Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Quick Update...

Holy Cow, people.
It's actually happening

I know, I can't believe it either. I've lost 8 pounds.  And I didn't have to throw up once.  I didn't even have the flu.  I didn't have any unimportant organs removed from my body. I even somehow avoided having to wire my mouth shut. I simply ate less and better.  I started to excersize again.

Best of all, I didn't complain once.

Ha.. got ya there didn't I?  Ok fine, I have been whining like a two year old kid in Toys R Us.  In fact, I think the constant griping has probably had a significant effect on my weight loss.. all this constant yammering has to burn a few calories, right?  All I know is, I'm losing. And I like it.

I am actually not over concerned with the actual "poundage". (shut up, that's totally a word..).  I started this journey with my blood pressure and overall health in mind. I am very happy to report that my blood pressure has gone down about 20 points! seriously!! I am talking about top and bottom numbers! It was extremely difficult giving up caffeine, but as soon as I did, my blood pressure adjusted itself to a healthy number. I also cut out as much salt as possible. I had no idea how sensitive I was to caffeine and sodium! I feel like a different person. My anxiety has taken a serious nose dive.  I'm drinking tons of water and peeing like crazy, but it's worth it. I feel better than I have in years.

So, I know what you're thinking. "Is Kel gonna become some Health Nazi? Is she gonna constantly lecture us all on healthy eating? Will she look down her nose at us when we eat Twinkies by the dozen?" 

Um, no. Because this is still crazy hard. I've got a long path ahead of me. I still love junk. Just the thought of those Twinkies made me drool a little (a lot). I'm failing most of the time. I cheat. But I'm determined.  I'm just trying to make some small changes and hoping for massive results. That's not too unrealistic, is it?


  1. Congrats! I try but then my kids drive me batshit crazy and I stuff a bag of Reese's in my mouth. I also would become a psychopath if I gave up caffeine so I'm awed by you!

  2. yea!!!
    i am SO HAPPY for you!!!

    i wonder if i shouldn't cut caffeine for my BP too.. but man, oh man!!! that would be SO HARD.. i can give salt up any day.. and maybe hardly eat ANY sweets.. but caffeine.. YIKES!!!

    VERY HAPPY for you!!

  3. Well done and congratulations.. and organ removal doesn't work. I just had my uterus taken out and I gained 5 lbs.. wth.

    Good luck

  4. Congrats! This is wonderful! I suppose there are other ways aside from eating a hotdog from the local gas station...

  5. Totally awesome!! Congrats!! It's so hard to lose weight, I'm fighting to do that myself since I was just diagnosed with diabetes. I'm failing miserably, but I'll keep trying.

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss! It really is crazy hard, but I know you are crazy cool enough to do it. ;-)

  7. right on! this is fab!

    i have high blood pressure, too, and the salt and caffeine DEFINITELY make it worse! no good! hard to give it up for good, but not toooooooo hard to cut back!

    i lost 20 pounds this year. need to lose more, but every little bit counts. you know!

    congratulations! hugs!!!!

  8. Hi Kel, Just stopping by to thank you for stopping by, and... CONGRATS! 8 pounds is a major accomplishment. It's tough work, dieting, but the results are so gratifying. And wow, no caffeine? That is uber impressive!

  9. Wow, 8 pounds lost is awesome! Congrats on that accomplishment. I always think of pounds in butter terms. (I can turn any thought into butter terms) yeah, it's just a talent I have. So, in other words you just lost 8 lb. of butter. Now think of actual packages of butter. See! That even seems like more when you can actually picture it that way. Good on ya!

  10. Following you back and love your blog. :)

  11. Did you say you gave up coffee? I could never do that.
    Congrats on getting your blood pressure down.

    I see you had left a comment on my book blog so I came to say hi... HI.

  12. Hooray for you! I need to cut out the caffiene, but sometimes it's the only thing that gets me through the day.


  13. Congratulations! Found you doing a search for "Return of the Housewife"!

    I'm researching it for something I'm writing for

    Love love your graphics in your header!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.