Thursday, April 30, 2009

ATWT - Karate Kid

Sweep The Leg!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

It's Wednesday and you know what that means! I give you questions with two possible answers, you have to pick one. You can't say "neither".. well, you can... but I will put a hex on you.. and you don't want that kind of monkey on your back.. so here goes...








(yes, he actually does have one... don't look it up... it's not good..)



Monday, April 27, 2009

Why The Internet Is Dangerous For Me...

OK, so I am going to tell you something embarrassing. I know, you're shocked. Me, embarrass myself? But this is so humiliating... really.. you have to promise not to laugh. I am talking pinkie promises here, people.

All right.. here goes. (gulp.) A few years ago, I was having an issue. A health issue. A really humiliating one. You moms out there know what I am talking about... OK, maybe you don't and I just have to say it. FINE... urgh... maybe if I say it really fast, it won't be so bad....ihadhemmorhoids.... nope. Still embarrassing.

So, of course, I panicked. I was fairly certain that I was going to die a slow and painful death, all because of my hiney. At my funeral, people would walk up to my family and ask why such a young woman was struck down in the prime of her life. And my family would have to say "Her butt... her butt just couldn't handle it. It just gave out. We were all so shocked, but she warned us. She told us this would happen." And then they would all cry and give their donations to the S.H.A.T. Organization.(Sore Hinies Are Terminal.)-Thanks V!

Anyway, because I was sure I was dealing with a life threatening health issue, I decided to search the Web for possible solutions. Those of you who know me, know this is not a good idea. I started with your basic Web MD stuff. Reading the symptoms, I realized that yes, indeed, I had them. Now, what are the cures? Um, there aren't any. What?? OK, I start to panic slightly. Surgery is sometimes required. What?? So I start to look up the possible surgeries. Not pretty stuff. There are rubber bands involved...

I looked at photos...eww. Very gory. I started to breathe a little heavier. Oh my god... I am going to have to go to the doctor for this. I am going to have to show them my butt!! My heart is beating faster. I start reading about "thrombosis"... I type in "lethal hemorrhoids" and " Death from Hemorrhoids". Oh my god.. the room is starting to spin. I stare at a picture of some one's sphincter and hold on the sides of my laptop and try to catch my breath. What if it never goes away? What if I have this for the rest of my life? What if they get so big you can see them when I wear a bathing suit? What if........

Blackness.... I open my eyes...I'm still sitting but I am slumped in my chair, my face is resting on the keyboard. I have no idea where I am. Then, I look at the screen and someone's pink and shiny rectum is starting back at me. Oh yeah. Yes, I have actually managed to pass out while researching hemorrhoids on the Internet. I slam the computer shut and make a solemn promise to eat more fiber and never search medical conditions again.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Honest Scrap Award... for me??

The beautiful and amazing Dani over at Dani's Daily Drop gave me this award last week, and as usual, I am late posting it! Sorry, Dani! And by they way, you guys really need to go check her out. She rocks!

Anywho.. the rules for the award are as follows: you must take a picture of yourself in your underwear at the end of rainbow, riding a unicorn and post it on your blog. And then list 15 recipes that include the following ingredients: liver, grape jelly, and yams. Good luck.

Ok, actually you just have to list 10 honest things about yourself, in an effort for your readers to get to know you better. That's it! No handing over of your first born child! So here goes...

1. I am highly annoying. I laugh at my own jokes. Loudly. And they usually aren't funny.

2. I told my husband that I would forgo the baby fever if he would agree to three more pugs. I was holding Dexter on my hip and feeding him Cheerio's as I said this.

3. I wish the nineties would come back in style. I know it hasn't been that long.. but we've done the whole 80's thing a million times... when are doc martens and babydoll dresses gonna come back? I can still rock that look, right? RIGHT???

4. I am panicking trying to come up with ten things.

5. I want to volunteer at our local library, but the volunteer association is run by a bunch of really old ladies and I think I pissed them off when I said I couldn't work a Saturday flea market they scheduled. Now, I am getting the cold shoulder. The moth-ball smelling, wrinkly and sun-spotted cold shoulder.

6. My dream job would be working at a bookstore..but I don't like people. Or talking to them. Or touching their dirty money. Or getting dressed in the morning. So.. that dream is lying dormant for the moment. Instead, I will just stalk the bookstores in my pj bottoms, pretending they are the newest thing in fashion, and drink coffee. Can't I just get paid for that??

7. I don't do gardening. There is dirt involved. And bugs. And effort.

8. I'm sounding kinda bitchy, aren't I? What?! NO YOU DIDN'T just call me bitchy.

9. I am addicted to the show Rescue Me. I want to cry when the episodes are over because I want them to just keep going!!

10. I am not good at making lists of interesting things about myself.

So... there... that's it. I did it. Now, I am going to pass on this award to...(Drum roll please....) Alex over at Please Try Again
! Can't wait to hear more about her!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Funny Friday!!

My Funny Friday post this week is proof that making one little change can make someting Hi.Lar.I.OUs!

Just a theme song change, and totally different story emerges..

Just a couple beeps and Sesame Street takes on whole new meaning...

And it's funny when they re-edit it too! Snakes on a Plane, TV EDIT

play along! Link to something funny on your blog! (old or new) A joke, a video, a funny post...anything! Just make us laugh!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Would You Rather??

Sorry I haven't posted much this week, my modem was down. To make it up to you, I'm posting "would you rather" slightly earlier than usual. If you're new, here's how you play. I give you a question with two possible answers, you have to pick one. You cannot say neither!(Saying neither will result in an immediate rash in your nether regions. Yes, I can do that.)
Have fun!


grow a third nipple or extra toe?


be gossiped about or never talked about at all?


find out that you made out with your long lost brother(and didn't know it?) or see your dad naked?


do the Macarena naked in front of 10 strangers or the Chicken Dance in your underwear in front of 5 people you know?


Which grown up child star would you like to give a full body sponge bath and massage to? (make sure you get all those crevices!)

Gary Coleman?

or Steve Urkel?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A meme.. 'cause I've got nothing today..

1. What is your current obsession?
I have a very obsessive personality, so there are usually a few going on.. right now, it's online scrabble, books about the civil rights movement, and shopping online for spring clothes.

2. What’s a good coffee place?
My kitchen! Actually I hate to say it, but I love Starbucks. (I know, they are taking over the world.) But, if I see an independent coffee shop, I ALWAYS stop.

3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
My pug, Dexter

4. Do you nap a lot?
Oh God, I adore napping. Every weekend I have my Sunday nap and it freaking ROCKS!

5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Crap, I don't know.. am I suppossed to plan that stuff out ahead of time??

6. What was the last thing that you bought?
People Style Magazine and a pack of Reese Peices, cause I spend my money wisely.

7. What is your favorite weather?
I love a nice snowy day. I love it when we are "snowed in" and can't go anywhere!

8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
I have no idea who will play along.. but those who don't will suffer long and painful torture. (you will be forced to watch reruns of Macgyver)

9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
Um, where I live. Duh.

10. Name three things that you could not live without.
My family, my pug, and candy.

11. What would you like in your hands right now?
Oh, I know what you want me to say, and I'm not going to say it. You filthy perverts.

12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
Rocking out to 80's songs with hubby in the car. We do some awesome choreography and there is a lot of "pass the mike" going on.

13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
I am a hypochodriac... big time.
Here is a link to emphasize that fact.

14. As a child, what type of career did you want?
I always dreamed of being a writer. I used to write stories for my parents and then for my friends as I got older. For awhile, in High School, I gave up the dream and decided to be a preschool teacher. But then I learned that I hate kids. Ok, wait. That sounded bad. I hate ugly, bratty kids. There that sounds better.

15. What are you missing right now?
Ambition.. I seem to have none lately.

16. What are you currently reading?
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

17. What do you fear the most?
That one day my daughter's stuffed animal collection will come to life and kill us all in a bloody massacre. Well that, and spiders.

18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
Hmm... it's a tie between Edward Penishands and Breast Side Story. Both cinematic masterpieces, the acting superb. Although I must say, the camera work during the love scenes was very intense.

19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
Um... don't ask me that... that's too hard. Fine, if I have to choose, this one.

20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Um, yes... all comfort foods. But especially the fatty, cheesy, greasy ones.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

#24 The Help by Kathryn Stockett

YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS BOOK! I just finished it last week and I am still thinking about it. This is the kind of book that you find yourself savoring, reading slowly trying not to get to the end. But I did get to the end, and now I have to tell you about it.

The Help
takes place in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962. It is the story of three amazing women. Skeeter is a young privileged white girl who just graduated from Ole Miss. She dreams of being a writer. She is instructed by a mentor to write about things that bother her. She quickly looks around her town and finds something. Abileen is a black maid who has raised 17 white children. She loves them as if they were her own, only to realize that one day they will treat her as badly as their parents do. Minny is Abileen's best friend. She's another maid and leaves her own children to raise someone else's. She's a saucy, mouthy woman who seems strong, but is dealing with a very serious situation at home. All three women embark on a project to tell the world about the lives of black maids in Missippi.

I am shocked that The Help is Kathryn Stockett's first novel. It is so well written. The story sucked me in immediately and held on. I was so moved by each woman's story. There were moments that I cried for them. There were other moments where I burst out laughing (Minnie is HILARIOUS!).

If you read one book this summer, let this one be it! It is amazing!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Funny Friday...

I've only got two this week, but enjoy.

I am so with this cat. I am pickin' up what she is throwing down. I've got a feeling that black cat has been talking some smack on her. Say it, Sister!

This is quite possibly, the most awesome weather man, ever.

If you've got a funny post, link up here and promote your blog! It can be a joke, a funny video, story or picture. Anything you want to start the weekend off on a high note!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ATWT - On the Road...

Drove under this the other day. Kind of sums up Girl In The Glasses, dontcha think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Would You Rather? - 80's edition #2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO

Last week's 80's edition of Would You Rather was so popular, I decided to do a super size edition. Here is how you play. I give you a question with two possible answers, you have to pick one. (no saying neither! Not fun!) I think this week will be relatively easy for most of you...

Now, Who would you rather have as your 80's boyfriend?
LLoyd Dobler

Or Jake Ryan?

Who would you rather have as your little sister?
Vicky from Small Wonder

Or Punky Brewster?

Would you rather wear Jellies?

Or La Gear?

Your parents need help around the house... who do you want as your Manny?

Or Mr. Belvedere?

Who would you rather have as your annoying and super-horny best friend?
Vinny from Doogie Howser?

Or Boner from Growing Pains?

And lastly for your Bonus Gross Out Question..
The Cold War ended are the sole female survivor.. you must repopulate the world with one man.. Who would rather make babies with?

Or Balki?

Have fun!!

Question of the Week...fictional characters!

This week's question deals with fictional characters. What fictional character mostly resembles your and your personality? It can be a cartoon, a book character, a movie character...etc. You can leave your answer in the comments section, or post on your own blog and link up here!

I would love to be able to say that I am headstrong and independent like Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. But I'm not. I wish I could say that I am brave and fearless like Lara Croft. But I'm not. I really wish I could say that I am cool and stylish like any of the girls on Sex and The City. But I'm not. Not even close. So I thought about it some and I came up with someone who very much resembles me and my life. Her name is Kaitlin.

To those of you who know me... (especially you, Hubs.) the similarities are obvious. Kaitlin is easily excitable. She talks too much. Her sense of style is a little bit off. She has huge ideas that never quite pan out. And most of all.. she talks a big talk. She acts brave and fearless... when really she is whispering in Rick's ear that she's scared. Craig is my Rick. I love you, Rick.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Patron Saint of Irritated Husbands...


My husband and I will be celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary next month. I am the first to admit that I am difficult to live with. I am shocked that he has put up with me for that long. The following are just a few examples of his miraculous patience.

** We had not been dating too long when my parents invited him over for dinner. My brother and I decided to class up the dinner with a fart machine under my chair. We waited until a silent moment and then... rip. My brother and I were laughing so hard he choked on his chicken parm and had to leave the table to puke in the bathroom. Of course, he continued to hit the fart remote while I sat and snorted like an idiot. Hubby just kind of giggled a little and turned beet red.

** The other week we were sitting in a parking lot trying to find directions to a new restaurant. I spot two birds out my window.
ME: Do birds have sex?
HIM: Yes (still typing on the GPS)
ME: I've never seen them do it.
HIM: (he sighs..) Well, the do. Maybe they're just private about it.
ME: Well, then where are their little wieners?
HIM: (slamming shut the GPS) Kel, they have wieners and they have sex... OK??
ME: Geez... well, excuse me, Mr. Know-it-all.

** We were feeding the geese at the park with our daughter. One goose dips her neck in the green water and guzzles some down.
ME: ewww! They actually drink that water?
HIM: (rolls his eyes.) No, they don't. They have bottled water shipped in (walks away, shaking his head.)

** I have this thing where if someone tells me NOT to do something, I have to do it. I don't know why. I've always been that way. One winter morning,when we were living in our first apartment, Craig went out to warm up his car. We had had an ice storm the night before. He came back in to get something to scrape the ice off his car. I offered to help. He told me not to go out there. The parking lot was covered in ice. That's where he made his mistake. A few minutes later he goes back out. I follow him, with my trusty spatula, ready to show him how it's done. I get to the front step and he says. "Kel! I said don't come out here! It's too dangerous!"

I get very snotty with him. "Don't you tell me what to do!" , and I step off the bottom step. "I wanna heeeeeeeellllllpp". And then I fall. I slide across the entire parking lot, on my ass. I make eye contact with him as I glide past. He just sighs. I finally come to a rest at the other end of the lot. I try to get up. Because I was stupid enough to put on slippers before I went out, I now find it impossible to stand up. And I have to wait there, in my nightgown, halfway across the apartment complex, for him to come help me get up. After five minutes of my whining, he comes over. He doesn't say a word, just shakes his head.

** A few years ago we were watching the Olympics on TV. I say to him. "I bet I can still do a handstand."
He looks over at me. "No. Please, don't."
Now he did it.
"Don't tell me what to do." I go to the middle of the room and do the coolest and most awesome handstand that has ever been done in the history of handstands. He doesn't say anything. "You didn't even look!" I yell at him.

"Yes, I did. It was cool. You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself. Now, could you move?" He looks past me to the TV.

Oh, no he didn't. I put my hands on my hips. "No! You didn't look! Watch!!" And this time I do another super-cool, spectacular handstand.. except this time, I fall over backwards and break my toe. To this day, I look at my crooked second toe and blame him.

** When I was pregnant I told him I was dead set against getting an epidural.
HIM: Why don't you want an epidural? It's gonna hurt, Kel."
ME: I'm not gettin' one. I don't want my legs all numb.
HIM: What? Why not?
Me: Because! What if I need my legs?
HIM: For what?
ME: I don't know!! What if I something happens and I need to run out of there or something??
HIM: (sighs and shakes his head, again.) Kel, where do you think you are going to need to go so badly when there is a baby hanging out of you?
ME: I don't know... but I sure won't be able to get there with jelly legs, will I?
HIM: Point taken.

So, there you have it. Just a few reasons that my husband should be appointed to sainthood. The fact that he hasn't killed me yet is unbelievable.

**I swear, I am not stupid, I just have no filter. I say what I am thinking, and usually it makes no sense.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hot Seat Question #3

Welcome to the Hot Seat! Each week, I give you a situation to ponder. Some will be silly (this is me, afterall). Some will be serious. Some will be though-provoking (but not many... I mean come on. You know I can only go so deep). I am going to give you several possible responses and you can choose one, or of course, leave your own. It's just a fun little social experiment and a way for us all to get to know each other.

Now, here is your third scenario:

You and your 13 year old daughter are attending the high school football game. You notice a large group of girls harrassing another girl in the stands. They are calling her names, pushing her and pulling her hair. The abused girl is just hanging her head in shame. You want to say something. Your daughter begs you not to. She says the mean girls will just turn their attention on her from now on. You want to step in and help the poor girl, but how can you throw your own child into the line of fire?

What do you do?

a. Stand up, cup your hands around your mouth and scream, "Hey you little witches! Leave that girl alone and go back to lookin' skanky over by the boy's locker room where you belong."

b. Look around you and ask that someone else steps in . It's not your problem, but you do feel for the girl. You're not about to make your child a target. Maybe someone else will do it for you.

c. Approach the young girl being tormented and ask if she wants to sit with you and your daughter. Mean girls be damned.. you will teach your child to be compassionate.

d. Everyone gets picked on some time in their lives. It's a rite of passage. It will toughen the girl up in the long run.


Hot Seat Question #2 Results..

Many of you have emailed me to see if I would post the results of this week's hot seat, I'm giving them to you from now on!

Here is this past week's question..
Hot Seat Question #2

Some people gave their own response.. which I enjoy very much. Most gave their choices and explained why they would respond that way.

14 people said they would do A. - nothing.
10 people chose B
4 people chose c

I went with everyone's first response in tallying the votes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Funny Friday!!

Got something funny to share this week? add your link to Mr. Linky at the bottom! Promote your blog and have fun doing it.

This week, I've got commercials.. my fave is the second one...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

TWT - Wonder where she gets it from??

This kid cannot pose for a serious picture... I wonder where she gets it from?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday- 80's edition (posted a little early.)

Welcome to an 80's edition of Would You Rather Wednesday. I give you a question with 2 possible answers.. you have to pick one. You can't say "neither"... not cool.

Here ya go!

Would you rather be a Goonie?

or member of The Breakfast Club?

Eat Pop Rocks and Soda

Or a McRib?

Time For Your Glamour Shots Makeover!! Which makeover would you rather pick?
The 80's ponytail..for the sporty gals..

Or the "mysterious femme fatale"

Bonus Gross Out: Would you want to get your "total mack-on" with...
Booger from Revenge of the Nerds?

Or the totally tubular dad from ALF?

Like, gag me with a spoon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hot Seat Question, Episode #2

Welcome to the Hot Seat! Each week, I give you a situation to ponder. Some will be silly (this is me, afterall). Some will be serious. Some will be though-provoking (but not many... I mean come on. You know I can only go so deep). I am going to give you several possible responses and you can choose one, or of course, leave your own. It's just a fun little social experiment and a way for us all to get to know each other.

Here is your second scenario:

You are in the parking lot of Toys-r-us. You see (and hear) a woman leaving the store. She has a child, around three years old, with her. The child is screaming bloody murder, dragging her feet and yelling "NO! NO!" The woman looks stressed. You assume the child is just having a temper tantrum. But then, a thought crosses your mind. What if you are witnessing an abduction? Do you risk possible embarrasment and anger and approach the woman? Or is it just another spoiled kid showing his temper?
What do you do?

a. Nothing. It's a Toys-r-us for God's sake. Every child comes out of there kicking and screaming.
b. Approach the woman and ask her if she needs help... and face a possible angry mother.
c. Ask the child, "Is this your momma? are you giving her a hard time?"
d. Call the police and give them the license plate number... better safe than sorry.

Leave your answer in the comments section and feel free to elaborate.

If you want to answer the first hot seat question also, go here:
Hot Seat Episode #1

It's time to Hunkercize...

Enjoy ladies... and I know you will...


I did not post this based on it's awesomeness alone... I am going to start exercising.. (hey..stop laughing..STOP!)I'm not worried about pounds but I need to get moving. My job has made me lazy. And I eat like crap. I drink coffee all day, then get shaky around three.. eat something bad and then start dinner at 5. Not healthy. So I planned out some healthy meals this week and I am going to start working out again. Blah...

But I hate exercise. I don't like to be all sweaty and out of breath.. so if you could recommend something that didn't involve those two things, that would be great. Oh, and if you could go ahead and do it for me, that would be even better.

Friday, April 3, 2009

For The Love of Chickens..

My daughter Roslyn has always loved animals. She also has a flair for the dramatic. One day when she was four and half years old we saw what happens when these two traits collide.

It was a rainy November afternoon. Ros was watching tv and enjoying some lunch, when a commercial about "cooking your Thanksgiving turkey" came on the screen. She giggled a little and said, "That's so funny that they call it turkey. People don't eat real turkeys."

I laughed too. "Of course they do! People eat animals all the time."

She shrugged a little. "Well, I'm glad we don't, mommy. We would never eat an animal."

I watch as she dips her CHICKEN nugget into some sauce and gobbles away. Crap. Do I tell her? I mean she's almost 5. It's time she knew the truth. I take a deep breath and say, "Um, honey. We do eat animals. You're eating chicken nuggets. They are made out of chickens."

She drops the nugget. Clunk. "What?" She stares at her plate. Her mouth is hanging open. Big tears are starting to form and I think, "Shit.. here we go." She jumps up and does the drama queen run to her bedroom. (you know the one.. arms flailing, legs stomping, but the nose is still way up in the air.) "How could you make me eat poor little chickens?!". She slams her door.

I consider for a moment going in there. But decide to let her have some time. Good thing, because a second later she opens the door. She gives me the death stare to end all death stares and marches past me to her toy boxes in the front room. She digs around like crazy, finds what she is looking for and marches back to her room, wailing in agony the whole time. This time she forgets to dramatically slam the door and leaves it open a little. I can see that the thing she had been searching for was her stuffed turkey. (I am seriously trying not laugh at this point. I mean, come on...) She then dives under her blankets with her stuffed turkey. I can hear her mumbling something in between sobs. I sneak a little closer.

"I'm so sorry that I have been eating you guys. I didn't know. She didn't tell me." Again, more wailing and then, " I know.. I think she's a mean lady, too."

Oh for the love of God. Again, I decide to let her ride it out a little. About ten minutes later she comes out of the bedroom. I am thinking it's over. She drops to the ground in front of our dogs. "I am sorry. I didn't want to eat your friends!" The dogs are wide eyed in terror. What's with this kid?

I laugh a little. "Honey, we don't eat dogs."

She buries her face in the dog's side. "Well, what do you think Hot Dogs are then, huh??" The wailing continues.

Finally I get her calmed down. I explain to her how some animals eat other animals. I tell her that if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. Some people are vegetarians. And at this point I am thinking she definitly will become one. I would be more than happy to support that.

"What do they eat?" she asked, her face so filled with hope.

"Well, they eat vegtables." I tell her.

Her face falls and her nose immediatly wrinkles up."But I don't like vegtables." she says.

She looks at me for a few seconds and then glances at the nuggets still sitting on her plate. I can almost hear the wheels in her little head spinning. Suddenly, as if someone has flicked a switch, she says. "Nah. I'm just gonna eat the chickens."
It's over.

And..... end scene.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

200 posts... oh my!!

Can you believe I have hit 200 posts?? And some of you have been here since the beginning! For those of you who haven't.. I'm going to link some blog posts that kind of sum up who I am. Here goes:

Why I'm Not a Nurse

Abc's of Me

The Tank

The Book I Wrote

My first baby

The Whole Baby Thing

My last "celebration" post (with more links..)

There is a few... those are the basics of me. Prepare to be fascinated.
Post a link to one of your favorite posts from your blog in the comments section if you want! I've got alot of new followers to get to know!

A Thousand Word Thursday..

Welcome to the Pug Cave!(aka my blankets) This is where we find Dexter every morning.. and he stays most of the day...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#23 The Condition by Jennifer Haigh


Jennifer Haigh is fantastic at telling a "real" story. Her characters are so well developed and true to life that it's hard to believe that they really don't exist out there somewhere. Her plots are intriguing but also believable. The Condition is a shining example of her ability to tell the story of a family and all of it's idiosyncrasies.

The Condition is about a dysfunctional family living in Massachusetts. The father is a scientist, who barely has time for his kids until late in life. And of course, by then, they want nothing to do with him. The mother is a control freak and a nag. The kids all have their own issues. One son is hiding a secret from his parents. The other is dealing with issues with his own wife and children. The daughter, Gwen, suffers from Turner Syndrome, which has left her the height of a 12 year old for the remainder of her life. I found their struggles to be very intriguing. The story is tied up nicely at the end, but not too nicely. (which I can't stand..) All in all , a great book.

Again, I know this review sucks, but I am so backed up right now, it's ridiculous.

So, what are you reading??

#22 The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb

Wally Lamb can't write a bad book. It's impossible. He is too talented of a writer. The Hour I First Believed was a good book, but... there is a always a but...

The book was just jam packed. I love an adventerous plot, but my God.. there was just so much going on. The story is basically about the aftershocks that a traumatic event can cause. In this case, the traumatic event was The Columbine shootings. The main character, Caleum, is married to a school nurse who witnesses the violence. She quickly falls into a world of depression, anxiety and drug abuse. Caelum is left fighting to help his wife and save their marriage. At the same time, he is also dealing with the death of the aunt who raised him and trying to piece together his family history. Along with this are the stories of people who are affected by Caleum and his wife. It's alot to swallow all at once.

That said, it was good. But before you dive into this book, be prepared for the long haul.And it is a haul, both physically(it's big!) and emotionally. But as with Lamb's other books, the work is worth it in the end.

Would You Rather Wednesday..

I've got a few new followers, so I'll explain the rules. I give you a few questions with two possible answers. You have to pick one, no matter how painful. And yes, we have had bloggers who say "I can't choose"... and well, may they rest in peace.

Time to play!

Would you rather:

1. Have a daughter who is a tomboy or a son who is considered feminine by others?

2. Throw up in your mouth or shart your pants daily? (courtesy of my hubs... thanks Hubby!)

3. Have 12 hours hours of uninterrupted sleep or two hours of wild sex with your significant other? (it was 4 hours. I changed it to two.. )

4. Be color blind or lose all sense of taste?

Bonus Gross Out Question - Children's Tv Edtion. (yeah, I'm gonna go there..)

Would you like to Yo Grabba Grabba some of this man meat from Yo Gabba Gabba?

Or have a little hanky panky with Pee Wee in his playhouse?

I don't know.. he doesn't seem that into it....