Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Return of The Housewife..

Oh, hi there! I'm back! Did you just roll your eyes? How dare you? Ok, fine. I guess I do deserve it. I've "come back" several times and not stuck with it. But this time I meant it! (seriously, again with the eye roll? Not cool.) So, what's gonna make this time different from the others? Um..well.. I don't really have a plan for success.. I'm just gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best.

In all honesty, I have really missed blogging and writing in general. I've definitely let that side of me fall dormant the past few months. My psyche has suffered for it! I mean where else can all these voices in my head find a better outlet than the Internet? I'm kidding. There are no voices. OK, maybe a few, but I haven't named them or anything so they don't really count.

What has everyone been up to? How's your summer been? Are you all laying in the sun, tanned and thin in your bikini's, doing nothing but eating fruit and flipping sides every 30 minutes? Are you out sailing, in cute little white outfits, drinking champagne and talking about fancy pants subjects like caviar and Ralph Lauren's fall fashion line? Or are you struggling not to cry every time you don your one-piece, old lady bathing suit? Are you suffering from a blazing hot sunburn after you used last years leftover sunscreen because you were too cheap to buy new? Are you whining about the heat and cursing your damn air conditioner that is slowly dying a slow and painful death? Yea.. me too.

But, I guess I can't complain. I've got it better than most. I work at home for now. (Although my job is slowly being fazed out.. and I am anxiously awaiting my last day of this boring crap! But I'll save that subject for another day..) Most afternoons are spent with my best friends and their kids. We hang at a friend's pool from noon to 3 or so. The kids play, we read trashy magazines and yap till our jaws are tired. Our children are as close as siblings and they get along great for the most part. On a calm day we have at least ten kids in the pool. We give them swimming lessons, a snack and some goggles and they are ready to go. I cannot even explain to you in words just how much I adore these children, every single one of them. I am insanely lucky to have such wonderful friends who are raising some amazing kids!

Other than the pool, Ros and I have been reading like crazy. Now that she is 8 (yes, 8! Can you believe it?) she is quite content to sit with a chapter book and a cold drink in the afternoon for an hour or more. I suppose I could use this time to clean the house, or prep dinner, but most afternoons, I sit and read myself. The housework isn't going anywhere, but my little girl will not be willing to snuggle with me on a weekday afternoon for much longer. So, I'm making the most of it while I can.

My evenings are spent working or cleaning up. Laundry is a never ending battle, and I am ill equipped with a washing machine on it's dying legs and a dryer that takes 3 cycles to dry the smallest load. I've been slowing working my way through the house, painting rooms white. Yea, it's weird, but I prefer white walls. We have a tiny, cottage style house and white makes it look clean and slightly bigger. Now, if I could only find a way to afford new carpets and furniture...

So, that's my summer so far. Tell me about yours. I know this is quite possibly the most boring post in the history of lame blog posts, but it's something. I've got to start somewhere!


  1. Welcome back! I'm glad your having a nice summer, hanging out with friends! I live in Phoenix which has been 110 degrees for weeks. Too hot to do anything so I've been sitting in my air conditioned house reading. I'm making a dent in my to-read pile! :)

  2. it wasn't a boring post AT ALL.. so good to hear from you again... i told you on facebook that every weekday when i go to look at all the blogs i follow i check yours EVERYDAY... and nothing here.. but now it is!!! happy to have you back.. sounds like you are having a pretty cool summer...

    me... aaah! working like always.. and i'll hit up a pool when i have time and when i can FIND one... can't wait to hear more!!!!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.