always. No mom of the year here either.

  21. Sounds like you're doing great to me! (Of course, I'm never gonna get grandma-of-the-year, either.)

  22. Hilarious! I doubt I'm getting mom of the year either. But I think we moms are too hard on ourselves like you say.

  23. I was just in the car with my brother and my nephew and we were in traffic. My nephew said, "Hard to drive with all the idiots on the road!" lol, he is 8!

  24. I can really relate to this even though I am not a mom. I have a niece and I love her like my own daughter. I stay with my sister, so I could say, I play the role of a mom for her half the time. I have this habit of using Sh*t whenever something goes wrong. Last day I saw her stumbling on the laundry bag's stump and saying Sshh*t at the same time!! I was like.. OMG! I shud stop saying that. BTW..This was one of the best posts I have ever read.. creatively put truths.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.