Thursday, January 29, 2009

Funny Fridays...

I know a certain blogger who will enjoy this....

I want a Segway.. ok, maybe not anymore!

And the most awesome piece of furniture EVAH!

All of these clips were found on the webpage of my favorite radio show The Preston and Steve SHow out of Philly. You can download their podcasts, listen on Aol radio and online! They are not your average "morning zoo" guys.. they are hilarious! check 'em out!

Add your link to Mr.Linky and put some funny stuff on your blog!

Also, check out Happy Friday over at Noob Mommy!

Thousand Words Thursday.........

Can't wait for the circus to come back this year!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kim's Book Bands!!

I won some book bands from Kim's Keepings last month, and I totally forgot to post about it!

These things are awesome... especially if you always carry a book around with you, like I do! I always have a book in my purse, and my bookmark falls out! But these hook around the entire book and can't fall out!!

If you're a booklover, go check Kim out and get some book bling!

Would You Rather Wednesday..

Here goes... you gotta choose one! You can't say neither! Post your link with Mr. Linky and do one on your site!

Now, Would you rather?

Have one piece or jewelry that you really love?

or many expensive pieces that you merely like?

Would you rather...

Have your child marry someone with very poor prospects (as in jobs,money?) but they loved?

Or someone who was highly succesful and rich, but not their first choice?


Be Donald Trump's Mistress?
Rosie O'donnel's Gynecologist?? (yup... you heard me..)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's SNOWING!!!! WHOOO HOOO!! I want a freakin' blizzard! I wanna be snowed in with cozy blankets, books, movies, hot chocolate and my cuddly little family!


Monday, January 26, 2009

New Book Blog....

Cammie at Life in the House of No Sleep and I have started a new book blog! We will be posting book reviews and recommendations, new release alerts, and book discussions! I would love to get a monthly group read going eventually too. I am still going to post my book reviews here as well.

Do you love books? Do you want to be a contributer?? Email me if you want to be a contributer!

The new blog is called Girls with Books. Check us out... and remember we are in our very first stages and construction is ongoing!! Come to the site and become a follower to be notified when we really get going!!

Manic Monday

I have had a whole lotta nothing to blog about I'm doing some meme's to try and kick start this brain of mine!

What gives you hope?
My daughter gives me hope. I like to think that if we created something as amazing as her, then I must be doing something right.

How often do you get your haircut? Describe your worst haircut.
Ok, first of all, I have to explain that I have some "personal space" isssues. I don't like people all "up in my bid-ness" . I don't like strangers close to me. I know, it's weird. I should probably seek therapy. That said, my last haircut was..... October!! And my mom did it! I am growing it out now though... so, that's a good excuse right??

What's your most treasured piece of jewelry? Why?
I am sure alot of people say this, but I really don't get attached to physical things. I know, I know... but it's true. I don't keep alot of "things" around me. I don't even really take great care of the things I do have around. I like to think that the memories are important and not the actual object. I tend to throw everything away. Anyway, getting off subject here... I guess my most prized peice of jewlery would be my hubby's wedding ring. I wear it on my wedding ring finger instead of my set. My set is worn out. This is the original ring we got him, which is thick and braided. (looks really cool) and he couldn't wear it around machinery we was working on. We got him a plain band, and I took to wearing the old one. It's big on me, but I like it! Makes me think of him when I look at it.

Now, go do a manic monday meme for yourself!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Would You Rather Wednsday....

Here goes.. I post some questions... you have to answer, you can't say neither. If you want, post you link with Mr. Linky and put some on your blog! They can be thought-provoking, silly, gross, or just plain weird.

Now, would you rather?

Give up caffeine or sugar? (all of it)

be really rich or really smart?

and bonus, gross-out question...

would you rather?

give Robin Williams a full body wax (have you seen him, he's like an ape!)


have a full on make out session with Carrot Top??? (yup... you can even run your fingers through that hair... yum-my!)

Monday, January 19, 2009

#16 The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent

I have always had an interest in the Salem Witch Trials. I've read lots of nonfiction and historical fiction about those horrific events in Massachusetts. This book is,by far, the best fictional account I have read. Kathleen Kent is actually a descendant of Martha Carrier, one of the first women to be accused, tried and hanged for witchcraft. The story is, of course, heartbreaking and sad. It is so hard to get over the fact that those trials ever even happened. That the stories of a few young girls lit such a ferocious fire of suspicion, murder and sorrow. But the story is also hauntingly beautiful. Kent tells the tale through the voice of Martha's oldest daughter, Sarah. Sarah's relationship with her parents is rocky at times, but their love is always apparent. We all know how many of these trials ended, in death, but their story is still shocking and amazingly sad.

Sidenote: I recieved a few emails with people asking me if I get paid for book reviews. I do not. These are all books that I either own or have borrowed from the library. I post the reviews to let my friends know what I thought, and just to have a record of the books I have read.

A Peek Into My Marriage

The following is a IM conversation between me and my beloved this morning...ignore the spelling errors

Craig: are the kids awake yet?
me: yeah

Craig: do you want me to take her to g scouts 2 night ;)

me: maybe.. I have to see if i need to go for the cookie crap first.
Craig: OK

me: very good!!!

me: nice!
i might have to do another post.


me: YUP
me: yup, you sure did... you sure did.
me: i thought of that one... stinky
its not a song
me: nah

me: ha! I like that one!
me: i know
me: is it suppossed to me lama?
Craig: YEA
me: you should
Craig: I'M OBAMA 'T TO
me: what?
me: THANKS!!!!
so funny
you are so stupid
i love it
me: ha!!!!!
oh my god... you are a dork.. i love it
me: are you lauging out loud at work?

Ah.. love is sweet, ain't it?

'Cause Nothing Says Friendship Like Branding.....

Some of you will remember me talking about Roslyn and her best friend, Dorothy. They have been best friends pretty much from birth. Dorothy's mom is my best friend, we met in Kindergarten, so they didn't have much choice in this area. They were born two months apart and are as close as sisters.

Last night we had Dorothy over for a sleepover. The girls get so goofy together. They were taking a bath. We had the bathroom door open and just let them play. We heard so much laughing we had to peek in. Do you know what those girls were doing? They were writing their intials on each other's buttchecks with soap paint. Each of their little butts had " D + R BFF".

Why do I have a feeling these two are going to try to sneak off to the tattoo parlor in a few years?

Leanne over at Cookies,Chaos and Conversations is spotlighting at awesome blogger on her site this week! She's funny, sweet, outragously talented, cool, trendy, and Have I mentioned? Modest??

It's me!! Stop by and check out Leanne's blog... she's really is funny, sweet, talented and cool.

The photo I had to send her is my "were you looking at porn again?" face. I didn't have anything else!! I should have sent a pic of Heidi Klum or something... that would get some new followers!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I love him 'cause he's an idiot like me.

My hubs is just as goofy as I am. No one gets us, but each other.

So, on Satuday, Barrack Obama came through our area on his "Whistle Stop" tour. Hubby and I passed one of the sites while on the highway and started acting like our usual stupid selves. We started making up songs for Obama... for some reason, we found them hilarious...

"Here I am..Barrack you like a hurricane!"
"I want my baby Barrack, baby Barrack, baby Barrack... chili's Baby Barrack Ribs."
"I'm Bringin' Sexy Barrack.."

We then moved on to movies:
The Empire Strikes Barrack
Barrack to the Future
Barrack-Back Mountain

and of course:
Welcome Barrack Kotter.

We had so many, I can't even remember them all. Come on, you know you wanna join in with some of your own....

Friday, January 16, 2009

#15 The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff

I don't know what to say about this book. I wanted to love it. I really did. I liked it, but I wouldn't say love. The premise of the story was great...a woman returns home to her idyllic small hometown to recover after a broken heart. Her small town is filled with mysteries and scandal (and yes, even a lake monster!). The town characters are charming and interesting. However, when the author takes us into family's sordid history, things get way too confusing. I should have taken notes. Maybe I would have cared a little more if I could keep the family lineage straight. But what ended up happening was that I got bored. Really bored. I found myself wanting to skip right over the long chapters detailing the ancestreal history of the townspeople. Everything made sense in the end, but the trip to get there was way too long and winding. The story did have the magical aspect of the lake monster and there were also some ghosts.. but even those didn't save the story for me. I think the premise of the book was great, but there is such a thing as overkill when it comes to family dramas. Everything was just so tangled that by the end, I just didn't really care.

Funny Friday!!

Today's Funny Friday is a tribute to Amy Poehler on SNL. She's left the show and it will never be the same! Her and Tina Fey are my idols!!

Got something funny to share? link here to share and promote your blog!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is Gumdrop... Roslyn's beloved hamster, who passed away last week. RIP, little Gumdrop.

My New Button - Courtesy of Keri!

Keri over at It Fickers Dimly, made me this awesome button. (for free... out of the goodness of her sweet little heart!) She's the best! Check out her blog, here.

And grab my button! I am gonna go around today and collect as many as I can!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src=""/></a>

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday!

Allright, to those of you who are new.. this is how ya play! I give you a question with two possible answers and you have to pick one! You can't pick neither! Leave a comment with your answers and explanation and leave your link with Mr. Linky to post your own "Would You Rather" questions on your blog! Questions can be serious or silly or just plain gross. It's all for fun!

Now my questions this week:

Would you rather...

have the ability to read other people's thoughts?


or see the future?

And your bonus gross- out question:

Would you rather..

French kiss Dick Cheney for 10 minutes


take a 20 minute bubble bath with Dr. Phil? (and no, sorry ladies., you can't pick both! You little hussies!)

Now, play along with me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To all those who said I would amount to nothing....

YOU CAN SUCK IT! CAUSE I AM A SUPER STALKER!! In your face, guidance counselor who said I would prosper in the fast food industry. In your face, mean high school girl who called me a loser. Because I have gained popularity amongst my bloggy buddies.. and that's all I need. (well, that an any extra millions you have lying around.. oh, and Brad Pitt if he's available..)

I would like to thank you, my bloggy friends, who I love dearly. When I got into blogging again, I was a little jaded. Like I've said, I had an old livejournal account a few years ago and ended up being harassed by a very creepy reader. So far, so good this time around, but I'm prepared if it happens again. (BRING IT, FREAKS!) I truly do enjoy reading all of your blogs and getting to know you. I love the camaraderie and support that we all seem to have for each other. I just wish the off-line world were as sweet.

For those of you who don't know what it is, The Super Stalker award is a brand award over at BSU. I am just touched that I was chosen as the very first recipient!!

This award is presented to a Super blogger. This person is not only a terrific person, but a great bloggy friend. More than just a Stalker, they are a loyal reader who cares. The comments that they leave in their wake are sincere and heart-felt -making it apparent that they are truly interested. That someone cares. To which we reward them by saying:

All we ask is the following:
1-In your own time, share this award with ONE other blogger who you feel is worthy of the Super Stalker title. This award is not to be handed out freely, but deliberately given from one Super Stalker to another -Making the recipient deserving. Keeping the award true to its form and the reason for its beginning.
2-As you award that one Super Blogger, include this message in its entirety along with your acceptance speech.

I am just so overwhelmed with warm, toasty bloggy love. I am getting all choked up..please give me a minute and talk amongst yourself..... need a topic? Here is one:

Ok, I'm back. Now to the hard part. I have to give this award to just one person. Just one. Crap. I've got tons of people I want to hand it out to. But the first one that popped in my mind is Catherine, over at Evolving Mommy. She is just a sweetheart. She has always has a kind or funny comment. You can tell she actually reads my posts and leaves a thoughtful comment in her wake. She's even checked up on when I hadn't posted for a few days.

So, Catherine @ Evolving Mommy..... you are A SUPER STALKER!!

I am just so proud of receiving this award. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Old Me VS. Current Me

So, last night, as I lay in bed, coughing my lungs out and my life was flashing before my eyes, (yes, I am still very dramatically sick with the sniffles.) I realized that it will be 14 years since I graduated High School (Holy Sh*t). At first I thought, "ah, I haven't changed that much.." and then it hit me. I am a totally different person now. Compleltey. My old self would totally hate my current self. Take the following examples:

I never, and I mean, ever, left the house without full makeup. Ever. I spent a half hour at least doing my makeup, and then left with a purse full of products for touch up.

I am lucky if I even get to wash my face, let alone put makeup on it. And if I do, I forget to use eye makeup remover and look like a raccoon (or slutty girl after the "walk of shame") for two days. My purse is no longer full of makeup, but Happy Meal toys and spit out bubblegum in tissues(thank you, Roslyn). There may be a chapstick somewhere....

Took two showers a day... at least. One before school. One afterschool. Sometimes a bath at night. My hair was clean and shiny and bouncy.

If I am lucky, one bath a day, where I try and hide and read a book. I forget to wash my hair. And if I do, it's with Shrek shampoo. And I wash with Dora the Explorer soap paint.

I could stop a guy dead in his tracks with one look.

I could literally kill a guy dead with one look at me.

I listened to cool music, watched cool movies, and went to concerts.

I sing along to Drake and Josh, get excited when there are new Spongebob episodes, and the last concert I went to was Sesame Street Live.

I wore super cute outfits.

I wear super not-cute outfits. Unless, of course, track pants and fleeces make a major statement on the runway this year.

I would walk into a room and the boys would give me appreciative glances.

I walk into a room and I still get appreciative glances from the boys but they are six years old, it's usually because I am carrying a tray of snacks.

I had a smokin' hot bod.

I've got more of a lukewarm blob.

Was devastated if I had to stay home on a Friday night.

is devastated if I have to go out on a Friday night.

I could eat whatever I wanted.

I still can, but I just have to do it in bigger pants.

So, I'm a little sad at the loss of old me. I miss old me. I want to get to know her again. Maybe she's on myspace?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Note to Self : It's not the Black Plague.

I have another cold, and once again, my dramatic side has kicked in. The following is a note to myself, reminding me to keep my cool.

1. It is not the Plague. It is a cold. You have the sniffles, a little cough. There are no festering boils or loss of limbs.

2. Do not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, go to to check your symptoms. You do not have HIV. You do not have nasal cancer.If you can't help it and find yourself on the site,take the first response they give you, a common cold. Leave the site immediately before you start researching that small lump on you big toe.

3. Yes, it is humanly possible for a person to produce this much snot. You do not have a overactive mucus disorder.

4. Although it may make you feel better, moaning at the top of your lungs, does not help.

5. Repeatedtly saying, "How come nobody takes care of me when I'm sick? I take care of all of you!!", does not make people want to help you.

6. You can breathe.. out of your mouth.. if you would stop moaning non-stop you would realize that.

7. 98.9 is not a fever and does not require panic. You just drank coffee, dumb ass.

8. Stop eating everything in site. You can't taste it anyway.

9. If you are going to lie around and moan, do it in the bedroom. The couch in the living room is not your private sick bed. You can not yell at people to "shut up, can't you see I'm sick here? Let me die in peace!" The living room is common ground and people are allowed in there.

10.You will live. There is no reason to "get your affairs" in order.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fragments

Ahh... a friday fragment post is just what I need today. I'm not sure if ya noticed, but I hadn't posted much this week. I've just been busy. I wish I had a better excuse. I have not run off with Edward from Twilight to join his vampire world of designer clothes and sports cars. I have not won the lottery and gone on a shopping rampage through malls all over america. And I most definitly have not been chosen for America's Next Top model and jetted to Paris. Although, I am sure all three are very possible. (Laugh, and I'll cut you.)I've just been tired and busy, but I missed my bloggy buddies.

So let me open this brain of mine and let the nonsense run wild.....

Why the hell have we not gotten any good snow yet? I am pissed. We were supposed to get a big snow this weekend and now they are saying just rain. God damn weathermen...I know they have control of this somehow. Damn voodoo bastards.

Mom is much better. Or at least she seems it. She has a checkup today and Dad is taking her, so I don't have to drag her in there. I've spent the last week cooking for my parents and cleaning up for them. I would love to say that my house has suffered because of it, but the truth is, my house was in dire straits to begin with.

I'm back to work, as you know, and I getting back into the hang of it. It's not so bad. I'm lucky to work at home, I know that. It's boring, but that's what reruns of Entourage are for.

For some unknown reason, our pug decided to pee on our space heater this week. I don't know why. We turned it on, to warm the joint up a bit. A few minutes later, Hubs and I started sniffing. "ewwww... what is that stench?" Um... it's scorched pug piss, of course!! I have no idea why he did it, but his ass is staying in the basement when we leave from now on. I love that little booger, but ewww.. that's just nasty.

So blah, blah, blah... that's it for now. I am going to try and make my rounds and catch up with everyone tonight. Hope everyone has been well!

Funny Friday!!

Got something funny? link here and promote your blog!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

#14 The Stolen Child - Keith Donohue

What a beautiful and unique book! I have never read a story quite like this, and I don't think I will find another one! It is a true gem.

Most people have heard of fairies. The word often conjures up images of Tinkerbell and her beautiful winged friends, sprinkling magic dust on flowers and singing happy songs. But in many myths, fairies are not happy little sprites. They are evil little demons, causing mishief and havoc. One such type of fairy, is the changeling. In ancient times, these changelings were believed to steal children and morph themselves into copies of them. The changelings would then return to the child's home and take over their lives. The kidnapped child was then doomed to a life in the forest, waiting for their turn to kidnap and steal another's child's life.

The Stolen Child is a modern story of Fairies. Henry Day is a young boy when he runs away from home. He hides in a tree in the forest where the fairy children find him. A changleing steals his life and Henry is left to live eternally in the forest with a mad gang of feral children, all waiting and watching for their chance to do the same to another unsuspecting child.

The Stolen Child is narrated by both the original Henry Day and his changeling counterpart. Both are fighting to fit into and understand their new lives. I was amazed at just how intriguing both sides of the story really were. I felt for both of them. Both had many obstacles to overcome. The original Henry had to learn how to live in the woods, foraging for food, and learning the rules of the hobgoblins. The new Henry Day, new to the upper world, has to figure out how to be a real boy. He is also struggling with trying to remember his life before he became a changleing, a hundred years ago. Both stories are fascinating.

This book was a great surprise to me! I'd had it waiting on my shelf for over a year, not knowing what literary gold was hiding between the covers!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Potpourri Post............

I've got a few thoughts brewing around in this head of mine and it's making a big stink.. so here goes.

My mom came home yesterday!! woo hoo! Thank you all for you kind words, thoughts and prayers. She is still really weak and out of breath, but at least she is at home. I'm going over today to clean her house and cook dinner for her and dad. She is arguing about it.. but she'll get over it.

For some stupid reason, I agreed to take my old job back. I know, I know.. all I ever did was bitch about it, but I'm back to it. We need the money. I'll be back to about 35 hours a week. It's all from home for now, eventually I may be back in the office, but not now. I am upset about it, because I really wanted this to be my time. I wanted to take some classes, read, volunteer at the library and just learn to be a housewife and stay at home mom. When I work at home, the housework suffers... big time. But, now that I have bitched, I will not bitch again.(at least about this subject) I need to count my blessing that I have a job, one that I can do at home while my daughter is in school, and a very sweet boss who was more than happy to take me back.

I am starting tomorrow. I have decided to do it. Their quick routines should help me get the house in some type of order and still be able to get my work done.

I am starting a new walking workout tomorrow. My goals are basically just to walk everyday during the week. That's my first goal. Once I do that for awhile, I will start adding more miles and stuff. I need exercise!

So, that's it for now.. I don't think this blog could get anymore boring lately!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sit down... Let's have a little chat...

I know, it sounds like I just called you to the principle's office, but I swear, you're not in trouble! I just have some questions for you, my bloggy friends. I am starting to think about possibly doing reviews or posting ads.. but I'm not sure if I want to. So I have some question for those of you who do (or don't, for that matter, I want to see both sides). I used to do book reviews on an older blog, but I felt like I couldn't be honest if I really didn't like it, because they sent me the book for free, of course! And then, I felt like I was misleading my readers.

So here goes...

1. Do you make any money blogging? how do you chose which ads to run? Do you run whatever you are given?

2. Do you do reviews? If so, do you feel pressured to give a good review, even though the product sucks?

3. Do you turn down any reviews for products or do you do all that are presented?

I have no problem with any of those, by the way. I totally get it. I wish I made money at this, or at least got free stuff! I am looking into it, but I want to be honest and not sugar coat. I guess what I am saying is that I don't want my blog to turn into a job. Although I need the money!! Maybe I should start a second blog just for reviews?? I don't know. Help me out ladies!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Quick update on Mom

She's still in the hospital. I am still worried sick. Her temp is down, but they are bringing in a lung specialist.. which scares me. I don't know anything else at the moment, but I will keep you all posted!

Funny Friday!!

Did you hear a great joke this week? Found comedy gold on Youtube? Got a funny post on your blog? Add your link here and share it (and promote your blog) with the world!
My choice today is my all time favorite Looney Tunes Cartoon, The Bashful Buzzard! Show your kids how awesome cartoons used to be!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Would you Rather Wednesday- A Day Late... so what?

Yeah.. it's been that kind of week.. but I like this game, so here goes!
I post a few "would you rather" questions and you answer them. Add your link to Mr. Linky and post a Would you Rather question on your blog! They can be gross, silly, serious, thought-provoking or dirty... who cares!

Now here are my two: (and no, you cannot pick "neither")

1. Would you rather sleep in bed with a chronic snorer or a two year old kid every night?

and bonus gross out question:

2. Would you rather have sex with Donald Trump or Clay Aiken? (yup, I just went there.. deal with it.)

now it's your turn!